Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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movie editor sounds like a great idea. i'd actually be suprised if PD didnt think of it and have it on the just scared of the weird music they are going to have on the game. oh, i thought earlier of being able to upload songs from your ps3 into the game, like be able to connect your ipod to the usb port and upload the songs like that.
(Again, I have no idea if this has been covered in the hundreds of responses to this thread, so, apologies)

B-Spec needs to be fixed, or scrapped. If it's going to be kept at all, it needs to be fleshed out into a full on Race Team Management mode:

1. Hiring & training a good team of drivers & mechanics, essential for the longer endurance races where a single driver's performance will start to suffer after continuous hours behind the wheel. Your A-Spec points could come into play here, if you understand it as "respect" or "reputation" -- a famous and well-respected driver can attract talent around him; and in game terms: you have to have success on the track yourself before having any chance of success as a manager

1b. Improve and clarify the training process. As helpful as the threads are about b-spec points, as a game "feature" the training is totally ridiculous and mysterious! Show me exactly how good each driver is at his skills and make clear what I have to to improve them. Speed it up, too. If I have to pay a couple grand for a few points in training, I'd rather do that than watch a stock Miata go around the Ring for an hour and a half. Earth to PD: booooring.

2. MUCH faster time acceleration, and the ability to save mid-race. Anything to make the 8, 9, and 24 hour races actually exciting and playable, rather than this insane grind or leave-it-on-overnight pointless exercise! I mean, seriously.

3. Be able to set pit preferences for tires and gas, so they're always executed whether you're paying attention or not. Pitting that doesn't alter your time-accel selection.

4. The longer races should have light, temp, and weather variables, meaning you have to pay attention to tire selection if conditions change.

5. Chance of mechanical trouble, AND mechanic crews' ability to fix or patch it in the pits. It's not called "endurance" for nothing.

If it's not something like this, I don't think b-spec should be in the game at all. Make it real or just forget it, I say.
I agree about the reverse is it that practically every other racing game, realistic or not, has reverse lights yet the "Real Driving Simulator" doesn't have them! It's mind boggling! :scared:

On the subject of race teams and such, they should have a seperate mode for that, which could be aptly named Career Mode, and keep the other modes how they are now. Personally I don't like the idea of a team because it would take away from my racing...I prefer buying and modding the cars, and then racing them without the hassle of hiring and firing crewmembers and such.

In terms of modding cars, there should obviously be more add-on parts, which include a bigger selection of spoilers, preferably ones that follow the bodylines and low profile ones, as well as bodykits (not fake ones, but ones that help with aerodynamics) that you can put the parts on seperately so as to create your own look. The wheels need to be easier to install at Home (a la GT3) and you should be able to select size and width, as well as being able to powdercoat/paint them (in 2 parts: center and lip). You should also be able to choose tire size and width as well, and maybe even have the option of white walls, white letters, and redline tires. What they should do is have different brands available for the tires, but keep the grip and wear the same for them all (in the same category of course) so as to not make one brand look worse than the others. And then of course there should be a paint shop with a palette, and each body panel should be able to be painted seperately (but have an option that allows you to make all the panels the same color for easyness). Of course have different graphics as well that you can apply.
have cars like Mercedes Benz (many models are automatic) and other automatic cars be in automatic, not every car is manual...

and can anyone please create a thread with all the new GTHD and GT5 videos and pics? thanks. it would be nice to have a thread just for the movies and some pics... it would be better if no one could post anything other they a short introduction and a movie link and the pic. it would be cool to have lots of movies in one thread without searching the entire forums or net.
I would like to see a "Instant Photo" mode of some sort. Like to take a screen shot of stats,cars in garage,race results.... instead of having to go to the photo mode as I'm not sure some of these can even be done in photo mode. Kind of like "Fraps" on a PC can do.
I thnk I posted it before but didn't really generate any discussion:

The ability to create your own 1 lap magic races, 3 lap battle races, and passing races.
This must have been suggested before, but we definately need banger racing in gran turismo :P maybe a few specific banger racing cars.👍 its so much fun to brake check and spin people out without being penalized. it would also be a good outlet and probably reduce wrecking in normal racing servers :P
It would be fun, very fun, but only really if the game has damage, and a good damage model at that. Otherwise it's a wasted opportunity imo.
We need a quantam leap in quality if this is going to be the pinnacle.

First off, DAMAGE. WITH AN AWESOME PHYSICS ENGINE. When you crash into another car or you ram them, certain parts fall off on both cars, in a realistic way. Or if one car crashes or brushes/bumps a roadside guardrail, they also achieve damage.

Damage is to be payed accordingly to the amount of damage, and where it is on the car. If it's unable to be salvaged, then you shall lose the car.

Speaking of damage, we need insurance companies, including Allstate, Progressive, and more. They each have 3 different rates to choose from, depending on quality of service. In the case of Progressive, which has ever-changing rates, it shall be in the real-time rates category.

Phew, we're done with damage and accordingly insurance. Let's move on.

As opelgt1969 has said already, the Photo Mode should be in any replay of any kind, and maybe even while racing or at a track meet. The new Photo Mode should also have better apeture and zoom functions, and the ability to put your camera or car in any place that can fit the car, such as a roof or a balcony.

These new features will easily benefit from the PS3's HDD.

We need more cars, and more tuners. It can easily increase the depth of the game and the replay value on the whole. But we need more tuning options as well, such as custom paint jobs and custom wings. Those can easily improve on the experience.

How about something new to the series, for a change? Why not have separate courses just for drifting/powersliding? As well as improved missions?

The future never knows what's in store for the Gran Turismo 5.

I just hope it will beat everything else.
I donno if this has been discussed b4 here (i am pretty sure it has been, but 100 + pages is a bit too much to refer to, so i'll just say it)..

I really hope they get the whole "online structure" right... Not comparing it to Forza or anything, but these days I've been playing a lot of Forza2 online and I really think they really got it perfect. PD should learn a bit from Turn10 atleast regarding the online structure.. not just head to head online but even the whole leaderboard system and "best laps and total laps" time comparison with your friends list and the top drivers and stuff.. As far as direct online racing is concerned. Where Forza Lacks is in Long Races. The pits stops are just too lame. I would really like to see very high-level of strategies with pit-ins. As in Races should be won and lost like that, ofcourse I am going to be hit hard because of that comment, but I really think that the whole, selecting how much fuel u want in, what compound tyres to choose from, are u going for 2 quick splash n dash pit stops in a 25 lap race or full fuelled 1 long pit stop, so on and so forth.. I know GT4 had a pretty decent pit structure but doing this against real people ONLINE and making it work perfect is really difficult and I hope PD focusses on this.

Asking for set-up change like downforce and stuff would be too much to ask, but I hope they do integrate "The Pit in / out" structure well.. Including Force 1 pit stop atleast, selectable by the host who created the room and pretty much everything that Forza 2 has (force manual, force assists off, force stock tuning and set-ups, force particular car, etc..

Also, Flashes of who's having the best LAP / Fastest Lap in that race or who just broke it and stuff, just like they show in F1 races and stuff should be integrated too..

1 Lap qualifying b4 the race begins (again, selectable by host), for grid position..

Just my 2 cents... I think these are the few things that would make the game leaps and bounds ahead of Forza..
I'm with sheruken--I apologize if I repeat something from one of the previous 100+ posts but it's simply too deep to cover right now.

1. The first reply in this thread really stressed the need for improved realism. I agree with some of the ideas, as turning this game into a full-bore simulator will improve the game in some players eyes, no doubt. On the other hand, I feel it will alienate more loyal followers than it will impress. Don't get me wrong, but I am a fan of racing sims, and have spent far too much time playing and tweaking GTR2, GT Legends, Grand Prix Legends et cetera. I revert to the Gran Turismo series when I just want to race w/o having to spend hours calibrating the toe angle on by Spoon Civic. PD has done a good job striking a balance between the real and the arcade, a trait that will keep it ahead of up and comers like Forza for years to come. While I am a purist when it comes to all things automotive, I still feel we need a good balance, such as the on achieved by the GT series.

That being said, there are still improvements that can be made in the realsim department w/o going over the top, for example:

a.) The damage issue has been (pardon the pun) stressed in many replies to this thread and I agree fully. That is an aspect that needs to be added. No more of this "the manufacturers don't like to see damage done to their cars" bs. If a newbie like Forza/2 can do it (and pretty well, I might add) than surely a vet like PD should be able to figure something out. Does anyone remember Porsche Unleashed or Viper Racing? Those games are 5-7 years old respectively and you could knock the crap out of those vehicles. We haven't even seen Porsches in the GT series to date, let alone damaged ones. Hmm.

b.)My all time favorite: a dashboard view w/working dials. GTR2 really got this one right, as you could look around the cockpit a la Microsoft Flight Sim using your mouse. Oops. Forgot. The PS3 doesn't come with a mouse. Too bad. Still, give us a realistic dashboard view. While not the most realistic view (that would technically be the hood cam), it is so cool to see the RPM needle whizz clockwise then snap back on an aggressive upshift.

c.) i. I can't remember who it was but someone mentioned that they'd not only like to see more cars on track, but a variety of classes as well and this is a fabulous idea. GT racing is all about variety and nothing beats seeing a GT4 Z06 battle it out with an Aston Martin Vantage, only to have the two overtaken on either side by a GT1 Maser being chased by a Murci GT. Class variety could also fix the problem some people are having with their car either being too overpowered or underpowered compared to the competition. With various classes on track, the chances are better that there will always be some competition for you, with the game deciding on the class in which to place your car.

ii. On the race type note: Please, oh please, no more head to head rallies. If you're gonna include rallying make it point to point like it should be. If you're gonna have off-road style races against opponents rather than against the clock, call it rally-cross and don't use full-blood WRC cars, use more compact rally-crossers like the Ford RS200, MG Metro 6R4 (the classics!) or newer offerings from manufacturers like Citroen with the Group N Xsara/C4 or Vauxhaull Astras. If you must have two cars on the road at once, make the stages akin to the WRC SuperSpecials where while the cars are technically racing against each other, they are on a divided track. And if they must be on the same track for coding reasons or whatever, do away with the ridiculous penalty time. I assume that was included in GT4 so players wouldn't punt opponents into the wall, but with the institution of damage and proper collision physics players would surely refrain from this habit. I can't imagine relying on the classic "Gran Turismo bump and run" move if I new I would lose money on repairs in the best-case scenario or lose an entire car to damage in the worst-case scenario.

2. I won't compile a car wish list that includes everything from a 1971 Datsun to a 2008 Audi R8, 'cause this isn't the place. I will simply say that to everyone who feels 700+ cars need to be included, ask yourself: How many times did you actually use that 1991 Silvia K in a race? Would you rather numerous 'updated versions' of the same car, or would you rather better modelling done on each individual vehicle, even if it meant having to do away with being able to choose from 50 different used Skylines?

I could go on and on (better custom paint jobs/decals, realistic pit crews, etc) but those are my basic wishes. Again, sorry if I have repeated previous postings. It will never...happen...again.:scared:
- More rally tracks. In GT4 if you wanted to race a friend you could choose between 3 rally tracks. Like what the ****? lol

- Your own music.

- Throw out the underpowered junk, nobody cars about a Diahatsu Midget or a 3-wheeler with 60hp. Why not focus on real cars? lol

- Turbos/supercharges please sound like the real thing. :D

- Tire smoke?
- Throw out the underpowered junk, nobody cars about a Diahatsu Midget or a 3-wheeler with 60hp. Why not focus on real cars? lol

You kidding some LAN races with the Midget can be some of the most fun races! :dopey:
I hate stereotypes like that. I happen to love Fiat 500s, Diahatsu Midgets, Honda Beats, Ford Model Ts, Nissan Micras, Mini Coopers, and others. How would getting rid of them make the game any better? Think of the 1 lap magic races. I love those, yet they would not exist had there been no underpowered cars. Please, speak for yourself. Other people may like things that you don't.
Just a note: I DO NOT WANT to be able to lose a car.

That's just dumb. I'm not playing this game to be a perfect simulation of a driver's outside-of-racing experience, so I don't want insurance! Money is only to be used for progress in the game, and it should only be affected after the race by repairs (the user should be able to choose also! If he doesn't want to repair, he can keep the heap and repair it later when he gets more money)

That is of course if there is damage.

More things I don't want to see:
- Full customization. It takes away the realism for me. Or, at least, paint should cost money or something :S
- Of course there shouldn't be anything other than driving/racing. Anything that doesn't revolve around the racing element, shouldn't be in the game. (Things like insurance, managing stuff)

- I do not want this game to become a good sim, but not fun. As long as they keep the racing aspect fun, I'll be fine with the driving aspect.

Anything, basically, other than that , I would love, and I'm sure everything has been mentioned in here at some point!
2 thinks id love to see in gt5 and they are also things that I think the game needs very badly.

1. engine swaps. allowing cross platform swaps would be the best way to go, but I doubt it could happen so I would be satisfied with just swapping same make. this would make the game very interesting, think of all the creations you could come up with.

2. this is big, the game NEEDS this. change the modding system. move to a more non linear system. the modding system they are using had been in plae since the first game and needs much improvement. I dont know about you but im getting a bit tired if it. they need much more variety in modding the cars, rather than just stage 1-4 of this and that. there needs to be many different ways to make power with the cars than just a stage turbo or na tune. think of all the things you can do IRL and incorporate it into the game. im not even talking about aftermarket manufacturers. im talking about different selections of parts. give me 20 different pistons to choose from, 10 different heads, then porting options, different turbos with different characteristics. things like that. give me the opportunity to make as much or as little power in the cars as I want. for those that this would intimidate, give them premade packages, one that would still make good power, but not necessarily as much as you may be able to if you chose all the parts yourself. the game desperately need an overhaul of the current modding system and this is how I would like to see it.

combine both of my ideas and think of how much more fun the game would be. how about a built 350 in a 240?? built titan motor in a camaro. you could spend as much or more time building and swapping engines as you could racing. the possibilities would be endless.
Just to complete the list above a bit; parts I always wanted:

*A Turbo inlet restrictor! Wouldnt it be great to buy only one strong single turbo and you can enter 400 hp and 600 hp races just with adjusting the inlet restrictor? So you wouldnt have to waste money to buy two different turbos to enter both races.
* Twin turbo setup for cars
* Custom parts: Underbody ducts to decrease air pressure underneath to drastically increase downforce
I hate stereotypes like that. I happen to love Fiat 500s, Diahatsu Midgets, Honda Beats, Ford Model Ts, Nissan Micras, Mini Coopers, and others. How would getting rid of them make the game any better? Think of the 1 lap magic races. I love those, yet they would not exist had there been no underpowered cars. Please, speak for yourself. Other people may like things that you don't.

Agreed. The biggest problem with these vehicles in GT4 is that they are under-represented. I'd really like to see the older & smaller cars better catered for with an improved series of classics races. i.e.
Classic microcar race - Subaru 360, Fiat 500, Honda Z-act etc.
Classic saloon car championship - Alfa's, Nissan Bluebird etc.
Classic sports car championship - E-type, MB 300SL etc.
Vintage/antique race - Model T and similar from 1900-1930.

Currently many of these vehicles have nowhere appropriate to race, and those that do are mostly restricted to manufacturers races. Pitting a Fiat 500 against an AC 427SC in the Euro classics is just absurd, but chasing a Mazda Carol for 2 laps would be fun.

EDIT:- This got me thinking about another set of poorly represented races - rallying.

As smthrlr mentions above the head to head races just don't sit right. Either make it rallycross, or pit the player against a full field of ghost cars - that way you don't have to worry about passing physical traffic on roads too narrow for side by side action, but you would still get a sense of how well you are doing against the competition.

Additionally, the setup of the special conditions hall seems odd. First you choose your track, then do a couple of laps in each direction to win the event. Wouldn't it make more sense setup like the other event halls, i.e.
PD Rally championship - a couple of laps on each of ten tracks in a WRC style car.
Monster rally championship - as above but in group B monsters.
Classic car rally - as above, but pre 1980 cars, 200 bhp limit.
Road car rally - as above but 200-300hp road cars only.
Additionally, the setup of the special conditions hall seems odd. First you choose your track, then do a couple of laps in each direction to win the event. Wouldn't it make more sense setup like the other event halls, i.e.
PD Rally championship - a couple of laps on each of ten tracks in a WRC style car.
Monster rally championship - as above but in group B monsters.
Classic car rally - as above, but pre 1980 cars, 200 bhp limit.
Road car rally - as above but 200-300hp road cars only.

I think you hit the nail on the head their. A common sense list to rally events, something GT4 was somewhat lacking. +rep:tup:
Agreed. The biggest problem with these vehicles in GT4 is that they are under-represented. I'd really like to see the older & smaller cars better catered for with an improved series of classics races. i.e.
Classic microcar race - Subaru 360, Fiat 500, Honda Z-act etc.
Classic saloon car championship - Alfa's, Nissan Bluebird etc.
Classic sports car championship - E-type, MB 300SL etc.
Vintage/antique race - Model T and similar from 1900-1930.

Currently many of these vehicles have nowhere appropriate to race, and those that do are mostly restricted to manufacturers races. Pitting a Fiat 500 against an AC 427SC in the Euro classics is just absurd, but chasing a Mazda Carol for 2 laps would be fun.

EDIT:- This got me thinking about another set of poorly represented races - rallying.

As smthrlr mentions above the head to head races just don't sit right. Either make it rallycross, or pit the player against a full field of ghost cars - that way you don't have to worry about passing physical traffic on roads too narrow for side by side action, but you would still get a sense of how well you are doing against the competition.

Additionally, the setup of the special conditions hall seems odd. First you choose your track, then do a couple of laps in each direction to win the event. Wouldn't it make more sense setup like the other event halls, i.e.
PD Rally championship - a couple of laps on each of ten tracks in a WRC style car.
Monster rally championship - as above but in group B monsters.
Classic car rally - as above, but pre 1980 cars, 200 bhp limit.
Road car rally - as above but 200-300hp road cars only.
Sounds fun! You seem to have similar tastes as I do. What are your views on the Missions like 1 lap magic and 3 lap battle?
Yeah I agree too, that Slower Cars are very important for a game like this. Similarly Catagorized slower cars from yester years and some more modern cars, is fun to race... Short Races with a lot of head to head battle.. And besides the whole point of having some of the cars that seem useless is, that THESE cars are regular cars that anybody could own. I would love to race a car in GT that I personally own for everyday stuff with a friends regular car.. It just adds to the whole "fun" aspect of it.

Other thing is,
How many of you are cool with Flag Rules. I mean I know it's not the best thing in stock car (production cars, no added parts / setups) racing, but in Racing cars, I think Flag rules must be implemented. Yellow Flag, based on sections, Blue Flag for backmarker overtaking, BlackFlag for disqualification (if u ignore the blue flag more than 3 times etc).. Penalty for cutting the corner for more than 3 times in a lap or race (etc).. I think it would be good to have choosable flag rules for online races atleast in only Race Car races..
To add to the realism, I'd like to see where each car's real life transmission options are the ones you have to choose from to drive in the game. For instance, if you go to a dealership to buy a car that in real life comes with a 5-speed automatic, a 6-speed semi-auto, or 6-speed manual option, then you would also have to make that choice in the game. If a car is only available with an automatic transmission then you must drive that car with an automatic transmission, and likewise for if it is only available in manual. As far as winning prize cars that have more than one transmission option, you would specify which transmission you want when the car is won. The only way you can switch between automatic and manual is if you replace the transmission in the parts shop. This would be for the simulation mode only, obviously, and it would add another touch of realism. I know there would probably be a lot of people who can't or aren't used to driving manual complaining about this when it comes to driving high-end sports or race cars, but this is supposed to be the "Real Driving Simulator," right?
To add to the realism, I'd like to see where each car's real life transmission options are the ones you have to choose from to drive in the game. For instance, if you go to a dealership to buy a car that in real life comes with a 5-speed automatic, a 6-speed semi-auto, or 6-speed manual option, then you would also have to make that choice in the game. If a car is only available with an automatic transmission then you must drive that car with an automatic transmission, and likewise for if it is only available in manual. As far as winning prize cars that have more than one transmission option, you would specify which transmission you want when the car is won. The only way you can switch between automatic and manual is if you replace the transmission in the parts shop. This would be for the simulation mode only, obviously, and it would add another touch of realism. I know there would probably be a lot of people who can't or aren't used to driving manual complaining about this when it comes to driving high-end sports or race cars, but this is supposed to be the "Real Driving Simulator," right?

Yeh, I said that once and got blasted for this not being a game for sunday cruising with automatics. :dunce:
To add to the realism, I'd like to see where each car's real life transmission options are the ones you have to choose from to drive in the game. For instance, if you go to a dealership to buy a car that in real life comes with a 5-speed automatic, a 6-speed semi-auto, or 6-speed manual option, then you would also have to make that choice in the game. If a car is only available with an automatic transmission then you must drive that car with an automatic transmission, and likewise for if it is only available in manual. As far as winning prize cars that have more than one transmission option, you would specify which transmission you want when the car is won. The only way you can switch between automatic and manual is if you replace the transmission in the parts shop. This would be for the simulation mode only, obviously, and it would add another touch of realism. I know there would probably be a lot of people who can't or aren't used to driving manual complaining about this when it comes to driving high-end sports or race cars, but this is supposed to be the "Real Driving Simulator," right?

I like this idea alot. Especially if the auto tranmissions that have Tiptronic in real life also have it in the game so you can shift "manually" whereas those that only have slush boxes in real life restrict you driving it in auto.