Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
I'd like to see more hats.

Actually it would be good if in the enduro races we could have a random reliability issue thrown into the pot. It could have a knock-on effect of laying oil on to certain areas of the track which are initially slippy until you have a pace car situation and the 'marshals' can cover it with cement dust to soak it up. I wouldn't want the reliability to stop you from finishing, but i would like it to let you cruise around back to the pits to fix any issues, longer for the more serious ones. Add reliability to dynamic weather, bigger grids, damage, a flag system and you've got yourself a pretty realistic racing sim.

I'd love it. It can also be car- and driver-dependant - a pushing driver will get more chances of problems, just like a driver with a 900BHP Skyline without an engine-rebuild. Plus, it'd be great if you could then warn B-spec Bob (or S-pec Sod) of oily surfaces...
I'd also like random tyre blow-outs and damage led issues. If a car crashes or blows a tyre it would be good if it leads to having debris on the track, again for a limited amount of time until it clears up, which may or may not damage your own car if you run over it. Use the curbing too much and you run risk of damaging your suspension more than someone who takes a cleaner line. Take too many trips across the gravel and you have a greater chance of damaging your underbody aerodynamics, perhaps making your car unstable at high speed. Too many 'rubs' with your competitors and you run the risk of bending your steering, perhaps making your car pull to one side, especially under braking.
Hmm... Judging from that Croix race-report, you sure know what can get damaged and how it affects it ;)

It'd be nice if they'd simulate a real race, with restrictions. I mean, there should be a penalty for cutting across the track...
Hmm... Judging from that Croix race-report, you sure know what can get damaged and how it affects it ;)

It'd be nice if they'd simulate a real race, with restrictions. I mean, there should be a penalty for cutting across the track...

Yes, a flag system would be great, with black flags for persistant corner cutting 👍

As long as it's better implimented than the TRD3 system that penalises you even if you get pushed of track by other competitors or even if you run wide at a corner and already lose time in the gravel or grass!
Yeah, if they implement a system, it'd have to be well-implemented. Not like the 5-seconds penalty in GT4...

They should figure out a way for the PS3 to know whether you were forced off (or in, if the AI forces you into a shortcut), or ran wide, or cut short...
I totally agree with you guys but that's not what this post is about :)
that will make this post useless ;)

I would like to see hill climbing in the game. I can understand that not everybody knows what it is exatly so a short explanation:
You have a short track of maybe a mile or 2, running op hill and everybody does a timed run and the fasted wins ;)

and second I would like to see real offroading with 4x4s, not racing but climbing up a steep hill with rocks and such
but then again it's not racing but doesn't it say: ''The real driving simulator''
Depends on the type of rims. On real racing-car rims, it does sometimes ever lower the weight. But on most aftermarket rims, the weight is increased.
And the part about more distance per revolution - that's determined by the total diameter of the tyre+rim, so you can have a 16-inch'er with 24inch total diameter, and a '19er with a total of '20.
That is true, however regarding weight I'm talking relative, you can have a 18" wheel that's lighter than a 16" wheel, but relative to the compound that doesn't happen unless the spokes are stupidly big on one of them. Ofcourse if race cars used the same compound rins but smaller they would be lighter, but they don't beacuse the bigger rims work better for thoes cars. GT cars tend to run very low profile tyre's, so having a smaller rim would require a tyre's with a much bigger wall which in turn would have negative effects on the cars handling. In the cars of Forumla 1 the cars have almost no suspension movment at all, so they use the tyre walls to act as a suspension of sorts instead. If they had suspension on the cars then you'd see Formula 1 cars running bigger rims and lower profile tyre's. On road tracks it's often best to have as big a wheel as possible with a low profile tyre without being so big your restircting needed suspension travel.
So basically, if, say, my overall diameter is '20 (including tyre), and the maximum diameter allowed is '20.5 (when calculating suspension-travel etc.), my best shot would be (for racing) a '20, with '0.5 tyres?
I don't know tyre's dynamics well enough to know if a 0.5" tyre wall would be too thin or not, but sportscar racing teams use thoes principlas, just modify your numbers for whatever tyre's is just the right profile which is something I wouldn't know how to work out.
Well, let us hope Scaff will come to the rescue and explain ;)

But aren't the "Racing Tyres" in GT4 doing the same thing, only without a real function? (I mean, racing-tyres look wider and bigger, but don't have any effects on driving-performance, except being stickier.
If your tyres are wider you have a greater surface area equals more grip

and the hole rim and tyre thingy, a flatter tyre wall has less side movement equals more direct streering, and overall a more stable car.
I think the effects are to small to put ingame.
and second tire size and rim size, a tyre is atleast 1'' tall(can be less actually but 1'' is very flat, I say small enough.), because the tyre is round you have to count it twice so it would be 2'' for the tyre in the total diameter. (You have the top and bottom) Say if you have those tyres around a 20'' rim it would have a overall diameter of 22''

and there is the tyre size

255 is the width in mm
45 is the height (% of the width)
R stands for radial, wich is your normal tyre these days.
17 is the size of the rim in inch

with this you can calculate the overall diameter

45% of 255 = 114.75 mm
114.75 * 2 = 229.5 mm
17'' = 263.5 mm
229.5 + 263.5 = 439 mm = 31,8'' overall diameter
this is just a standard tyre for a standard car but a good example
most of the time you can increase the overall tyre diameter by 1 or 2'' without problems, and when you increase the rim size you must lower the tyre wall blabla.
You can calculate what the maximum rim size is, this way ;)

This post might contain info you don't need but it can't hurt to know,
I have to know this because I'm studying andd I need to know how to calcutate the overall dianmeter of a tyre :sly:
i think drift racing would be cool, but then again there are some people in these forums that think this would be "too NFS" and therefore shouldnt be in GT5. for anyone who disagrees with drift racing, just remember this is becoming a popular sport in automotive society, so it shouldnt be disregarded just because most people use tuners/ricers to drift.
i think drift racing would be cool, but then again there are some people in these forums that think this would be "too NFS" and therefore shouldnt be in GT5. for anyone who disagrees with drift racing, just remember this is becoming a popular sport in automotive society, so it shouldnt be disregarded just because most people use tuners/ricers to drift.

I don't think Drift racing can be classed as 'too NFS'. NFS (underground and most wanted) are mainly about illegal street racing, which happens to include street drifting. However, real drifting is now a world-class sport, with bonafide teams and expert drivers. In its own right drifting has a real following, and while it is illegally copied on the street, so is just about every other form of racing.

Bring it on, I say.
Yep bring it one but drifting is not a thing everybody can do, so...

You've got two options;
1: Make it realistic -- this makes it very hard to win and alot og people can't even keep the car side ways.
2: make it easy but not realistic -- everybody can do it but it's no fun for the people who can drift.

And if tha ai can drift you always have the problem of one can win easy and other can't even come near...

And how is the game going to check your actually giong side ways in corners and such??
Because if it can't just grip race and you win.

I think it is best not to put it in game but make it possible to drift like in GT3, it probely will so no worries here

And there is no way you can classify drifting to NFS because u can't really drift in NFS, only the cars look like drift cars that's it.
Yep bring it one but drifting is not a thing everybody can do, so...

You've got two options;
1: Make it realistic -- this makes it very hard to win and alot og people can't even keep the car side ways.

Drifting is easier than you might think. Almost anyone who's decent at racing sims should have little trouble with it.

2: make it easy but not realistic -- everybody can do it but it's no fun for the people who can drift.

Tell that to the racing-sim freaks who love Outrun 2, myself included. :lol:

And how is the game going to check your actually giong side ways in corners and such??
Because if it can't just grip race and you win.

How could you win by grip racing? "Drift racing" isn't about the laptime, it's about the drifting, and other games, including Need for Speed Underground and even a few server scripts for Live for Speed, have a system that awards "points" for drifting. GT5 wouldn't have to be any different if PD wanted to include a "drift mode."

I think it is best not to put it in game but make it possible to drift like in GT3, it probely will so no worries here

No argument there. GT3's drifting was more realistic than GT4's could ever be.

And there is no way you can classify drifting to NFS because u can't really drift in NFS, only the cars look like drift cars that's it.

Last time I checked, NFS Underground 1 and 2 had a better understanding of drifting than GT4 did. :lol:
If I had my way then there would be no Traction Control, playing GT2 the other night it felt more genuine then GT4 and it requires more skill and finesse to handle a car at the limit.

Being able to give the cars a racing livery like in GT1 and GT2 would be nice, I kind of miss that freedom now.

Changeable weather conditions. Being able to set Weather would require you to be more gentle with the car and also gives you alot more enjoyment.

F1 cars! Patrick Depailler's Tyrrell P34, Gilles Villeneuve's Ferrari 126ck and Stirling Moss's Mercedes-Benz W196 would make Gran Turismo more challenging. And imagine the Cost's! Special Championships for them could be a great inclusion aswell: Turbo cup, Front Engine cup, Ground effect cup, etc.

There are so many possibilitys that would be worth the wait if they took any of these ideas into account.
Drifting is easier than you might think. Almost anyone who's decent at racing sims should have little trouble with it.

It was for me, but I don't know it for the rest. Maybe you're right maybe not, I don't know, but it would be great news :D

Tell that to the racing-sim freaks who love Outrun 2, myself included. :lol:

I'm talking about the drifting if it's easy it's no fun.

How could you win by grip racing? "Drift racing" isn't about the laptime, it's about the drifting, and other games, including Need for Speed Underground and even a few server scripts for Live for Speed, have a system that awards "points" for drifting. GT5 wouldn't have to be any different if PD wanted to include a "drift mode."

Maybe I have watched tokyo drift, not a very good example I gues.
But you're right wich is good news :D
I remember something about the D1 and there is also 1 part were there a 2 cars and one must follow blabla, I don't know to much about drifting just love to watch the clips and drift in GT3 :D
I know PGR2 awards kudows for power sliding but it's not that easy to really drift because there is to much grip to really go sideways in corners or you end up facing the other way I gues.

Last time I checked, NFS Underground 1 and 2 had a better understanding of drifting than GT4 did. :lol:

I only played NFSU1 onces like a couple of races, then I didn't try to drift so I couldn't know

If I had my way then there would be no Traction Control, playing GT2 the other night it felt more genuine then GT4 and it requires more skill and finesse to handle a car at the limit.

I just turn TCS off :D and that other thingy, wich makes it alot more fun to drive for me:sly:

Changeable weather conditions. Being able to set Weather would require you to be more gentle with the car and also gives you alot more enjoyment.

F1 cars! Patrick Depailler's Tyrrell P34, Gilles Villeneuve's Ferrari 126ck and Stirling Moss's Mercedes-Benz W196 would make Gran Turismo more challenging. And imagine the Cost's! Special Championships for them could be a great inclusion aswell: Turbo cup, Front Engine cup, Ground effect cup, etc.

There are so many possibilitys that would be worth the wait if they took any of these ideas into account.

I would definitely would like to see that in-game
the new PS3 controllers should have the buttons for accelerator and brake should be much harder to depress so its more like real accels and brakes. on the ps2 controller, it takes plenty of skill to press the x button enough so you dont do a huge burnout (with tcs off), if you get what im saying.
The number one thing for me is sound. I want better engine/exhaust sounds. Some cars PD did great for sound, but others not so much. I'm sick of my 'Vette Z06 sounding like it has a ho hum v6 or something in it. When weight reduction is performed, I think the car's sound should change since the essential harmonics of the vehicle's structure have changed. I also think the trailing camera has too much of the engine sound. Despite the fact that the camera angle is completely impossible to achieve in the real world, there is far too much of the induction "howl" and mechanical noise versus the exhaust note.

Tire sounds could use some improvement as well. In GT4, there are many screetches and skid sounds that are quite good. What about some tire hum as you buzz along. This isn't as obvious in race cars with straight-cut gears screaming, but in street cars this sound is quite prevalent. And of course the sound would vary from types of tires.

Give me the full spectrum of sound. Chassis sqeaks, grinding breaks, transmission clicks, everything!

Number two for me, tune ups. Fouled spark plugs, bad distributer caps/packs, fried coils, corroded wires, timing/serpentine belts...all the regular maintenance.
The number one thing for me is sound. I want better engine/exhaust sounds. Some cars PD did great for sound, but others not so much. I'm sick of my 'Vette Z06 sounding like it has a ho hum v6 or something in it. When weight reduction is performed, I think the car's sound should change since the essential harmonics of the vehicle's structure have changed. I also think the trailing camera has too much of the engine sound. Despite the fact that the camera angle is completely impossible to achieve in the real world, there is far too much of the induction "howl" and mechanical noise versus the exhaust note.

Tire sounds could use some improvement as well. In GT4, there are many screetches and skid sounds that are quite good. What about some tire hum as you buzz along. This isn't as obvious in race cars with straight-cut gears screaming, but in street cars this sound is quite prevalent. And of course the sound would vary from types of tires.

Give me the full spectrum of sound. Chassis sqeaks, grinding breaks, transmission clicks, everything!

Number two for me, tune ups. Fouled spark plugs, bad distributer caps/packs, fried coils, corroded wires, timing/serpentine belts...all the regular maintenance.
I agree. The sound of my modded V8s sounds almost the same as a V6 with the same exaust system. There is no rumble in the V8s at all unless you turn the sound up high and listen to the idle. Also im pretty sure GT4 dosen't have this but I could be wrong, but for cars that are turbocharged you should be able to adjust the boost.
the new PS3 controllers should have the buttons for accelerator and brake should be much harder to depress so its more like real accels and brakes. on the ps2 controller, it takes plenty of skill to press the x button enough so you dont do a huge burnout (with tcs off), if you get what im saying.

I don't use the X button for throttle control, I use the right analoge stick for throttle, brake and reverse.👍 So no extreme burnouts, only when I want to :D .

Drifting in Outrun 2 is very easy and very fun. If you haven't tried the game before, you should.
Yes could be very interesting but sadly I don't have so much cash so I have to make a choice between multible games.
Here are a few of the things that I'd like to see:
There are 2 attachments on this--a lot of reading so I appologize in advance--maybe I shouldn't be so quick to appologize.

If I were producing a GT5 these are a just a few of the things I'd include.
When you read the attachments you'll see a Beginner Hall that's nearly 3 times bigger than the Beginner Hall in GT4. There are a lot more races and the introduction of more circuits to include a few of the dreaded ovals. Ever wonder what it'd be like to run Tokyo R246 at night, or with a fog bank rolling through? I'd include those effect.
Reading some of the many threads in GT Planet, some have complained that it's too easy to progress through the game. One of the reasons why, I think, is that prize cars are handed out like candy. I'd take care of this by not offering Prize Cars for most of the races. Also, I'd lower the cash rewards; but I'd include things like Street tires, a Racing chips, free oil-changes . . . things of that nature.
Something alltogether forgotten in GT4 was Amateur Hall. I'd bring it back with just as many races and events as can be found in Beginner Hall. I'd also include even more circuits--circuits not seen before in the Gran Turismo universe--circuits you wouldn't see until you reached Amateur Hall. The difficulty level would rise, keeping seasoned players interested and novices challenged, but not frustrated. There will be damage--but it won't put you out of the race.
Entering Professional Hall, the ante will be upped again. Better A.I., more cars on the track, fender to fender damage, racing rules. This is where the GT veterans will seperate themselves from the pretenders. The races will be longer, the player will have to focus and concentrate on driving--race ending damage is the rule, not the exception. The rewards get bigger. But it's nothing like career mode . . .
Career Hall will put you deep into the life of a professional racer. When winning all races, all the time becomes too easy, this is where you come. In Career Hall you'll have to build up your garage to include a machine shop, a welding shop, and engine shop and so on. . . You'll have to hire a chief mechanic, an entire pit crew, purchase a 'long hauler' and own multiple samples of the same racecar. You wreck a car during practice, you'll have to unload the replacement car. You'll have to make hasty repairs, if possible, if you don't want to use the back-up car. And if you drive recklessly, your 'S' license may be revoked and you'll have to take those damned license tests again.
The idea is to make GT5 accessable, yet challenging. You shouldn't expect ot get 100% in a month, or even in a year.


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I could do without the drifting, but you are talking to a guy who wishes that rally racing never existed in Gran Turismo games. :D

This is probably the second or third time I bring this up, but it's such a big thread.....

I wish they would let you switch cars at the track, instead of going all the way back to your home garage. I also wish that they let you buy parts at the track also. I know I'm pushing it. Pretty soon, I'll be asking for burger drive-thrus in the game!
Thundercat has some interesting suggestions: how about parts or sponsorships as prizes instead of cars - say you enter the beginner turbo cup, and the prize is a HKS stage 2 turbo kit.
Or, say you enter an amateur series where the prize is a "sports level" kitting, with sports tyres, sports suspension, better brakes and some other bits and pieces - to be applied to the car of your choice.

Some people may love this or hate this - but what about removing prize cars altogether (except for maybe manufacturer or sponsor cups), and increasing the prize money. Take away the unbuyability of some of the rare cars, but make them very expensive so you have to win quite a few races to get them. Yes, it has its downsides, but it would be a lot more fulfilling than just putting B-spec Billy-bob Wally in an Audi race car, pushing a few buttons and walking away with a one in a million legendary race car.

You could still set up manufacturer or sponsor cups where the prize is a factory/sponsor tuned car (imagine Jun Supra, or a HKS Skyline, or even a Zonda LM race car or such.

As part of this prize car system, you could also have a setup where once you reach so many A spec points you are approached by manufactures/racing teams, and if you qualify they contract you to run a number of races/championships. They provide a car and pay you to race. If you perform well, it entitles you to sponsorship for one of your own cars, or even a prize car specific to that team/manufacturer.

I'd even go so far as to suggest the possibility of then starting your own race team and gain sponsorship from the companies you've operated for.

Just some suggestions.
I kinda like Thundercat's suggestions. I mean, the changes from hall to hall, I like those. And the "Career Hall" idea is pretty neat too. Reminds me of some football games, and "Casino Tycoon" (Crappy game, though) - you had a screen full with applicants for a job (Dealer, barman, etc), with various ratings. For a GT5 Mechanic, it'd be something like: Speed, Knowledge, Organization, Work-quality. For a pit-guy, the same, only you'd have to focus on speed and organization more than on knowledge. Training them would be a nice option, too. Start with a little kid-guy, and train him up as the ultimate pit-guy for your Sauber C9...
This is going to be a ultimate racing game if these features of Thundercat, shabba and Gingiba.
And add A Fun hall were you can race with caravans, trucks, etc.

(Just an idea
If PD doesn't do it maybe we must make our own game with these features.
I know a good example: Racer is such a game only very basic.)