Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Probably mentioned before, but it's good to stress it alot: More wheel brands! We need some (more) American brands as well as a few of the other popular brands that weren't in the other games It would also be nice to be able to choose the "stock" wheels if you want them back, rather than having to buy a new car. Speaking of stock wheels, I didn't really like how they had the random wheels offered each "week". They should list them by Make so you can find the ones you want whenever rather than waiting for them to pop up.
car clubs/teams/clans. an absolute must.

win/loss leaderboards, overall member credits, hot lap leaderboards(which team is the fastest), some form of challenge system, ext
Probably mentioned before, but it's good to stress it alot: More wheel brands! We need some (more) American brands as well as a few of the other popular brands that weren't in the other games It would also be nice to be able to choose the "stock" wheels if you want them back, rather than having to buy a new car. Speaking of stock wheels, I didn't really like how they had the random wheels offered each "week". They should list them by Make so you can find the ones you want whenever rather than waiting for them to pop up.

This would be really nice.
I think we need different ways of spending the hard-earned credits you accumulate through races. For example, mere 3,000,000 credits you could hire Max Mosley to set you up with a nazi-themed sex orgy.

Hahaha thanks for the laugh man!
I think we need different ways of spending the hard-earned credits you accumulate through races. For example, mere 3,000,000 credits you could hire Max Mosley to set you up with a nazi-themed sex orgy.

lol, aren't you this guy here? :sly:
I've got a few things on my Mine ;)

Downloading of Movies..
I would like to see that the Download of movies in GT_TV could be done in the background, It takes like for ever to get them down, and yes there is time, when you don't drive GT5 where you could push DWL, but it's only when you are hungry for driving, that you go in to your gT5 game, and if there is a news flash on Gt_TV you are checking if there is new movies to download.. I simply love GT5p, it' hard to let it go, pecially after getting the F1, man it's pure DRUG!!

adding your own Skin template to the cars
I'll support the Team structure idea, it would be awesome, i do hope that I'm able to create a contest weekend in Copenhagen DK one day, and i do think it's possible, after we get the update with Private servers, and hopefuly Lan-network games, i' will investigate with sponsors like Sony - logitech - LG - nordisk film ..
i would also like to make my own logo to add to the cars, and even a Skin, i've done lots of Work on Richard burns rally, and now i'm a true GT5p fan with what that goes along..

3D Glitches.
Another thing i do hope will be corrected, is the 3d Shader glitches ( ALpha maybe), there is in many shots in a replay that shows some nasty graphical errors, that ruins the big picture of gT5's HD, and that should really be taking care of..

Penalty & AI Driving.
The issue should really be expanded with a lot more choices to take when adding a penalty, specially where the AI is involved, I'm so happy for the approach with the penalty system, and i do belive that it's gonna be Fixed to be more accurate, but as it is now, it's Killing some spirit on the way..

The choice of AI strength..
If you keep it on 101 there will be F1 all over, but if you just put it to 100, no more F1's, why can't we have Ai value on F1 cars, i don't use it, but many of me friends that would like to try, is pushed away, because they wasn able to feel the joy, because the AI is driving full speed..

A living 24 hour sky & Weather system..
i don't undertand why they have choosen to have a steril skybox, it looks great, but would sure look much better with real life in it, like moving clouds, and sun position moving, and even if you could set a time on the day for the race to start, included night racing with lights on the cars, i would cry if they would add Like raining and other normal season stuff..

shadows on spectators in eigar Nordwand

in the HD version you'll see Shadows on the spectators, and it works brilliantly, but in the GT5p specII they are gone, which leaves the spectators in a rather eye sticking way, and the last thing about nordwand ( which i love) is that the Audio is sounding like allot of people clapping, but there isn't any of the spectators that claps.. gheee :embarrassed:)

I'm sorry to be so narrow in my thought's, but it could easiely be done, and shouldn't kill the ps3's power at all..

Dream Extreme
Customisable starting grids

I saw a race where it was a 3 by 3 grid in Tsukuba - the fastest cars (f40 etc) at the back and the slower cars at the front. At somewhere like, say, test course, I want a 4 lane oval with possibly a 4 by 4 starting grid, assuming PD won't let more. Why? It'll be fairer.

Sophisticated opponent selection

I want to be able to chose my opponents according to many criteria included but not limited to:

-Age (e.g. cars from the '60s fighting it out)
-Top Speed
-Power to weight ratio
-type: (e.g. muscle car, midengined, gt, front engined)
-horse power
-CD Coefficient

And it would also be cool to combine these criteriae to have muscle cars from a certain era; you get the gist.
More accurate car names.

The ability to select your opponents in arcade mode.


Damage to track objects.

Cars flipping over.
Why? rolling starts and qualifying sessions are cool, and it is very realistic.
7.1 surround sound instead of 5.1.

Qualifying is good, I want qualifying sessions. Why I wrote down other wise, I don't know.

A little bit off topic but why isn't there a pc version of Forza?
Online Feature - Special event on weekends..
Online races, where the 16 best on the ranking compete on a track , for the gold and the others "WE all that are not racing" can be spectators, watching the race from the Tribunes and where ever there is spectators on the sides on the track, In my mind, this could be awesome, and a exiting way to build the community, and support for each others skills, because we might as well face it, This Race sim can and will be, the best Race sim we ever gonna get, SO lets keep the same Attitude and support on the tracks, That we got here in this Amazing GTplanet...

PST. being able to join as a spectator in any online Event, whould also be nice..

The menu is kind of very stiff
Wow please couldn't you make it easier to get out and around in the menu's, there is allot of tapping..

Split Screen and future online/lan possibility
we " My team" would love to drive among AI cars as well!! to be able to create a server event, with extra AI cars and with Ajusting of the Level of AI cars, would be awesome, specially for training as a team, and for real Online events, and of course not to forget!! also for the Fun of it, Yes it could be rough hehe, specially with damage on, but also fantastic i think...

Being able to add Team name
Of course i'm talking about the possibility of you going from one team to another, or are invited to a team, and can't have the Name with You, Team Building is a very Strong feature, for getting this Race Sime as real as possible, it's also Fair for the Others that you are driving agianst, if you are 4 team members on the race, you should Know about it, not for quiting, but for getting more focused in your driving, It sure helps that's for sure..hehe

More work to do on the 3D rendering
I do hope that the developers Know, that there is lots of graphicals flickering on the tracks, I even had a SPline "Thin line" Going from the ruff of the AI car and straight up to the sun, while we were racing and it was a wierd thing, but! well!! known error in Games, were it often is a driver issue.. ;)

But as always, I love this Race Sim, And i Just wanna help!! He he

Icon that tells you what controller has been used on the ranking

Dream Extreme..

PS. Microsoft need's Forza for selling the Xbox360, and they still do LOL
I'd like to have the original style qualifying sessions and championships with score points like in GT1, they just add the realism.
And bonus cars and some crazy special models should be hidden, there's not many surprises in GT4 where you can see about all the cars when starting the game. :crazy:

That damage modelling would be nice, if it's coming.
Losing control of your hard-earned car and seeing it rolling and smashing into pieces and igniting in flames, (with your garage erased and the text "R.I.P. Player1, GAME OVERR" appearing on the screen) would seriously hurt.
Ok, maybe without that last one :nervous:

But REALISTIC damage modelling would be cool, tho very unlikely, I think car manufactures don't want an image of their cars being dangerous...
- 2-wide rolling starts like the real thing.

- Ability to use time (up to 24 hours) as a measure for race distance instead of just laps.

- Ability to change drivers online in endurance races, up to 5 drivers per car

- Time scaled damage. What I mean by this is that if you TOTAL your car in a 5 lap race it should take 10 seconds to fix it. If you TOTAL your car in a 24 hour race it should take 1-2 minutes to fix it
I'm going to swim against the tide here; I don't want damage. Or to clarify, if a car is damaged in a race, I have no problem with it getting knocked up and running differently during that race. But if I have to spend a bunch of time worrying about my car and credit farming to get money to fix my cars, I'll be pretty unhappy. Then, we're just playing Need for Speed or The Sims or something. I don't want a storyline. I want to drive hot cars.
I also think that there should be options to disable damage, penalties and licensing in single player mode. But that's just me.
I'm going to swim against the tide here; I don't want damage. Or to clarify, if a car is damaged in a race, I have no problem with it getting knocked up and running differently during that race. But if I have to spend a bunch of time worrying about my car and credit farming to get money to fix my cars, I'll be pretty unhappy. Then, we're just playing Need for Speed or The Sims or something. I don't want a storyline. I want to drive hot cars.
I also think that there should be options to disable damage, penalties and licensing in single player mode. But that's just me.

I agree, I don't want to keep spending money on fixing the cars if they are wrecked.
Apologies if these things have already been mentioned!

1. Ability of player to select car for each AI pilot.
2. Ability of player to select skill level for each AI pilot.
3. Online private lobbies
4. Online private password games
5. Ability to use AI pilots and vehicles online to fill out field
6. Ability of online host to only allow certain vehicles into the race.
7. Track Editor (most unlikely, but ya never know...)
8. Make the events optional not mandatory to get access to tuning (some of us are sucky drivers!)
9. Car damage (coming soon...not cosmetic, but I hope they mean structural damage, engine damage, etc.).
10. Vehicle parts failure option (selectable option for random failure of oil pump, blown gaskets, steering problems, etc.)
11. Optional qualifying session for online racing (host's choice).
12. Online voice chat and text chat.

eye candy requests:
13. personal skinning of cars (paint, stickers, decals, etc.)
14. ability to customize our own pilot's appearance (helmet color, type, leathers, etc.)
A helicoter that follows the field as they are racing. It is my favorite view watching real racing as it seems the cars (and bikes) are racing the helicopter.

F1 style refulling rigs.

The reason i want that ^ is cause i want the pit stop to be more invloved. For instance. YOU have to be the one to obey the speed limit. And YOU have to be the one to hold the car as it gets tires changed, fuel added, and aero adjusted.

And if you go to soon before the lollipop guy tells you, a fire could emerge from the fuel rig and you could accidently run over 1 of your pit crew. (More time wasted!

Tow trucks for when you crash in the damage upload to take you to the pits when you "get it wrong"
Random wildlife. You're racing in your F1 and suddenly a squid comes flying out of nowhere exploding your engine and killing you intantly putting you in 1,000,000 Cr. debt to you racing team who leave you and send the Mafia after you and during races they shoot at you and throw grenades and if you die you have to fight the grim raper at a 96 hr endurance race without pauses or B spec and if you lose you have to start all over again as the dude's son and then the sam might happen again except that this time an elephant crushes your car during a rally stage in Africa then you have to run away and hop onto another driver's car to escape a wild swaerm of wildebeest who will eat your liver then you can continue the game and then when you win you die instantly and then the game ends but you can keep going if you are fast enough to press 20 buttons to keep your PS3 from exploding and then you actually die.

Like I said. I would like to see actual wild life when you go along the game, like having a cow wander onto your rally stage causing damage to your car. Or hitting a rabbit at 200mph causing an imballance.
Random wildlife. You're racing in your F1 and suddenly a squid comes flying out of nowhere exploding your engine and killing you intantly putting you in 1,000,000 Cr. debt to you racing team who leave you and send the Mafia after you and during races they shoot at you and throw grenades and if you die you have to fight the grim raper at a 96 hr endurance race without pauses or B spec and if you lose you have to start all over again as the dude's son and then the sam might happen again except that this time an elephant crushes your car during a rally stage in Africa then you have to run away and hop onto another driver's car to escape a wild swaerm of wildebeest who will eat your liver then you can continue the game and then when you win you die instantly and then the game ends but you can keep going if you are fast enough to press 20 buttons to keep your PS3 from exploding and then you actually die.

Like I said. I would like to see actual wild life when you go along the game, like having a cow wander onto your rally stage causing damage to your car. Or hitting a rabbit at 200mph causing an imballance.

A squid? Why?
Interacitve surroundings like in FlatOut!

If you crash into a tire wall, I would like to see the tires fly into the air. If you crash into a barrier, I would like to see this barrier to be destroyed or bended. If you go off track, I would like to see tire marks in the sand like in MotorStorm etc... .