So, you saying to open the pedal set and set the pedal gear teeth to pull tighter?
Power down.
Remove metal pedal faces.
Remove 10 or so screws on back (it will want to spring apart at this point)
Keep both halves together and set down on a hard surface pedals sitting up as normal.
Remove top half of cover (pedals are attached to the bottom half - try to not let them move to much but no big deal if they do)
Don't touch the pots just yet.
Push down a pedal slightly so it engages the pot (you will see it move)
Then hold the pot and let the pedal off slightly until just the point it disengages the the pot. (you will feel it)
With the feeling of the disengagement point turn the pot round one tooth so the pedal will engage one tooth earlier.
Repeat with other pedal
Tilt the brake spring slightly so when you build the halves back together it will mate easily with the pedal.
Put the top half back on and squeeze halves together (awkwardish)
With halves held together as best you can turn it over and put all the screws back in and tighten fully.
Set down on floor as normal and push pedals a couple of times so they sit as they should (might not be necessary but cant hurt)
Power up the wheel to recalibrate.
Try to see if dead zone has gone.
If it has rejoice. If it hasn't repeat.
Took me three goes all be it the first two i never powered up / down to recalibrate. had a moment of panic then dawned on me it just needed to go through calibration, worked first time after that.
Hope that helps - I'd hadn't seen the previous guide posted so just pulled it apart and hoped for the best, luckily worked out for the best.