I second and third the idea to improve on the sounds. I'm happy with GT4 as it is, just at least bring the visual and audio treatment up to par with more recent driving sims such as GTLegends, Rfactor, Forza and especially PGR3, ill be damned if GT5 doesn't sound better than PGR3, in my book, it would be a marketing failuire. The sound of air rushing into the Individual Throttle Body Air Horns should sound the way it does, not a nest of bumble bees being attacked by a Singer Sewing Machine. I've been driving highly tuned NA and Forced Induction racecars and street cars as a (expensive) hobby for the past 5 years, and the only thing more satisfying than pulling 1.04 lateral g's on street tires is the sound of the engine, gearbox, clutch and chassis working in unison to get me at that orgasmic point of driving bliss.
my 2 bucks.
my 2 bucks.