Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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I would like to reiterate the desire for a paint shop at the dealership.

Sometimes I would like to be able to paint my vehicle in a more exciting or better suited color and have been long awaiting Polyphony's change of heart on the subject.

and ditto on the Nurburgring project, we can only hope.
It would be nice if we could turn the headlights on or off (and you could see the instruments in the cabin light up too)
Doesn't benefit the race but a nice little option

And more wet tracks. There was only one in GT4 and a couple in GT3.
Realistic Series Structure:
I would like to see series like DTM and Super GT have a more detailed Rules and regulations. Something just doesn't feel right about being able to race almost anything in Super GT.

Real Time Weather:

I might have already mentioned this, but in a race like a KM race at Silverstone for example, it would add to the realism for the weather to suddenly change from sunny conditions to rainy weather.

Real Time Transitions:

For the endurance races, I would like to actually see Day turn to night and/or night to day. I just fantasize about driving around Circuit De La Sarthe at night with the brakes glowing cherry red and flame shooting out the tailpipes.

Realistic Race car Aquisition:

Basically, I'm hoping that if I purchase a brand new Race car it'll be in Plain Carbon fiber body, allowing me to then add my own team livery.


The ability to create your own Exotic race car from the ground is something I would really like to see. You could Design your own F1 car, Prototype or whatever you like.

Thats all from me for now.
Paint shop would take the fun out of special colored prize cars, I'd rather want race-mods with those race-style paintjobs back. :)

Engine swaps, drivetrain modifications, body modification and rollcages, things like that could be fun.
You could build cars for different race types, like rally, drag race, GT...
This would be pretty extreme, but I'd like the idea of modifying a VW Golf mid-engine, RWD, and heavily modify the body to fit these settings.
Or fit a Beetle with a Wankel engine... actually some people have done that
I'd love to see more genuine aftermarket modifications and a proper dyno feature. I also believe that modification benefits should not be revealed until after the part has been paid for and fitted. i.e. buy a HKS exhaust sytem for 1500cr off the shelf and fit it to your car. Get it dynoed and see what sort of power your car makes now.

Hmmm, I might try out a different aftermarket exhaust and see what sort of power that exhaust makes.

I strongly believe that there should be a bit of an 'unknown' factor when fitting performance parts and if the aftermarket is willing to licence to PD for Gran Turismo, then they should also be willing to put their products to the test.

Dyno tuning should cost money too. 500cr a pop.

And whilst we're at it, a used car should 'look' like a damned used car (faded paint, dirty rims, smokey exhaust).
That's just what used car dealers do, make the cars look all shiny and clean, even if they really are rusted out buckets.
I remember back in GT1 times, I always washed my old cars before selling them, hoping I get a better prize lol :D

Tho I'd like to see some rusty old cars, maybe even damaged ones,
that are for sale cheaper than normal, and you could repair them to get they look and handle better.

Dunno about the dyno thing, I'd be probbly half-way the game before spending money on that.
Maybe the parts could have limited usage time, used parts less reliable, (I think Sega GT had this)
so you'd have to replace parts after some time.

Interiors should change with weight reductions and racing modifications, with added rollcages and racing seats, and stripped interior panels.
I'd like to be able to pose more than one car at a time in photo mode.

It would be great if GT5 had every track from every previous GT. I miss Red Rock Valley and Grindelwald.

Real time weather and day/night transition effects.
Racing the 24 hour races would be wicked.

Damage affecting performance.
On the longer races it would be cool to do a lap behind the pace car while they cleaned up a A.I. car that rolled itself into a ball.
Might not be so good on Nurburgring.

More than just six cars racing.

Greatly improved A.I. drivers.

Mostly what everyone else wants, but if enough people ask....
+1 for better AI, weather and daytimes too.

Rolling over cars, finally maybe?
Instead of that little "thud" sound when hitting something, how about something like

Fire and smoke!

More dirt effects for the cars on races, racing in GT looks too clean...
watch Days Of Thunder and you know what I mean

Some contrast from the shiny cars, and some real work for the people at Car Wash... ;)
Yeah, I agree with General Force. Would it be so hard for Polyphony to add some simple controls to the replays.
One thing I wouldn’t want to see in GT5, is B-Spec mode. It really took the fun out of the endurance events in GT4. I didn’t see the point of Driving for 2 hours, if you could achieve the exact same goal three times quicker, while drinking a cup of coffee.
Those were some good times in GT1,2 and 3… ruined by Bob in GT4 👎

…Except for 12 and 24-hour events. If there were any 24-hour races in GT5, I’d like it if you could save your progress in pit lane, then come back to it later. Maybe you could rotate drivers (as they do in real 24h events), where B-spec mode takes over from you, playing the role as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th drivers. Once they have finished their driving, you must drive your stint, and so on…

And yes, weather effects, day/night cycles, replay settings/options (battle mode, from GT3) would be great. I’m sure PD could do it.
"Time of Day changes: Day to Night to Day. this with temperature changes will make racing a little more realistic. If a race is a morning race, the track will be cold, as the day progresses the track will warm up can change how the car responds."

For the duration of most races this wouldnt really matter, but I guess it could add a lot to a 24 hour race.

"Weather Transitions: Clear skys, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, fog, snow. Things that would help with the world dynamics and how track performance affects a cars handling."

A limited amount would be nice, but not clear to rain or snow. Some races where an impeding drizzle comes on or off would be nice.

"Track Condition changes: Track Temperature changes during the day or night racing."

For this I would just like to see the implementation of track surface temperatures and a contribution to the tire effectiveness formula computed by the game engine. Same thing with the classification of the track as wet, semi-wet, or dry.


I think the tuning system is quite good already. Something I guess id like to see is 'data collection' mode as a tuning tool. In this mode you would lap as if it were a free run, unobstructed, but with enchanced data collection tools. A virtual wind tunnel would be a nice gimmick too.


Car selection is a complex thing and the game is unlikely to satisfy everyone no matter how broad the selection becomes. This topic has been slaughtered time and time again though.


I semi-agree on the number of cars thing and I totally agree on better defined limitations on machine entry. More cars means more load on the computational power of the console. I am not willing to sacrifice image quality for more cars. However, I want to be able to pick my opponents cars in a quick race mode as a trade off. The limitations on machine entry is a harder thing to enforce. You can't really go by power to weight in all fairness. You can't go by money either. I think what would be best would be a "Formula" system. In the story mode game the races would define the acceptable entry vehicles and state clearly which parts can be modified to which extent. (quick example a GT500 series would be unlimited modifications to street models currently participating in jgtc only limitation being 500hp). Quick races would allow you to choose and alter these parameters so you can quickly set up a competitive race. This would also work excellent for multiplayer as well. Another thing about races is the qualifying system. They need to institute the hot lap system a well as he free run qualifying.


I think new tracks would serve the game well. We have become comfy with this set of 'turismo' tracks over the years and some new ones could freshen things up. Then again, i am not sure how much time goes into bringing each one into the game and what the on-site requirements are so I'm not making any demands. I think for me, the best tracks to bring in are the ones we see on TV for benchmarking. Sugo, Ebisu, Mid-Ohio, Willow Springs, Fiorano, etc. Part of the endless replayability of the GT series for me involves benchmarking and 'reviewing' cars myself. I'll pick a couple 280ps machines for a comparo, do a Vette/Viper battle, Evo/STI full shakedown, etc. These tracks are useful for that.


I think this is the most important area which needs improvement. I think PD would do well to work with a professional driving school to model appropriate driving behaviors in different scenarios. For instance, if you approach a car that is a lap down it should be blue flagged and act accordingly. The CPU cars should lap using their standard lines (even those should be modelled after several different professional drivers in contrasting styles) until the AI recognizes different scenarios. If you are legitimately contending with a CPU car for a race position, it should attempt to block on critical corner exits leading to long straights. If by car specifications the CPU knows its car has a higher braking theshold than the one of the player, it may decide to attempt a braking contest at certain programmed turns if it is within a certain distance approaching corner entry. I could go on but in short if there is a standard of racing etiquite that allows pros to race relatively cleanly at speeds over 300+ km/h there is no reason this etiquiette cannot be programmed, since it is merely a standard of behaviors.


I think this is a fair suggestion. I have always found the UI in GT games to be a bit frustrating. Getting from one place and another logical destination shouldnt mean backing out of numerous menus and digging deep into other menu trees.

"More on Damage, and why it should be in the game."

I have mixed views on damage. I think damage has little to no relevance with racing. In racing, cars usually do not withstand any significant damage without retiring from the race. I personally think it is cheesy if you allow a trashed car to limp its way through a race (ZoMg LoOk aT mE I aM dRivIng aroUnd wItH MAX DMG). I mean, a limited amount could work I guess, like if touching another car or barrier would take the front wing off the F1 car and lead to reduced downforce until replaced in the pits. I really dont care for damage modelling otherwise and I think the efforts of the programmers are better spent elsewhere.

I usually try to read through entire threads before contributing but this one was just too long. I think the points raised are excellent though and deserve to be reviewed by the developers.

I think this is a fair suggestion. I have always found the UI in GT games to be a bit frustrating. Getting from one place and another logical destination shouldnt mean backing out of numerous menus and digging deep into other menu trees.

Totally agree with this point. You can waste so much time clicking through menus and dialog boxes in previous GT's and even in GT5:P. It's especially annoying in the Tuning section where you just want to throw some parts onto your car but the game wants to double check if you really, really want to use/buy these items :irked:

I'd like to see a check box next to tuning parts so i can go through the lists ticking the parts i want, then pay and fit them at the end when i've chosen them all.
I remember AI in GT2 had some improvements
(i noticed some cars in front of me on a straight would get out of the way when I was closing on them going much faster)
AI has been about the same since GT1.
Forza 1 had a lot better one, AI cars overtaking each other too, and having accidents sometimes.
Feels more like they are actually racing for the win instead of following each other without even noticing the player.
I remember AI in GT2 had some improvements
(i noticed some cars in front of me on a straight would get out of the way when I was closing on them going much faster)

I was playing GT2 today, and I actually think the AI is better in that, then in GT4... mostly their overtaking down straights. If you slow down a bit, they actually pass you at a safe distance. In the corners, it's a whole different story.
The improvements in GT5:P have been ok... but not great.
"Time of Day changes: Day to Night to Day. this with temperature changes will make racing a little more realistic. If a race is a morning race, the track will be cold, as the day progresses the track will warm up can change how the car responds."

For the duration of most races this wouldnt really matter, but I guess it could add a lot to a 24 hour race.
I don't think the implementation of temperature variation needs to occur during a race---just that if you're racing on the Fuji track and it's currently hot in Japan (in the real world), then the track in the game should reflect that. If it's currently cold in Japan, then the track in the game will also act accordingly.

Maybe not for the event races, but for the Arcade and online (as long as you can shut it off).
Just last night, I played GT4 for the first time in months, for about one hour. It's still fun at times, but I felt so distant from the dizzying array of icons haphazardly placed on the screen that I wanted to say something.


I think this is a fair suggestion. I have always found the UI in GT games to be a bit frustrating. Getting from one place and another logical destination shouldn't mean backing out of numerous menus and digging deep into other menu trees.

I don't know why PD left out the shortcut icons at the top of the screen in GT2; I've never heard anyone complain about them. Let's see, there was "Home", "Race", "Exit to main screen", and a back button, IIRC. GT2 had the best user interface of all of them, although GT1 was the simplest (there wasn't that many manufacturers nor side-stuff, anyhow).

Come to think of it, there's so much side-junk PD has added over the last two full versions. They could eliminate to get back to the basics of being a video game again. Get a car, mod it if you choose, tune, practice, race. Repeat until no longer entertained is what a (GT) game is all about, among other necessities like licenses, options, and used cars.

Stuff like Photomode, wheels, car washes, machine tests, B-spec, and maintenance (I work in a service shop, so don't bother telling me about realism) are pointless window dressing and time wasters for a game. I know some 99% of you like it, but it's meaningless fluff to me.

Stop over-diversifying the dealerships for a single car, and making me spend extra time finding the right place to tune it (remember how you did it in GT3? One shop, thank you!)

Warn me when a car can't be modded or has a CVT or goof-ball transmission, or at least allow me to bitch at the folks at GT Auto that can't figure out where the oil drainplug is at times.

Stop making me wait for 2 minutes while the other cars start off on grid for mission hall events. Making me wait is another way of saying you want me to play a competitor's game.

I was playing GT2 today, and I actually think the AI is better in that, then in GT4... mostly their overtaking down straights. If you slow down a bit, they actually pass you at a safe distance. In the corners, it's a whole different story.

The AI is good for one thing in GT2: Variety. There tends to be a lot more variety and the same car isn't the "rabbit" every time. There's some tail-end-Charlies, and some perrenial front-runners...but it's not as predictable as previous versions; sometimes they run slow or make mistakes. I detest having to tune/select my car based on the fact there's only one competitor that's far away the best of the rest. You're in a 2-car race so many times.

Now that I rarely play games in general (the rare times are GT4), I'm not as obsessed with winning. I've completed everything I can do with my time, I've won nearly every car possible (there's one or two stragglers), and have plenty of cars, both used and unused in the garage. Winning isn't really everything, making a good race is. The last couple of times I've played, I've had fun battling for 3rd or 4th place, rather than dominating the 2nd place car.
Stuff like Photomode, wheels, car washes, machine tests, B-spec, and maintenance (I work in a service shop, so don't bother telling me about realism) are pointless window dressing and time wasters for a game. I know some 99% of you like it, but it's meaningless fluff to me.

So... because 1% of GT's players thinks that features such as Photomode are jejune, Polyphony should remove them from the 99% of players who enjoy such features, for the sake of being streamlined?

I personally have never had too much difficulty with any of the GT games in terms of user interface. Sure, each has had their fair share of aches in terms of navigation, but the My Page interface Prologue has is just dandy with me. It would be damn-near perfect for everyone if you could access the root My Page menu from any part of the game (other than in the middle of a race, of course). The people like you could get to everything they need lightning-fast, and the people like me can still play around in GT's miscellaneous fluff.
What if we took a journey, perhaps to a nice neighborhood in the hills of southern California, maybe alighting on an extravagantly crafted house/office-block/complex. Therin, we may find a well appointed garage, filled brimming with every, single, shining, mechanical miracle in your posession; in a grandly enveloping manner presenting a sweeping panorama of automotive ecstacy. That is My Dream.

Of course, country and manufacturer groupings would be in effect, perhaps rearrangable by category, I shiver to think what the XJ-9, the GT-One, and the Cerbera look like in a row. :scared:

I'm thinking the "chandelier" could be the menu halo, with the closest/smallest ring being major race events/classes,
the next/bigger ring with all the fun stuff like photo travel, shopping cars new and used (replete with sub-rings for manufacturers and eras), wheels, machine tests, etc.,
finally the top/biggest ring has every single, seperate event/diverson icon arranged in order of occurence around the perimiter of your garage, each with corresponding garage door (or bulletin board, or window, or something).

The camera should float easily by dint of a mini-blimp like bouyancy. The ability to peruse any concievable vehicle on a whim unhindered is paramount.

Really on the fringe, it would be supreme if at some point in the amassing of motorama, one would reach a tipping point, and relocate to larger facilities, or better yet, start small and trade up a couple of times.

I'm probably way overboard, but I gotta dream big, it's the only way! :sly:

Paint shop would take the fun out of special colored prize cars, I'd rather want race-mods with those race-style paintjobs back. :)

Why not combine the two and have a simple paint shop with just basic colors, and still offer prize cars with the special colors?

One thing I wouldn’t want to see in GT5, is B-Spec mode. It really took the fun out of the endurance events in GT4. I didn’t see the point of Driving for 2 hours, if you could achieve the exact same goal three times quicker, while drinking a cup of coffee.
Those were some good times in GT1,2 and 3… ruined by Bob in GT4 👎

…Except for 12 and 24-hour events. If there were any 24-hour races in GT5, I’d like it if you could save your progress in pit lane, then come back to it later. Maybe you could rotate drivers (as they do in real 24h events), where B-spec mode takes over from you, playing the role as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th drivers. Once they have finished their driving, you must drive your stint, and so on…

B-Spec was good for the longer races since they didn't offer mid-race saves, though I don't see how it would take the fun out of endurance events unless they forced you to use it (which they didn't, unless you count not having mid-races saves as forcing). If you mean others could finish the race faster than you, so what? At least you finished the race on your own without help from the computer!

Come to think of it, there's so much side-junk PD has added over the last two full versions. They could eliminate to get back to the basics of being a video game again. Get a car, mod it if you choose, tune, practice, race. Repeat until no longer entertained is what a (GT) game is all about, among other necessities like licenses, options, and used cars.

Stuff like Photomode, wheels, car washes, machine tests, B-spec, and maintenance (I work in a service shop, so don't bother telling me about realism) are pointless window dressing and time wasters for a game. I know some 99% of you like it, but it's meaningless fluff to me.

What's wrong with meaningless fluff if you don't even use it? I bought a TV and it came with a deal where you could put in notes and reminders that you could bring up later, but in reality it's just meaningless fluff to me, so I just don't use it! BTW, how are wheels fluff if most if not all race teams put different wheels on their vehicle? Granted they don't affect how the vehicle drives, but they at least make your car unique...unless uniqueness is also fluff! :lol:
So... because 1% of GT's players thinks that features such as Photomode are jejune, Polyphony should remove them from the 99% of players who enjoy such features, for the sake of being streamlined?
To me, they have nothing to do with playing a game, which is why I turn on a video game console. The extra fluff is more like playing a role, which may enhance the "escape" for some people, but it doesn't for me. I suppose it's all in how you use your imagination.

I'm of the philosophy that less is more; improve and refine the less, you won't ask for, nor miss the "more". Photomode? I own a real SLR camera, and it's ten times more fun and practical taking pictures of a daily driver than pretending to take shots of a 2-dimensional car that exists only in a game, at a location that only exists in a game. I suppose it makes great desktop wallpapers, I can't fault that. But I never stare at my desktop...

I suppose there exists lots of room on a Blu-Ray disk, so space is really no longer an issue. Prologue shows us that they can put 16 cars on the track at the same time. But how about a replay system that allows us to rewind? Four versions of the game and ten years later, Polyphony hasn't done it yet, for some reason.

So really, there isn't a lot to ask for; I think PD has done 95-99% of the job well already. There's a few odd quirks (blackballed cars) and the occasional whack-nut race decisions that irk me, but that's for a different thread. The user-interface just needs a little improvement and the rewinding replays would be nice. I miss the car descriptions like in GT1/GT2 (GT3's crawl was a...n...n...o...y...i...n...g and apparently translated by 10-year-olds), and a nice way to permanently save the sorting of your garage (like GT2). Random track generation and/or a way to choose the AI (for arcade, no-credit/prize races, of course) to really see how good you are would be a nice option.

GT/GT2 is one of the reasons I bought a PSX, GT3 was why I bought a PS2, and GT4 kept me occupied for another year-and-a-half. So yeah, I want to see a few changes; as part of the GT online-community for 8 years, I'm echoing a lot of complaints from others too.
i would like to see driving aids employ a handycap. i am not sure how this would be done in GT5, but in prologue the analogy would be that turning on traction control, increasing abs etc, would increase PP, so you would have to decide on tuning the car or increasing assist.

for good drivers this would be a no brainer, but it would put those who rely on aids on a performance disadvantage.

The kinds of drivers who need the aids are already at a disadvantage, why punish them further? Besides, TCS and ASM make your car considerably slower.
TCS doesn't always make a considerable difference if you use it on a lower setting. If I'm racing online then in the more powerful cars I'll use TCS on 1 or 2. If not then I'm far more liable to take someone out by accident trying to push under pressure than with it set to 1 or 2. Offline then it really depends what mood I'm in, I'm quicker with it set to 1 or 2 with most powerfull cars but I enjoy the drive more with it set to 0 on most.
I would like to see and option, to train on a particular section of a track, instead of having to drive the full track everytime.
klondike, that's a great idea. Sometimes you may just wanna master a certain area of the track, so maybe they can include an option where you can "select" a section of track, then choose whether you want rolling start or not, and if so, what speed you want to start at, and what line you want to start on etc

A feature could also be included where an AI adviser can be used to suggest how you might improve your time for that selection of track. e.g. "given the dynamics of your car xyz, try braking a little later into corner 1", or "reduce speed through corner 2", or "try modifying your spring settings" etc etc
And the cycle goes on. :)

On the subject of tracks, I think it would benifit the simulated realism to incorporate in to the presentation certain benign ambient motions and sounds.

That is to say, I want trackside lights to blink, banners and windsocks to wave in the breeze, trees to rustle, birds to chirp and fly overhead, leaves to bluster, and maybe even small pebbles to fly up from your opponent's tires and rattle your windows. :D

This relates to the weather issue as well, who wouldn't love to see a fog settle on Cote d'Azur, that would be fun as well as extremely challenging. 👍
Swiss Alps in a blizzard? Anyone?

Somebody needs to sponsor Polyphony with a grant or something; seriously, they need a budget like Rockstar. :bowdown:

And the cycle goes on. :)

On the subject of tracks, I think it would benifit the simulated realism to incorporate in to the presentation certain benign ambient motions and sounds.

That is to say, I want trackside lights to blink, banners and windsocks to wave in the breeze, trees to rustle, birds to chirp and fly overhead, leaves to bluster, and maybe even small pebbles to fly up from your opponent's tires and rattle your windows. :D

This relates to the weather issue as well, who wouldn't love to see a fog settle on Cote d'Azur, that would be fun as well as extremely challenging. 👍
Swiss Alps in a blizzard? Anyone?

Somebody needs to sponsor Polyphony with a grant or something; seriously, they need a budget like Rockstar. :bowdown:

I agree over 9000%!

Oh, and please please please add custom soundtracks, Polyphony.
Polyphony and Sony are basically the same beast so I don't think budget is really a problem.
Witch is all the more reason for them to do more than just awesome car models,witch is basically all they've been able to show so far this gen.