This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
Maybe it's just me, but I see both sides of this argument supporting the same thing, that the OP is correct that the game is demotivating.

Either, like most here, there is an agreement that the game's MTX is frustrating and encourages playing the same old high dollar races, which suck as a piece of entertainment.


You get a cheat script to do the grinding for you, because you have been demotivated from playing the game as designed.

It's different sides of the same coin and both point to an underwhelming experience.

I bet Sony is seeing a lot of interest in PC Remote Play over the past few months, and more interest incoming. You'll be surprised how much impact that could have on this game.
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Maybe it's just me, but I see both sides of this argument supporting the same thing, that the OP is correct that the game is demotivating.

Either, like most here, there is an agreement that the game's MTX is frustrating and encourages playing the same old high dollar races, which suck as a piece of entertainment.


You get a cheat script to do the grinding for you, because you have been demotivated from playing the game as designed.

It's different sides of the same coin and both point to an underwhelming experience.

I bet Sony is seeing a lot of interest in PC Remote Play over the past few months, and more interest incoming. You'll be surprised how much impact that could have on this game.

The biggest difference between the two sides is the fact that I haven’t wasted 100+ hours of my personal/free time grinding away at the same boring old race. Yet I still have every car, this one thing makes the script a no brainer in my books. You’ll never get those 100 hours of life back, ever.
Maybe it's just me, but I see both sides of this argument supporting the same thing, that the OP is correct that the game is demotivating.

Either, like most here, there is an agreement that the game's MTX is frustrating and encourages playing the same old high dollar races, which suck as a piece of entertainment.


You get a cheat script to do the grinding for you, because you have been demotivated from playing the game as designed.

It's different sides of the same coin and both point to an underwhelming experience.

I bet Sony is seeing a lot of interest in PC Remote Play over the past few months, and more interest incoming. You'll be surprised how much impact that could have on this game.
I agree with this, but I'm also not going to call people "lazy" or "stupid" for not taking the PC script path. No matter the argument, it's not the way a AAA game should have to be played to acquire content in a decent timeframe.
I agree with this, but I'm also not going to call people "lazy" or "stupid" for not taking the PC script path. No matter the argument, it's not the way a AAA game should have to be played to acquire content in a decent timeframe.

iRacing makes you pay cash up front for every single piece of content, so it could be worse really. I’m about $550 into just content in iR currently and only have 45%’ish of the full content.
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I agree with this, but I'm also not going to call people "lazy" or "stupid" for not taking the PC script path. No matter the argument, it's not the way a AAA game should have to be played to acquire content in a decent timeframe.

What would you call someone who just wasted 100+ hours of their life grinding away at a game when they didn’t even need to then? That’s a helluva lot of wasted time, it more hours than the average person works over a 2 week period. Would you work for 2 straight weeks for free? I sure wouldn’t. 🤔
Either way, it sounds like I’m enjoying the game a lot more than you are. So you tell me, who’s ways work better? Since having fun and enjoying the game is goal #1. 🤔

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, but you’d rather go thirsty it seems, or rather just complain about the lemons.
you win :)
What would you call someone who just wasted 100+ hours of their life grinding away at a game when they didn’t even need to then? That’s a helluva lot of wasted time, it more hours than the average person works over a 2 week period. Would you work for 2 straight weeks for free? I sure wouldn’t. 🤔
The whole point of the entire discussion is that you should not have to. No matter what people choose to do in the game is their choice, but it doesn’t mean they can’t criticize having to do it. I have 132 cars in the game and couldn’t care less about collecting more. I’ve never did the grinding for credits method but it doesn’t mean I don’t see where people are coming from when they don’t like doing it. The bottom line is the game is lacking
@AutumnalGlow You capable of actually formulating a post with real words, or do you only know how to add 💩‘s like a 4 year old? I’ve yet to see you actually add anything to any of these conversations over the past week.🤔
Wow, you're so mature yourself! Pinging me in a random thread because you're mad about a poop emoji.

I click the **** reaction on **** posts. Simple as that.
What would you call someone who just wasted 100+ hours of their life grinding away at a game when they didn’t even need to then?

The entitlement of "need".

You don't need to play at all.

I will spend 100+ hours over the next 4 or so years over this live service. I don't "need" every car right now, nor do I want every one. I take it for what it is - a few hours a week as part of a rotation. It's a driving game, not an RPG to be consumed until "The End."

You seemingly need and want it all right now, going to enough length to pay more than game cost and time to run a script to get it and then come here to say you didn't get it fast enough.

It's a philosophical difference where, in this old man's view, one outlook is quite 1st world bonkers.
Good arguement. Months ago. After months it's increasing disingenuous hearing the same complaints from the same people. Ultimately it comes across less of a game issue and more about how they are too good for the game.
So the complaining has gone on for so long that you can’t help but argue?
What we can't really do is to say "this is my opinion and no-one is allowed to argue with it." Well, you could try it, but I don't think you'll get very far.
Telling someone not to complain about something is doing exactly this.
The entitlement of "need".

You don't need to play at all.

I will spend 100+ hours over the next 4 or so years over this live service. I don't "need" every car right now, nor do I want every one. I take it for what it is - a few hours a week as part of a rotation. It's a driving game, not an RPG to be consumed until "The End."

You seemingly need and want it all right now, going to enough length to pay more than game cost and time to run a script to get it and then come here to say you didn't get it fast enough.

It's a philosophical difference where, in this old man's view, one outlook is quite 1st world bonkers.

Of course there’s no actual need, it’s just a silly video game. The only thing we actually “need” in life is to stay alive long enough to die lol. At first it was a “need”, because having the option of every single car in sport mode, was a huge advantage over people who didn’t have the meta car on a given combo. Plus I do a lot of lobby racing, you can’t rent cars there. I could care less about having all the cars, I only continued on with the script because I was already most of the way there when rentals came along, and I’ve never had every car before, so why not? It’s free.

As far as the time, life is short, I value my personal/free time at more than I value the time I sell my boss every day work. So by putting 100+ hours of my personal time into grinding at a rate more than my daily wage, worked out to be way more than I’m interested in spending to acquire the cars in the game. The $50 in power it took to get all the cars, was by far the cheapest option, and fastest, hands down, I can’t run races for 16 hours straight without a break, but my PC can do it all day every day if I wanted it too. Like I said, that’s a no brainer for me.
It's not just the game, well I guess it is since the fault is with SR/DR and penalties.

Just want a good race, hop on, takes 6 minutes before the race actually starts (hanging on formation), only 7 left when it gets underway, one a complete dirt bag ruining the little race there is. Demotivating!
99% of gamers are guys, probably more in a racing game, so excuse me for assuming.
Yeah, that's not even close to correct.

You might want to stop making that assumption.
I have never even asked for a raise in my life, I either get one, or I leave and go elsewhere.
How is your boss supposed to know you want a raise if you don't ask?
Yeah, that's not even close to correct.

You might want to stop making that assumption.

How is your boss supposed to know you want a raise if you don't ask?

TBH, I really don’t care who plays the games. 👍

Also, I don’t care if my boss knows or not, he knows what the work I do is worth, so he can either pay me properly or I’ll leave, I shouldn’t “have” to ask. You make way more long term by switching jobs every 2-3 years anyways, annual raises don’t even keep up with inflation.
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TBH, I really don’t care who plays the games. 👍

Then why pull a completely BS statistic out of thin air in the first place?

Also, I don’t care if my boss knows or not, he knows what the work I do is worth, so he can either pay me properly or I’ll leave, I shouldn’t “have” to ask.

No, we shouldn't have to ask the devs in an ideal world to respect the time we spend with their game. But if nobody asks, nothing changes. "Leaving" is not a solution if it's the same across the whole industry. Neither is exploiting a glitch and treating it like some kind of personal victory, not when the system itself is broken. At the end of the day, you're just inflating their engagement numbers.
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Then why pull a completely BS statistic out of thin air in the first place?

No, we shouldn't have to ask the devs in an ideal world to respect the time we spend with their game. But if nobody asks, nothing changes. "Leaving" is not a solution if it's the same across the whole industry. Neither is exploiting a glitch and treating it like some kind of personal victory, not when the system itself is broken. At the end of the day, you're just inflating to their engagement numbers.

Again, I don’t care. I got what I want, that’s all that matters. Complaining on the internet isn’t gonna change anything, have fun yelling at clouds. 👍
Like I said. Selfish entitlement.

Maybe you should quit while you're ahem ahead.

Says the guy who cries on the internet when he doesn’t get exactly what he wants in a game. Maybe you should quit whilst you’re behind? 🤔

Except there is plenty of clear evidence it does.

Hahah, yeah, you have fun with that. Let me know how it works out for you. 😂
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Project much, brah?

I'm the one happy for the next 4 years "grinding" for cars while you cry about not getting all the cars three weeks ago while grinding with a script.
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Says the guy who cries on the internet when he doesn’t get exactly what he wants in a game. Maybe you should quit whilst you’re behind? 🤔

Hahah, yeah, you have fun with that. Let me know how it works out for you. 😂
It works out pretty well, thanks.

Why exactly do you keep coming back to this topic, despite claiming to not care?
What this thread has turned into

PD did a masterful move, great sleight of hand. Keep everyone focused on the crappy payouts so they don't have to fix any of the long list of other issues. Mess a bit with payouts in the update, raise some prices, and still not being able to sell cars, not able to change settings in a lobby etc etc fades to the background again.
I have every car but one, with 15M to spare for the last car, without wasting my time on AI. Have fun with all that mind numbing AI grinding. 👍

I dunno what happened, it seems like you guys are letting this place go way downhill the past few months. Hopefully something changes soon. People aren’t gonna stick around with all the negativity going on around here the way things are now.
Positivity won’t Fix the gt7 bugs
I know it seems to much to be coincidence, but I just find it incredibly difficult to believe that the issues with game's economy were done purposefully to "push people towards microtransactions".

But it's not because I believe PD "too good" to do something like that, I wouldn't put it past them at all, it's just that these microtransactions have been implemented in such an idiotic way that I cannot believe that the person who made this decision actually expected to sell any significant number of them.

A freshman business major who slept through half of their "Intro to Pricing Strategy" class could have told PD that this was a terrible idea. The entire point of microtransactions is that they're micro, so that as you're playing the game and are about to spend an hour grinding, you think to yourself "hmm, I could just pay $2 and I won't have to do this grind. My times worth way more than that let's do it". At the current pricing, nobody is tempted by this.

There are literally adults who work full time who do not make enough per hour for it to be cheaper to buy MTX than to just do the grind, which again completely defeats the purpose of MTX in the first place. I think PD could drop the price of the MTX by 15 even 20 times and they'd still end up with considerable more total sales than they have now. It's just so mind bendingly stupid it's hard to see this being anyone's evil master plan.

So, why then is the economy ****ed and the MTX so expensive? I have no idea. A charitable guess would be that the economy is ****ed bc PD is planning to have super high paying events later (eg 100 million from Lewis Hamilton dlc in GTS) and they just didn't expect so many people to want all the cars so quickly. In this scenario, maybe Sony required MTX and so PD priced them extremely high in order to discourage people from buying them and hoping they'd just wait around for high paying events.

A more cynical guess would be maybe PD are just greedy and they're just ****ing terrible at econometrics. The truth is likely somewhere between the two, but it's strange nonetheless.