Don't know if it's been mentioned here, but I'd like to be able to pit on my own without the game taking over. I'd like to "find" my crew and negotiate the turn into my pit area as my crew works on my car and then be able to check the rear-view mirror before I put it in 1st gear and zoom out again. Why do we have to give up control of the pitting?
1.) Grid girls
2.) ability take pictures of yourself with the grid girls after winning the race
3.) tuning system similar to the ones in SLR:RL, in other wordds, oyu buy all the parts yourself, you have to be sure that they fit to your car, take the old parts off and replace them with new ones, before doing any adjustments.
4.) if you manage to get your car up to 300mph and the crash, and your brave driver dies due the impact, you have to train new driver.
5.) tyre blows up instead of just losing grip when the indicator is red.
6.) Aerodynamic lift and cars flipping over at Hunaudieres a la M-B CLK-GTR..
7.) since there is horn implemented, the international hand signs should be included too
8.) bumper stickers.. "Honk again, I'm loading the gun" in the back end of Camaro would be adequate..![]()
Most of them are funny, I like it.
PS- What happened to you Leo, you used to be able to spell.![]()
1.) Grid girls
2.) ability take pictures of yourself with the grid girls after winning the race
3.) tuning system similar to the ones in SLR:RL, in other wordds, oyu buy all the parts yourself, you have to be sure that they fit to your car, take the old parts off and replace them with new ones, before doing any adjustments.
4.) if you manage to get your car up to 300mph and the crash, and your brave driver dies due the impact, you have to train new driver.
5.) tyre blows up instead of just losing grip when the indicator is red.
6.) Aerodynamic lift and cars flipping over at Hunaudieres a la M-B CLK-GTR..
7.) since there is horn implemented, the international hand signs should be included too
8.) bumper stickers.. "Honk again, I'm loading the gun" in the back end of Camaro would be adequate..![]()
Now when he says "sense what is in front and behind", that reminded me of an accident that I had the other day that was caused by the AI, because he couldn't sense I was behind him. I was playig on GT1, and I was doing the Sunday Cup race at Gran Valley in a Toyota Corolla Levin. There was a Mazda Demio in front of me, and he left a bit of space up the inside. There was just enough room, so I went for it. Then suddenly, he turned into me, closing the gap completley. I turned right a bit to avoid hitting him, when my front right wheel went onto the the grass, and my car started to slide. As I tried to correct it, my car flew over to the otherside of the track, hit a wall and spun! This is something that PD really needs to get right, aswell as damage!AI: More dynamic AI, AI drivers should be able to 'sense' what is in front and behind them when driving and be able to adjust the line they are driving to manuever(sp) around these obstacles, or at least get out of the way to prevent themselves from becoming obstacles.
No offense, but I hate that idea. Open tracks? So you want to turn Gran Turismo into Need for Speed Underground. Well, let me give you a little bit of advice. If you want Need for Speed Underground, then don't turn Grran Turismo into a street racing game, buy Need for Speed Underground.