Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Hmm... I think that there should be different car shops around Simulation Mode in GT5. It'd be cool to have a shop that only sells Nissan vehicles, and another one that only sells K-cars (Those 63bhp tiny cars). I think it'll add a small amount of realism in GT5.
I'd like to see AI that changes their driving style to yours and does more than just brake (if you're lucky in GT4, sometimes they'll just hit you and race on as if nothing happend) to avoid you. A quality race-craft sim that can develop battles that last laps between you and the AI as they learn more about your style or "moves" and adjusts. THAT would be excellent. Maybe I'm dreaming but if they can do that I would have to say if they change nothing else I'd call GT5 the best game in the world...

Dont know if this has already been said before but I think it would be pretty cool if each car had a different guage cluster, like different colors and and sizes.
While on that note, why not make them light up for "night" races

Do you mean, like, the gauge designs that the real-world cars have? I've always felt that including that feature would be an easy half-assed solution to the no-inside-view problem.
Gday from Down Under,

would like to see incar view changed to something very similar to the incar view from project gotham exact replica of the inside of every individual car....but without the annoying steering wheel and hands shuffling about(cause if im playing with Driving force pro I can already see my own hands and wheel!!)....if need be show this only in analog controller mode.
Also when in-car view my focus should be through the windscreen so I shouldn't be seeing the gauges that clearly???..if I want to see the gauges I should have to arrow down during the race to read the instruments(and arrow right/left to view cars around me)...I also find you sit very low in other games in-car veiws.
I use the bonnet/hood view at the moment as I like to see a bit of the car Im driving and sometimes alternate this to the whole car view but my only thing with an in-car view is I hope PD doesnt make it pitch from side to side too hard (limiting view) to replicate the body roll of the car.

what do u guys suggest

ps must include all Aussie muscle cars (1967-present day) in GT5
i want a lot of car on the track, like in the GT5 preview maybe 15 or 20 car and i want a better AI because when you take the inside of a corner in GT4, the stupide AI came push you out because the race line for him is predefined
They need a radio, what I mean is like the team crew in the pit lane can talk to you via radio.

And those girls that hold thing saying the driver and starting position on.
I'd also like to see the ability to repaint your car. That alone would make things more interesting. Also, I'd like to see the racing conversion for cars made available once again.

Some more examples:

Engine failure will depend on the Manufactures engines strengths and weaknesses.

Endurance racing: various levels of tune for long periods of time could cause engine failure.

Visual & sound effects: should include an oil trial, white smoke out of the exhaust, followed by a loud bang while coasting to a stop engine would make crackling noises such as a valve hitting a piston.

Gauge Display: should include an Engine light icon. It would pop up with a reasonable amount of time to let you know your engine isn't healthy.

This should be incorporated with the Damage Display as well.
This won't happen, but it's cool to think of it.

You choose a country (Lets Say England) ,then a road (Lets Say The A1).
Then you pick a section of that road and race on it.

It's something I'd like to see on GT5, but I know it won't happen.
I'd like to be able to put sparkers in my tailpipes. I want to be able to shoot flames from my pipes on demand, it'd be great for waiting for the race to start while your revving the engine.
If you have an aftermarket computer, you should be able to set your rev limiter, and wheather or not it is a soft limiter (not quite like GT4's limiter) or a hard limiter (GT4's). Of course, if you rev too high for too long, you get the engine failure! ALSO! If you are bouncing off of your rev limiter, and you have a "racing" exhaust (IE: no cat), you should be shooting flames, much like this neon:


It would also be good if we could drive between the garage and the race ( I know, NFSU2 ) but jeez, I think it'd be interesting if you fudge your car up too much before you get too race.
I'm sure all of these things have probably been said already:

-I want detailed visual damage as much as the next guy, but if it causes a significant sacrifice in the number of cars in the game or means the game will take significantly longer to develop, then forget it. Instead, I'd like to see a detailed "non-visible" damage system in which scrapes and collisions with other cars and solid objects affect the car's performance. The effects would be "smart" (i.e., if a player lightly backs the car into the wall at the Test Course, it would have less of an effect than if the player hit the nose of the car against the pit wall with the same force). There should be several different types of damages as well, from transmission failures, engine failures, suspension failures, aerodynamic effects, tire blow-outs, etc. Smashing the car against other objects should not only affect the straight-line speed, but the actual handling of the car as well (i.e., if a player hits the left front of the car against the wall too severely, it should throw the camber/toe setting out of whack). During pit stops the player should be able to make repairs, but the car should still suffer from handling/aerodynamic woes.

-Make money harder to come by.
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After each race, the player is billed for any repairs that they did during the race, plus a fee for returning the car to "like-new" condition. The extensiveness of the repairs determines how much the repairs cost. Rare cars, special edition cars, classic/historic cars, expensive cars, and racecars should cost more to repair than normal, everyday street cars. After a single race, a player must pay any damage fees in full. If they don't have the necessary funds, they should be outlawed from buying any cars, parts, or modifications until they come up with the necessary funds. Any race purses they win during this time shall go towards paying off their repair bills. After a championship race, a player is given a repair bill notifying them of money they need to pay for repairs made during the previous race. Once at the end of the championship, the player must come up with the necessary funds to pay off any remaining damage fees they have.
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Rarely award prize cars. One of the biggest flaws about the GT series is that there is no real strategy involved, relegating the game to a mere car-collecting spree that gets tiresome quickly. By awarding less prize cars, money is harder to come by, and players would develop a sense of "connection" with their cars and not kick them to the side after only a race or two. I say that the only prize cars that should be awarded are cars that can't be bought from the dealership. So if there is a $2 million race car in the Nissan dealership, the only way to obtain it is to buy it. Better be smart with your money. Also, PD should institute entrance fees for several races, especially the more difficult races.

-Instead of giving out only prize cars as awards for winning races and championsips, different awards shall also be won, such as a free turbo kit or a free entry into an event that has an entrance fee.

-In addition to damage, parts should wear out over time. The more miles that are put on a car, the more its parts should wear down. Worn down parts affect the performance of the car. These parts may be "refreshed" for a fee (the fee amount varies, depending on the part and the car it is equipped to), but after many, many miles, certain parts will inevitably fail and will need to be replaced altogether. Individual parts, such as mufflers and turbo kits, should be able to be sold, and they shall also be available for purchase at junkyards/discount shops. Parts bought here shall often be worn down and not as effective as brand new parts, but should be cheaper.

-Ability to test drive any car that the player is able to buy immediately (i.e., the player has enough money to buy the car right away) on any track. This includes brand new cars as well as used cars. I don't understand why this hasn't been in the GT series after all these years. This would cut down on all the resets and allow players to be able to test a car before they go spending wads of cash on it, just like in real life. All street cars bought from new car dealerships should come equipped with simulation tires, not sports tires. All other compound tires must be bought from the tuner shop or won as a prize in an event.

-Custom soundtracks is a must. Take it a step further and let players customize exactly which songs and the exact order of the songs they want to hear during in-game play, replay, and menu browsing. For instance, a player could choose to have one soundtrack to listen to while they are racing, a separate soundtrack that plays during replays, and another soundtrack that plays while the player is in menus. If the players wish, they should be able to choose just one soundtrack for all areas of the game, during which all songs on the soundtrack are played consecutively without interruption. In addition to being a great idea and giving players more customization and freedom to listen to what they want to listen to, it would also save PD money in that they wouldn't have to put as much focus on obtaining licenses to use artists' music.

-Ability to paint ANY and EVERY car, including racecars, special edition cars, etc. This would save players so much hassle when trying to obtain used cars and prize cars in specific colors, not to mention be able to paint cars bought from the dealership different colors than the ones offered in the dealership. Include a palette of about 50 colors, but also have a tool that lets the player mix and customize any color they want to to get that perfect color. Players should be able to place the paint on any and every part of the car body (not just paint the whole car one color). Cars should be allowed to be painted in several different styles of paint, from metallic, fluorescent, pearl, gloss, chameleon, etc.

-Better selection of wheels. The vast majority of the wheels, save for a few, in every GT game have sucked. Players should be able to choose tires with larger wheelbases than the stock wheelbase for their car, and they should be able to buy rims that are bigger than the stock wheels. Personally, it looks stupid to me to see a big car like a Plymouth Superbird on such a small wheelbase. Players should also have the option to have their wheels stick out from the sides further than stock, which would affect handling.

-Some used cars should come pre-equipped with modifications, including performance upgrades, paints, and wheels. Also, some cars should appear in the used car lot beaten up and needing repairs and parts replaced.

-Resale value should be dependent on how many miles the car has and what modifications have been done to it. Obviously, more expensive modifications should raise the resale value, and resale value should gradually diminish as more and more miles are put on the car. Cars should not immediately lose 3/4 of their value when bought off the lot. Instead, the resale value should only diminish a little bit. When you sell your car, it should go into the used car list and remain there until the next cycle of cars comes in.

-Improve the physics of the game. When doing a burnout in a powerful car from a standstill, the car should swing in a direction, rather than go perfectly straight. Likewise, when a player slams on the brakes, the wheels should lock up and the player should lose control of the car. This definitely would make it more difficult to drive the car, but would be alot more realistic. Cars should spin when clipped, either by another car or by another object. If it is determined that a player has caused several wrecks intentionally, they shall be penalized (while ppl should be penalized when they wreck someone on purpose, some lee-way has to be given because the game could determine a wreck to be done intentionally when it was an accident).

-Before the green flag flies to signal the start of the race, each player shall control his or her own car. In races with rolling starts, the player would pace the car on his/her own instead of it being controlled by the computer. If they pass any other cars and don't give the position(s) back before the green flag flies, they shall be penalized. In races with standing, on the grid starts, a player shall be penalized if he/she moves his/her car before the green flag waves. This would make timing more crucial at the start of races and, coupled with the aforementioned physics upgrades, would make getting off the line to start a race an art rather than a mundane task.

-Players should control their car while driving down pit road. They must obey the speed limit, else be penalized. Players should have a crew chief and during the race they should be able to tell their crew chief what adjustments to make to the car when they pit, including an exact amount of fuel to put into the car. The amount of adjustments and the extent of the adjustments should be limited. Players should also have the option to have their car repaired either fully, partially, or not at all while in the pits. Players should be able to specify which part(s) of the car they wish to repair, and shall be able to choose the extent of the repairs they will make on each section. No matter how much repairs and the extent of those repairs are done during the race, the car shall never return to pristine condition for that race.

-When there has been a small, isolated wreck, a "sectional" caution shall go into effect. During that sectional caution, drivers will be warned by their crew chief of danger at a particular part of the track. Though players can still drive through these sections at full speed, they must not pass anyone until the caution has been lifted. If a more serious wreck has taken place, a full course caution will go into effect and the field will pace at a limited speed behind a pace car for a lap or two. During this caution period, players are free to enter the pits and make repairs or adjustments to their cars. Players should not pass other cars during these caution periods, else they will be penalized. The caution rule shall not be in effect in every event.

-Bring back the Event Simulator from GT2, but extend upon it to allow full customization of everything. This should be available only when a player completes the game 100%, and it should be included in the arcade mode part of the game. Players would select every controllable aspect of a race, including the exact cars entered in the race, the exact modifications each car has, the number of cars entered, the track conditions, the number of laps, damage controls, caution controls, tire wear, and the difficulty of the AI. Can be done with one or two players.
-The ability to TRADE cars from one Memory Card to another. I'm so tired of the game manuals saying you can trade or buy the cars...yeah, trade for money. It would be nice to make a copy of your file, buy crappy cars, and trade the crappy cars for some of your nicer, and more expensive cars that you don't feel like wasting precioous, precious money on.

-In B-Spec mode, I would like there to be more racing speeds than 3x. I'd like the speed to go up to 10x, but you can switch to live view mode with the high speeds still enabled to see the cars whizz by at lightning fast speeds.
With 10x speeds, you can get the endurance races done easily.

-Realistic Pit crew!
In Gran Turismo mode (simulation mode, story mode) I would like for you to see the pit crew working on all the cars other than yourself. In 2 player arcade mode, you dont even see the pit crew work, the car raises and the fuel is magically refilled along with the wheels.

-Last thing I want to see in GT5, No more auto-drive in the pits. If you want the most realistic expenience in a driving simulator, then DO NOT add any sort of Auto-Drive feature to the game. If you are going too fast in the pits, then you should be fined, have a penalty, and if it happens more than once, you cannot get first place.
Engine failure will depend on the Manufactures engines strengths and weaknesses.
While a good idea, it'd never happen. There is no way the manufacturers would agree to let their cars have engine failures more often than other manufacturers. Even if PD could do this without the manufacturers' permission, it would be very biased.

For a start the hardtop cars could have drivers in.

Sorry if it's been said but I was'nt prepared to look through 60 pagesof posts.
I think its time to revamp the sound in GT. The current engine sounds are suitable for standard or mildly modified cars , but the race cars need to get dirty.
I'm talking raw , ear splitting , backfiring , brake rotor squealing ...... what a car with no carpet / interior / sound deadening sounds like. The exhaust resonating through the body shell........ gravel hitting the floorpan when the car goes off the track. The wind and road noise in the current game is great , keep it , but when I get in a race car , I want to get rattled out of my seat ! :nervous: :scared: Watching the Hans Stuck BMW video at the Ring got me thinking about this.

Also in the replays , as a car goes past the camera and into the distance , the engine noise should sustain , resonate and waver in the breeze like in real life. You should be able to still hear a car going up through the gears when it is almost beyond sight on a long straight. Also some of the V8's sound terrible with a race exhaust , thats so wrong !

The game looks great , lets have it sound great too ! :)
Also it would be quite a laugh to have the racing vinals that were included in gt2. oh and the ability to download your own music from a usb flash memory because you can get very bored of franz ferdinand- Micheal(i dont even like that song) and other songs.
I think its time to revamp the sound in GT. The current engine sounds are suitable for standard or mildly modified cars , but the race cars need to get dirty.
I'm talking raw , ear splitting , backfiring , brake rotor squealing ...... what a car with no carpet / interior / sound deadening sounds like. The exhaust resonating through the body shell........ gravel hitting the floorpan when the car goes off the track. The wind and road noise in the current game is great , keep it , but when I get in a race car , I want to get rattled out of my seat ! :nervous: :scared: Watching the Hans Stuck BMW video at the Ring got me thinking about this.

Also in the replays , as a car goes past the camera and into the distance , the engine noise should sustain , resonate and waver in the breeze like in real life. You should be able to still hear a car going up through the gears when it is almost beyond sight on a long straight. Also some of the V8's sound terrible with a race exhaust , thats so wrong !

The game looks great , lets have it sound great too ! :)

I second that, (unless its been said already). A neon SRT-4 with an open 3" exhaust does not sound like it does in the video game.
I'd like some more Driving views. The three views in GT4 are not realistic. I'd like a view from inside the cocpit of the car. You know, so you see the stuff you'd see in a real car but if you'd see the steeringwheel it would be annoying because if you have a steeringwheel to control the game with you don't want to see one more in the game.
I am a realityfreak and something in the game that really is annoying is the gearshifting in the racecars which in reality changes gear in about a few thousands of a second. Take the supertouringcars and the 24H Le Mans cars for example. They shange gear like any ordenary roadcar in the game. If it was more real the gearshifting would be much faster. In reality they don't even let of the thottle. they just floor it and forces in the next gear.
I want to see D1 and or Formula D Event's in the Game along with Real looking as can be Drifting. Plus Drift Optional Drift License's and Drift Practice
Course's to learn on then you can go out to Event's with Tandom Battle's. I would like to see this all in Sim Mode.

Damage real looking Damage is I think a must

More Car's In Racing Event's

Skid Mark's More Smoke

Safe Wall's

Weather Rain, Sleet, Snow, Ice,

AI Damage With Big Car Wreck's

Green, White, Checker, Yellow, Red, Cross, Flag's
1. Be able to flip the car. (Sorry Peter Dumbrick)

2. Bring back the 1998 Toyota GT-One.

3. Have a team radio.

4. I know this has been mentioned many times before, but more cars on the track at a time would be great.

5. Maybe have some older versions of Circuit de la Sarthe? It would be fitting for older Le Mans cars.
Since I like post-race statistics, I thought about this idea:

After any random race, you get to look at the Post-Race Information.

Positions: You'll know what position everyone finished in. You'll also see the amount of time (or laps, depending on the type of race) it took for everyone to finish the race. If one or more cars did not finish, did not start, or get disqualified, you'll know (DNF, DNS, and DSQ) and a reason why.(Accident, engine, etc.)

Lap-By-Lap Telemetry: You'll see a chart with all your laps. (Or some, if you retired.) You can see the state of your tires after each lap, the state of your car (damage), your car position at the end of the lap, and of course, your lap times. You can see other drivers' seperate charts. The lap charts are sortable, by best laps, damage, etc. You can also see (by position) who made the fastest laps and pit stops.

Interactive Replay: Just like GT4's replay, but with fast-fowarding, slo-mo, close-ups, and other camera angles that you would see in real-life racing. (That way, I can see if that car actually spun me out!) Also, like GT4's Photo Mode, I want to save replays to a USB Flash (or PSP), and use it for computer purposes (like, send it to GTPlanet :D.)

Car Comparison: If you thought a car did better you can see how. You choose two cars, and the lap that they were on. Then, you only see two 'ghost' cars. You can see who had the better racing line, etc.

Also, I'd like to save any of these results, into a USB flash, to bring to a computer. I think this'll help in perfecting your skills in a racetrack. 👍
Since I like post-race statistics, I thought about this idea:

After any random race, you get to look at the Post-Race Information.

Positions: You'll know what position everyone finished in. You'll also see the amount of time (or laps, depending on the type of race) it took for everyone to finish the race. If one or more cars did not finish, did not start, or get disqualified, you'll know (DNF, DNS, and DSQ) and a reason why.(Accident, engine, etc.)

Lap-By-Lap Telemetry: You'll see a chart with all your laps. (Or some, if you retired.) You can see the state of your tires after each lap, the state of your car (damage), your car position at the end of the lap, and of course, your lap times. You can see other drivers' seperate charts. The lap charts are sortable, by best laps, damage, etc. You can also see (by position) who made the fastest laps and pit stops.

Interactive Replay: Just like GT4's replay, but with fast-fowarding, slo-mo, close-ups, and other camera angles that you would see in real-life racing. (That way, I can see if that car actually spun me out!) Also, like GT4's Photo Mode, I want to save replays to a USB Flash (or PSP), and use it for computer purposes (like, send it to GTPlanet :D.)

Car Comparison: If you thought a car did better you can see how. You choose two cars, and the lap that they were on. Then, you only see two 'ghost' cars. You can see who had the better racing line, etc.

Also, I'd like to save any of these results, into a USB flash, to bring to a computer. I think this'll help in perfecting your skills in a racetrack. 👍
Good ideas, I don't think those have been said before. I especially like the part about the car comparison. That would let drivers be able to compare their racing line directly with the racing line of another car and see where they are losing/gaining time.
Well, the only glaring detail that has been seldom mentioned is something needs to be done about drag racing. While I want it to stick around, I would like it to be against other racers whether it will be with another person or CPU. Make it so that it can be another thing we need to accomplish 100%. Or at least something that will make it worthwhile, because while they did try in GT2, it didn't go so well because it never made it to the final product.