Thoughts/Ideas in the shower?

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United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
I get my most creative thoughts and ideas in the shower. From movie plots, song lyrics, new inventions, to just random epiphany moments. But it just wears off once I'm out. If you shampoo, you’re massaging your head. That’s gotta be the reason behind this :sly: Jking.

This popped in my head while I was showering today - What if your country just vanished from the earth, how would the world react and be without it?

If you experience this heightened sense of thinking in the shower, share what you think about!
I do a lot of thinking in the shower actually..

For example, the dollar bill & federal reserve and whatnot.

2 hours later, my skin's all soggy :grumpy:
Yeah, the shower used to be where I would get these awesome ideas. But I could never record them and would wind up forgetting about a lot of them. I didn't have to pay a water bill then.
I was totally enthusiastic to post what I do when I get the most awesome ideas but then I saw it's you (Faisa right?, no was...Faiza?), so I better keep it for myself. :lol:

More on topic: I believe I don't really think that much, when I'm having a shower, because I always take one right after I get up, and because I mostly get up very early I'm to tired and pissed off to really have intelligent thoughts.
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I have very long hair so I think about the different procedures I could do in order to wash my hair faster.
I think about the different procedures I could do in order to wash my hair faster.


Sorry, had too.:P:sly:
Yeah, the shower used to be where I would get these awesome ideas. But I could never record them and would wind up forgetting about a lot of them. I didn't have to pay a water bill then.


You'd need a hedge trimmer to take my locks down.

Those nail scissors couldn't even cut the proverbial mustard!
Yeah I do have lots of good ideas and interesting thoughts in the shower, I usually write them on the misted up shower door but that doesnt last long :lol:

I guess its because your not looking at / doing anything taxing in the shower it gives the brain more power to think just like when your asleep. But hey I'm no scientist!
I have a friend who apparently drinks tea in the shower. His flatmates have backed this up. I guarantee he will one day die of caffeine overdose.

He's one of those people who are academically smart, but the rest is just tumbleweed.

Back at my parents house we had a AM/FM radio with a tape recorder in the shower, until it fell off it's mount and broke.

As fo me I try not to think about stuff in the shower. If I do I forget what I'm doing in there.
Surprisingly I wash in the shower? :dopey: Anyone else do that? :lol: Haha only joking :)

I actually don't know what I do in the shower.. My mind just doesn't remember what happens in there..
I often have good ideas in the shower or on the bus. The shower though is the greatest place in the world I would spend all day in it if I could its just nice especialy after going outside in the winter rain.
Yeah I do have lots of good ideas and interesting thoughts in the shower, I usually write them on the misted up shower door but that doesnt last long :lol:

I rarely ever get ideas in the shower, but when I do, I forget whatever they are because I don't make a note of them.

Ideas come into my mind more often when I just have a lie down on the sofa or when I'm travelling somewhere by road.
You'd need a hedge trimmer to take my locks down.

Those nail scissors couldn't even cut the proverbial mustard!

And some tranquillizer darts. :P

I usually end up in there for too long because I just improvise in there (music improv) Not just one instrument either. My best ideas come in there, but I never get it down. :(
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My thoughts are mostly RAGE! Like why the **** has my wife left an empty bottle of shower gel on the shelf?! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!