Time Trial #73

  • Thread starter sportacus
Hi everybody!

I see that there are difficulties with Miura. So, I have created another profile and I have uploaded the car in it, hoping that it would be helpful to someone who doesn’t have it or cannot borrow it. The friends’ list is empty and if there is any delay in accepting your request for “add”, that would be because I will be still working.


Have a nice day!!!

*I am using my friend’s help writing this message, so I won’t be able to answer any messages written in English (my English is very poor). T
Well this worked for me! Dropped by 3 tenths of a second within 10 laps or so, very nice tune! Thanks and congrats :)
Good to see it works for others 👍.

Haven't had much running with setup but had some laps today and now know for sure has enough pace to go current top, just need to string together some of my best sectors or close to it. I have gone back to 5/5 stock brake balance for a bit more stability.
Good to see it works for others 👍.

Haven't had much running with setup but had some laps today and now know for sure has enough pace to go current top, just need to string together some of my best sectors or close to it. I have gone back to 5/5 stock brake balance for a bit more stability.

Thanks m8 i've sent a fr on psn :D ... Thanks again for setup. My time is 1.32.810.

Good to see it works for others 👍.

Haven't had much running with setup but had some laps today and now know for sure has enough pace to go current top, just need to string together some of my best sectors or close to it. I have gone back to 5/5 stock brake balance for a bit more stability.

Took your modified version of my tune and shaved 4/10ths off my time to get down to 1:33.33 in just 6 laps for 41st:tup:👍

It was a little on the loose side for me so I slightly modified it again for a little more rear grip and went out and ran a 1:33.35 right away but no more time to run tonight. I'm pretty sure I can take it to 33.0-33.1 if I can fit in another 10-15 laps. If anyone is interested in a slightly less oversteery, easier to control version of the Miura here it is:

This is with Rido's Chassis Reinforced car:
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and don't know why I haven't been on here before. I just bought the Miura P400 but can't get the PP down and I see that you have to drive x-number of miles and don't change the oil and all that but my question is "how do we share cars"? That is something I have just read about and I would like to use a "share" Miura for this TT #73. Can anyone help me out? Thanks and I am very impressed with the driving skills in this forum!
Just got a 1.34.774 so moving up slowly. could be best result so far as tt's go.

Thanks to everyone who has shared cars, tunes etc.

Later people :cheers::cheers:
Just got a 1.34.774 so moving up slowly. could be best result so far as tt's go.

Thanks to everyone who has shared cars, tunes etc.

Later people :cheers::cheers:

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

good job m8.

try saidur's tune... is fantastic.

have a nice day... :)

I'm now at 1:33.5 and I want to tell you that from 1:34.2 to 1:33.5 it's only about braking technique. Setup it's not so important at these lap times. Maybe 1:33.0 and lower might be doable with only some setups.

So, problem corners are 9 and 14. I got faster by braking soft and keeping a lot of mid corner speed in 9 and braking hard and short in 14. Also in corners 5, 7, 13 and 14 it looks like exiting with 3rd keeps the car on the right line even if 4th feels quicker.

I hope this info sharing will help some of you.

Good luck and don't stop putting in those laps, your time will drop.
Just got a 1.34.774 so moving up slowly. could be best result so far as tt's go.

Thanks to everyone who has shared cars, tunes etc.

Later people :cheers::cheers:

Congrats! ...hope to be able to catch back up to ya lol ...been a lot of trial and error .. A lot of "line" searchin' ...even reconfigured my ds3 a bit last night just to try and make things smoother. I only gained like .04 or so last night .. But even proud of that due to all the changes, tweaks, diff lines in, brake earlier, brake later lol on and on the roller coaster goes... Tonight I seriously just need to ride!

Keep at it, proud of your advancement :cheers:

I'm now at 1:33.5 and I want to tell you that from 1:34.2 to 1:33.5 it's only about braking technique. Setup it's not so important at these lap times. Maybe 1:33.0 and lower might be doable with only some setups.

So, problem corners are 9 and 14. I got faster by braking soft and keeping a lot of mid corner speed in 9 and braking hard and short in 14. Also in corners 5, 7, 13 and 14 it looks like exiting with 3rd keeps the car on the right line even if 4th feels quicker.

I hope this info sharing will help some of you.

Good luck and don't stop putting in those laps, your time will drop.

Great advice here! ...will make notes .. for this just may be able to help say, someone like myself trying to break into the 34's lol (.048 away 👍)
Another small improvement, took a tenth off, now just 2 thousandths off Doodles Camaro time 1:34.384.

Now 1:34.386 pos #139. Still using Penso's tune but with some changes.

height -5 -20

LSD 5 8 7

BB 7 4

159hp 1160kg
Another small improvement, took a tenth off, now just 2 thousandths off Doodles Camaro time 1:34.384.

Now 1:34.386 pos #139. Still using Penso's tune but with some changes.

height -5 -20

LSD 5 8 7

BB 7 4

159hp 1160kg

Wow, great time in the Camaro!!👍👍
Weekend is here :cheers: ...which means me and the baby girl were up till the wee hours of the morning again lol ...so plenty of time to play around with the chassis. Tune based off of Johnnyp's infamous masterpiece. To bad for me though I didn't or haven't yet broke thru the 34 barrier BUT! I can say I'm now having a blast at AR 👍👍 ...the line obviously still needs improvement but is feeling more comfortable and most important FUN! For the 1st time of the TT I haven't been frustrated chasin the ghost .. It was actually fun just racin' that ol' pesky wabbit lol


I noticed an inconsistency with the power rating in the menu (Current Performance)for the tune. The "Max Power" fluctuates from 160hp/7100rpm .. was 7200 on a borrowed car with same settings .. Glitch borrowed it and 7100 is the highest it ever gets .. But fluctuates now sits at 5800 and has been in the mid 3000's. Has anybody else noticed this w/ there Miura? ...what's up w that?

...I know when u adjust engine, intake, exhaust it will change but, have never seen it do this with no adjustments at all. Probably has to do with the fact that the oil is pitch black, the light has been red so long the bulb is ready to burn out and it's all ready to go off like a 4th of July firework display....
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Wow, great time in the Camaro!!👍👍

He's not using the Camaro, just comparing his Muira time to doodles Camaro time. 👍

As for me, I haven't had much time to try to improve and doubt I will as real life has kept me busy.
It's always been that way with low power setting when using power limiter - the more limited the power the more it goes up and down, all GT5 cars suffers this when driven offline or online race when the mileage counts. The peak power rpm will fluctuates up and down like mad :)

Try adjust by small increments, then go back to tuning screen, notice the rpm goes up and down without driving it too.
Another small improvement, took a tenth off, now just 2 thousandths off Doodles Camaro time 1:34.384.

You must have missed the .177 I did in the Camaro the day after I did that time. :(
We have a new leader... By .013

It's always been that way with low power setting when using power limiter - the more limited the power the more it goes up and down, all GT5 cars suffers this when driven offline or online race when the mileage counts. The peak power rpm will fluctuates up and down like mad :)

Try adjust by small increments, then go back to tuning screen, notice the rpm goes up and down without driving it too.

I didn't know that, thanks for the response!
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Don't worry. I just passed him back with a 1:32.159. :D Red lapped a .067 though. :grumpy:

Four full days and nights to go before new tt.
The questions are, will doodle get into 1.31s and will rajman beat him.
Personally i think Doodle will have it, we shall soon see.
Good luck to all who are taking part, Well done.:cheers::gtpflag::cheers: