(Whoa, long thread! This is my first post. I've learned a lot from reading these boards, so thanks to everyone. All the suggestions here about damage and better physics and more tuning etc etc are all great -- agreement all around on that)
I'd like to see player rewards tied to A-spec points. The game should have something extra for people who enter competitive cars -- sure, you can walk the Sunday Cup in an LM car, but so what?
The mechanism could work something like this: If your car is leagues better than the field, fine, you can win and get your money, but no prize car.
If your car is within the range of the field, THEN you are eligible for the prize car.
If your car is remarkably WORSE than the field, there could be an EXTRA prize car in it for you -- much like the license tests. PD could put all the crazy special cars and historical curios here.
The real excitement of the game comes from competitive races and a system like this would keep things exciting -- heck, you could even make it so you have to win a race a few times, at high A-spec point values, with different cars, before a certain prize car comes to you. An A-spec system should give you a real in-game reward and not just bragging rights on the internet!
In order to make this work, two things would have to happen:
1. Fix A-spec points! no Dodge Hemi problem, basically. Each car and each upgrade would have to be carefully considered and have a reasonable and believable number put on them. And the field would have to make sense, too -- there are several instances where you are told it's a 1-pointer but then a particular car in the field just cruises away from you.
2. Show us the numbers! The game obviously does SOMETHING to come up with the A-spec number, so let's see it. You should be able so see the "performance rating" of each car, stock. And when you're upgrading, you should be able to see what each part will add to that rating. You should be able to see the the ratings of the cars for a race series before you enter, so you know what you're getting into -- you can tune your car appropriately w/o entering the race a bunch of times to test it.
this is all kind of a pipe dream at this point, but whatever, I think it'd be great.