Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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I second and third the idea to improve on the sounds. I'm happy with GT4 as it is, just at least bring the visual and audio treatment up to par with more recent driving sims such as GTLegends, Rfactor, Forza and especially PGR3, ill be damned if GT5 doesn't sound better than PGR3, in my book, it would be a marketing failuire. The sound of air rushing into the Individual Throttle Body Air Horns should sound the way it does, not a nest of bumble bees being attacked by a Singer Sewing Machine. I've been driving highly tuned NA and Forced Induction racecars and street cars as a (expensive) hobby for the past 5 years, and the only thing more satisfying than pulling 1.04 lateral g's on street tires is the sound of the engine, gearbox, clutch and chassis working in unison to get me at that orgasmic point of driving bliss.

my 2 bucks. :P
i want the game have a storie not big but realist like if you are a new racer and you start to make your proof. And in GT4 the good car are too easy to win, after one race you can have a cadillac cien and win a lot of race easily
I would like to see a car-save feature! Say if you made an awesome Skyline in GT Mode, with all the mods and black rims,or something. You could go into the garage, select "Save Car", choose whether you want to create a new "company" or add the car to an existing one. Then, when you have made the icon (using a system seen in Cool Boarders 2), and made a name for the car and the company (say, Hypertune Nissan Syline R33 Osmosis, or something like that), select save. You can now get this wonderful car you have created into Arcade mode! Polyphony, I'm waiting by my phone.:dopey:
How about an actual in Car view and I have seen alot of people here have
said and me included that we want Rain, Snow Fall, and other weather
affects in GT5 I would like to be able to Turn On The Wipers and Head Lights.

Also what about the option of in car tuning like the Break Bias
You'd need a huge pad to include all that, but you could have it so it's automatic lights and wipers etc and altering certain car settings on the fly, but if you have the keyboard then you could assign keys for them to that. But all in all, I'd like to see an option for that at least. And an incar view, definitely.
East's post #950 mentioned removal of the Invisible Barrier via an explorer mode. I had the same thought, but for a different reason, though I would like to be able to explore free-form, similar to the Grand Theft Auto world.

I'd like to have a toggle for the Invisible fence as well, but I would like it for the case where you can fly off the course. It would add to the challenge of staying in control, as you would automatically lose (or get a huge time penalty) if you went off the edge at the Grand Canyon, for example.

Some places would allow for recovery and wouldn't interrupt your driving control, but cases where no possible return to the track were possible could simply show your car flying to its doom, for example.

I really like your free form of driving I think thats cool and would be fun. I
was also thinking about adding to your grand theft auto idea what about
being able to get in and out of the as the driver.

what do you all think of that
I'd rather leave that to Grand theft auto and Driver tbh, Gran Turismo is ot that kind of game, by the time you've modded your cars fully none of them are road legal, and a lot arn't road legal in the first place. Personally I think a feature like that is going in the wrong direction for the series. I would absolutely love, and I do mean love PD if they somehow managed to include the full Isle of Man course, on the PS3 it should be possible but it'd take a lot of effort to accurately replicate.
What I want to have in GT5? Well there are a few points:

* Bring back racing modification, if possible with two options. (Just remember the orange racing RT10 back in GT2:sly: )
* A little bit more realistic crashes with rollovers but without any damage
* The 180SX Dragster! Man, it was so much fun to get that wonderful piece of speed with 450km/h around the test course. The Skyline Dragster would be nice too. Iam missing the two monsters.:nervous:
Just imagine to get that thing at the de la sarthe mulsanne straight.:dopey:
* A ''Free like the Wind'' race with fully tuned none-racing production cars only!
* A fun racing hall with hill climb and some street course (Like amalfi coast), and of course a rally street course and special stages.
* Full pit stop animations for every car.

I think the bodykit thing would be too much work for PD, I mean modelling for 700 cars bodykits....:ill:
I've always wanted to see randomized license plates for all the cars, to make them feel more real, more like it's a car that has been bought and is now actually yours, as well as the ability to do custom plates if desired. Another good addition would be the ability to give any car white-on-black or black-on-white number plates, that could be changed for individual races, or even the soapstick numbers written in the windows for the more amatuer races, like in the Beginner Hall and such.
chrishardcore1, though it might be interesting to be able to interact an avatar with the GT world, I'd tend to agree with live4speed that it might be a little much (though a couple gameshark/ARMax/CodeBreaker hacks that let you find a couple spots in game where it was allowed to do some insane stuff Ex. walk your driver off a cliff...or stop his car and walk into traffic just for novelty might add amusement to the game :sly: )

I would like the invisible fence to be lifted at some level, though. It would be nice if you could be sent down one of the alleys/side-streets after a wicked nudge rather than bounce off an invisible choice of course--disabling the "invisible fence" option.

I think the invisible fence has a place in game for those that don't want to deal with flying off a cliff, but I would like the added risk/realism that would be given if the fence could be removed.
How about you don't have to save replays to take pictures. . . .

Tak121 - Don't triple post please, use the edit button :)
I was thinking about 'Online GT5' stuff...

Your Profile: You have your username (ex. jsmith56), and your driver name (ex. John Smith). You'll also see your stats, which includes Wins, Seconds, and Third places (How many.). Also, your stats include Poles, DNFs, fastest laps, and the amount of races you participated in. You can choose your favorite car and favorite racetrack, which increase your chances of winning slightly when you race in the track, or use your favorite car.

Custom Races: You can choose the racetrack to race in, the number of laps, how many people car participate (2-24 people), The type of cars eligible to race in your race (ex. V8 engines only.), weather conditions, and other good stuff you can think of. You can name your race (ex. V8 Grand Prix)
and make a small comment on your race. (ex. No n00bs allowed!) Qualifing/Practicing can be enabled at your desire.

Car Sale: You put a car of your choice (ex. Ford Mustang GT) at a price, and give it a description (ex. Custom rims, with sweet body kit!!). Since you are trying to sell a Ford, it'll go to the 'GT5 Ford Online Store'. If one lucky customer buys your car(s), a message notifies you that someone bought your car, and you gain your credits.

That's all I can think of...
I was thinking about 'Online GT5' stuff...

Your Profile: You have your username (ex. jsmith56), and your driver name (ex. John Smith). You'll also see your stats, which includes Wins, Seconds, and Third places (How many.). Also, your stats include Poles, DNFs, fastest laps, and the amount of races you participated in. You can choose your favorite car and favorite racetrack, which increase your chances of winning slightly when you race in the track, or use your favorite car.

Custom Races: You can choose the racetrack to race in, the number of laps, how many people car participate (2-24 people), The type of cars eligible to race in your race (ex. V8 engines only.), weather conditions, and other good stuff you can think of. You can name your race (ex. V8 Grand Prix)
and make a small comment on your race. (ex. No n00bs allowed!) Qualifing/Practicing can be enabled at your desire.

Car Sale: You put a car of your choice (ex. Ford Mustang GT) at a price, and give it a description (ex. Custom rims, with sweet body kit!!). Since you are trying to sell a Ford, it'll go to the 'GT5 Ford Online Store'. If one lucky customer buys your car(s), a message notifies you that someone bought your car, and you gain your credits.

That's all I can think of...
Good stuff, though I don't agree with the increase chances of winning bit.
i would love to hear the spool up of the turbos, and hear the woosh of blow off valves on the cars, i want to see the kick that a turbo car makes when the boost comes on. lol i want to hear the Vtec on hondas scream! sorry i love cars too much. i want weather effects when ure racing, like hear and see thunder in the distance, or when u get blurred vision when driving in the rain, and i would want to see oil temperatures, i want to see turbo cars oil heat up and laugh at them when i scream past in a civic haha
1. In car view just like PGR were you see the gauges in the dash your steering wheel shifter and so on
2. being a big honda freak i would like for VTEC to be more real and for them to get the sounds perfect if you dont know what i mean go to and type in Vtec and clip on any clip and you will hear the true sound of VTEC

Vrooom...ooooooooooooooOOOO!O!O!O!M!M!MO M!!O!MOO!O!M!M!O!M!O!

thats how it sounds

you do hear the turbo and the bov :S and the kik of boost
just listen and watch more carfully
While a good idea, it'd never happen. There is no way the manufacturers would agree to let their cars have engine failures more often than other manufacturers. Even if PD could do this without the manufacturers' permission, it would be very biased.

Always a good sign that manufacturers take things too seriously and forget that it's only a game and doesn't put their cars in any bad light.

That said...engine failures for race cars shouldn't be so bad...after happens in races a lot so it's not like a high class road car getting an engine failure and "p*ssing the manufacturers off"
Semi-Automatic shifting.

The car will change the gears automatically, but if you want you can change the gears whenever you want. Like some WRC rally cars.
That would be a real nice feature.:dopey:

That said...engine failures for race cars shouldn't be so bad...after happens in races a lot so it's not like a high class road car getting an engine failure and "p*ssing the manufacturers off"

Engine failures? What the....

Try to imagine you driving the last lap of a big race and than it happens, the engine is out and you loose the entire championship! I wouldnt like that too much, I would be afraid this happens again in some other races. That would kill the whole gameplay.:ill: :yuck:
Semi-Automatic shifting.

The car will change the gears automatically, but if you want you can change the gears whenever you want. Like some WRC rally cars.
That would be a real nice feature.:dopey:

Yeah. Semi-Auto would be really nice... I played some PC rally game couple of months ago, and it had this semi-auto shifting - it was really nice, and I also noticed it really improved my times, since it lets you control the car better, but not forced to. I mean, in auto, you have no real control over the behaviour of your car, and in manual, you are forced to do so - one turn without switching gears, and you've lost many seconds... In this case, you can get the best of both - less worrying, and more control.

Plus, I would like to have better spoiler-stuff. Two things, mainly.
First - color coding. I mean, being a perfectionist is tough, but having to stick a black/grey/white spoiler to a purple-green pearl car is simply mean... I want a black spoiler for my black car, and a red one for my red car. Simple as that. Or, color-coding AND black/grey/white.
Second, concerning the proccess of attaching one: I recently bought myself a Pagani Zonda 7.3l. Great car, high speeds. But, just like the Salee, since you can't attach a spoiler, there's no downforce. BUT, a spoiler is very visible on the Pagani - what's that grey thingy? And what are those front spoiler? So, if you can't attach a spoiler, at least add the downforce for cars where there already is a (working) one. I doubt Pagani only added it for the looks.
but can u adjust the downforce on stock aero parts in real life? like with stock spoilers u cant adjust the angle of it and so on, but i dont know maybe with the pagani you could, who owns a pagani?! hehe check with them im sure they will know
That's not exactly what I meant. I mean, the '95 Eclipse has a spoiler, but it's only for the looks, I guess.
But a Saleen, Pagani, and such, they all have visible spoilers, and i'm sure they're not simply for looks. I mean, a Pagani has 600 HP stock, so it pretty much needs a spoiler to stay on the road. What I meant is, that on cars with "real" spoilers (not thick plastic that only creates drag), you should either be able to adjust the downforce, or atleast attach a new spoiler (or buy a specific upgrade, something like "adjust spoiler downforce", only available for those cars), so those supercars won't handle worse than a 200HP civic.
Try to imagine you driving the last lap of a big race and than it happens, the engine is out and you loose the entire championship! I wouldnt like that too much, I would be afraid this happens again in some other races. That would kill the whole gameplay.:ill: :yuck:

But if you want realism, that's as real as you can get. ;)

Anyway, if it was a championship race, it'd just mean that you DNF that particular race. Most teams have at least 1 spare engine that they can fit, meaning you could still compete in the other races.
I'd like to walk around a 3d garage with my cars in it (ala PGR2) and perhaps even take photos right then and there.

Unless they have about 20 cars in the garage at a time(and in GT4 I must have atleast 300 with all the STis i collect) that aint gonna happen. It would be nice, but everyone would be looking at cars for hours looking for the one they want to drive.

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