Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Edit: Updated the @praiano63 tune to his latest. RED is the updates

W1gglyStyl3SDI_03 2.0SDI_03Praiano63Mistah_MCATheKie25ExosumGT Italia (YT)Jeje6410DazzerelliDjolliea
Weight Distribution:51//4951//4951//4951//4952//4854//4651//4951//4951//4953//4751//49
Front: Sport Soft
Rear: Sport Soft
(Fully Custom Suspension)
Body Height Adjustment:90//18490//18490//175130//190110//12085//19090//184115//135113//128115//19090//160
Anti-Roll Bar:8//108//108//105//84//69//78//108//74//54//65//5
Damping Ratio (Comp):35//4035//4040//4036//3530//3036//3535//4034//3335//3535//3530//30
Damping Ratio (Exp):45//5045//5030//5050//5040//4045//4545//5044//4345//4545//4540//40
Natural Frequency:3//1.853//1.83//1.83.2//3.353.2//3.352.4//2.553//1.82.8//2.72.4//2.452.45//2.42.7//2.95
Negative Camber Angle:1.2//11.2//.61.2//03.5//5!!! (I think they call this stanced)1.5//1.53.4//3.71.2//.61.5//21.5//22//2.52//2.5
Toe Angle:0//.10//00//0.1//.20//0.2//.220//00//.2-.06//.24.05//.3.1//.2
(Fully Custom LSD)
Initial Torque:12121260551215557
Acceleration Sensitivity:86060581560155810
Braking Sensitivity:10383860545386020540
Aerodynamics : F // R
(Fully Custom Computer)
Output Adjustment: 91 %1001008591999994899110086
Performance Adjustment :
Ballast: 57 kg5757575757575757575757
Ballast Positioning: +504550505035-20505050050
Power Restrictor: 70 %8787927071717084708770
FC TransmissionFC RaceFC RaceFC RaceFC RaceFull CustomFC RaceFC RaceFull Custom
Top Speed:250250300260290230
Intercooler: --RaceRaceRace
Supercharger:LS SupHS SuperHS SuperHS SuperHS SuperHS SuperHS Super
Air Cleaner:RaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRace
Silencer:RaceRaceRaceSemi raceRaceRaceRaceSemi raceRaceRace
Exhaust Manifold:RaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRace
Brake System:CarbonCarbonCarbonRaceRaceCarbonRaceRaceRaceRaceCarbon
Brake Pads:RaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRace
Front / Rear Brake Balance:0000000-200-2
Clutch & Flywheel: --RaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRaceRace
Bore Up: installedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Engine Balance Tuning:YesYesYesYesYes
Polish Ports:YesYesYesYesYes
High Lift Camshaft:YesYesYesYesYes
Racing Crank Shaft:YesYesYesYesYes
Weight Reduction:AllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAll
Increase Body Rigidity:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Got a question concerning the tunes, does every tune feature wide body modification? I don't see any mention of it there and just back from the video guide by TheKie25 and he mentions this mod (also roll cage).

Is that important or it doesn't do anything special?
Got a question concerning the tunes, does every tune feature wide body modification? I don't see any mention of it there and just back from the video guide by TheKie25 and he mentions this mod (also roll cage).

Is that important or it doesn't do anything special?
While some don't mention it, everyone that does has the widebody. While the roll cage changes the PP by a decimal place, unless you can lap every lap within a tenth of a second (And even then), there is no discernable difference in driving back to back with/without it.
While some don't mention it, everyone that does has the widebody. While the roll cage changes the PP by a decimal place, unless you can lap every lap within a tenth of a second (And even then), there is no discernable difference in driving back to back with/without it.
Thanks, I still didn't fit it, so hopefull it'll have a positive effect.
What about the wheels? Mounting wider rims should also have some advantages in terms of grip, but I never tested it. @Mistah_MCA mentions it in his guide.
Got a question concerning the tunes, does every tune feature wide body modification? I don't see any mention of it there and just back from the video guide by TheKie25 and he mentions this mod (also roll cage).

Is that important or it doesn't do anything special?
Wide body + wide rims is the way to go unless you're only looking for max top speed.

Here's a detailed explanation:

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Nice lap! You didnt ask for tips, but Ill give some anyway :lol:

You are going on to throttle little bit too soon, this causes you to make small lifts to stay on the track. These lifts cost a lot of time.
Try to go on the throttle little bit later, so no lifting needed.
Your this 1 tip (although not for me 😅) made me approach the my runs differently.
Guess I always knew it but somehow never really put much emphasis on it.

Thanks to your tip sdi_03, I improved to 1:27.8xx after just a few runs.
Can see how I can cut a further 0.3-0.5s but unfortunately don't think I have time to push for a good lap.
For this fortnight's mid-TT stats I thought I'd investigate the 'Time-Trial-Discussion-thread-reader' advantage. Where TTs do not allow tuning, every driver is on equal footing* with all other drivers, but where tuning is allowed, I hypothesise that there is a benefit to being a regular reader of this thread.

The investigation will take a driver's average finishing position (by percentile to account for different quantum of participants across different TTs; removing the worst one result as an outlier) and compare that to the current position (percentile again) of the driver in the current TT. I will include my own and am hoping to include some other regulars.

Therefore, let me know if I may use your statistics - they are available publicly, but I guess I am processing them, so prefer to have your permission. People I had in mind are below; feel free to add your name if I missed you off.
  • If you are okay for ne to use your statistics, please provide your GT7 NICKNAME (not PS username)
  • If your username is not unique, I won't be able to include your results (I wouldn't know which of ten John Does you are as I have only nicknames in my dataset, not unique IDs)

@Gomario JSP @Dolph Drago @Blayney @zaxs @tALEz @luv2drive @rheinaoi @2Quickrides @Lomic @kowalski__1 @hyperspeed980 @zjn @Dan_Tes @Vule @NevilleNobody @AstroVex @TumeK5 @MidnightRun85 @Leon Kowalski (or are you the same person as @kowalski__1 ?) @Tommy_D @Uday9479 @Ian JB @tmtk @Barareklam

* I'm not getting into the pad vs DS4 vs which buttons on the pad you drive with vs wheel vs basic wheel vs Fanatec debate; too deep a well for my liking!

@half_sourly You're more than welcome to use my stats. Just be aware that I haven't been consistent in running the TTs every time and I haven't done that many, so not sure if my sample will be good for your data set. But feel free to use it if it helps. I'm definitely going to try to run them more consistently moving forward.

Yet again I am indebted to the good folks here! A mashed up tune from a blend of tunes to suit my driving style - Read: wrestling a sack of custard down a hillside!!!

1:28:888. That is currently around 2.73% off the current fastest time. I hope it sticks.

Best regards to all here.

Here are the mid-TT stats for TT20. It remains the 4th most difficult to date for gold and silver, second for bronze and third for getting no reward.

That makes the stats about readers of the forum more interesting. The idea was to check that if for this TT, where tuning is allowed, readers of this forum performed better than they usually do, when compared to the pack. A reason would be the access to specific tuning advice and general conversation about tuning. Maybe also motivation to outperform peers. The outcome is a resounding 'Yes' - see the table - for the final two columns I compared the current percentile and position to the average percentile and position in the previous 19 TTs, less the worst one. This is not exactly scientific; just a bit of fun, but it is interesting that almost everyone is doing better on this, the 3rd or 4th most difficult TT to date, than they do on average. Right, back to the day job; this took way longer than I hoped it would.

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Can I be added if you're updating? Saargasm813 is my PSN
Well, the weekend is about to start and with it probably the last effort to lower my time.
I am comfortably inside silver, but I like this TT and want to devote a few more tries to it.

Let's see if an inability to reproduce or improve my time will prevail or if I can get closer to gold.

The history of previous TTs says that the least pleasant event usually happens, the law of large numbers says that twenty or so TTs are too few to hope to win the gold roulette.

It will either be victory or ...

Have a nice week end
@half_sourly apologies for lateness of reply - I'm J.Blayney on GT7 I believe. Blayney for PSN.

@half_sourly You're more than welcome to use my stats. Just be aware that I haven't been consistent in running the TTs every time and I haven't done that many, so not sure if my sample will be good for your data set. But feel free to use it if it helps. I'm definitely going to try to run them more consistently moving forward.

Can I be added if you're updating? Saargasm813 is my PSN
Rather than add you guys into the table, which took a fair bit of work and was just intended as a one-off, I'd be happy to share (here or by pm if you prefer) your own results over all the TTs to date. That is an easier job which I'm happy to do for anyone. Here is mine so that you know what it would look like. I can add columns for Gap to #100 and / or Gap to #1,000.

TT stats.jpg
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Rather than add you guys into the table, which took a fair bit of work and was just intended as a one-off, I'd be happy to share (here on by pm if you prefer) your own results over all the TTs to date. That is an easier job which I'm happy to do for anyone. Here is mine so that you know what it would look like. I can add columns for Gap to #100 and / or Gap to #1,000.

View attachment 1242214
Post here would be awesome - no rush at all of course, just when you have the time and will lol. You might need to widen the column to fit the extra space needed for my 5-figure rankings lol
I started this today and managed to work myself well into the silvers, close to the lowest golds, with a Priano-based tune. idk how much more TT-ing I can tolerate though.

Their only job seems to be to remind me that I'm a complete scrub playing with a controller, and that feeling is compounded by the fact that I've struggled with Laguna in every game it's been in since 1998.

I'm sure some alien will post a sub-minute time this weekend and it'll all be for naught, his mom yelling at him to pause the game and go to the bathroom the whole time.
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Their only job seems to be to remind me that I'm a complete scrub playing with a controller, and that feeling is compounded by the fact that I've struggled with Laguna in every game it's been in since 1998.

I'm sure some alien will post a sub-minute time this weekend and it'll all be for naught, his mom yelling at him to pause the game and go to the bathroom the whole time.
This seems wildly and unnecessarily bitter for someone whose only crime is "they are better than me at a video game".

FWIW, myself and Hasnain at the very least both set our times on controller and we're both in the 1:27's. It's very doable.
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Therefore, let me know if I may use your statistics - they are available publicly, but I guess I am processing them, so prefer to have your permission. People I had in mind are below; feel free to add your name if I missed you off.
  • If you are okay for ne to use your statistics, please provide your GT7 NICKNAME (not PS username)
  • If your username is not unique, I won't be able to include your results (I wouldn't know which of ten John Does you are as I have only nicknames in my dataset, not unique IDs)

My GT7 nickname is AstroVex Thanks for putting this up! 😃
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I still cant better my ds4 time with the wheel, spent so many time today, many different assist combos, feedback combos and tunes, the best is still wrigleys tune that i am definitely using from now on, even though the gear ratios cant be the same i don't know why...

Anyway what sensitivity and force feedback value do you recomend ?
Currently i'm on 5 and 7, started fiddling with them and there is a huge difference. i still cant decide
I still cant better my ds4 time with the wheel, spent so many time today, many different assist combos, feedback combos and tunes, the best is still wrigleys tune that i am definitely using from now on, even though the gear ratios cant be the same i don't know why...
To get the gear ratios to match -
A) Set the top speed
B) Set the final gear
C) Set the individual gear ratios in descending order. Start with 6th gear and work your way up to 1st gear.

NB All other engine upgrades, power restrictor values etc should match the tune before setting the gearbox.

Hope this helps you in setting your ratios.
Only the mileage doesn't make sense, because there's a bug which ignores most of the mileage you do.
Mine seems pretty accurate. Only used the car for this and only run the tune test and it’s at 108 miles. Laguna is 2.25 miles long and did 6 laps total with each tune.

That’s a metric that would be an interesting track. Mileage vs best time.
108 miles, 1:28.613
What a day!

First I get a sensible advice from @djolliea to install wide body and wide rims (which I didn't at first).
Did just that and on to the track fresh with @sdi_03 settings feel.
All of a sudden I can't navigate turns 2 and 3, also the sweeping left after corkscrew is close to disastrous!
What the hell? Wide body should improve driving, not worsen it!
Over the second half of day I did many laps in brief sessions interrupted by non-GT life and it left me completely perplexed, scratching my head and simply doubting my ability to drive!

Then decided to try another tune (@Mistah_MCA), inputting values, getting to downforce section and dang! it's greyed out!

I just didn't notice that while performing wide body modification all my aero parts were removed!
Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

What a shame and relief at the same time!

Quickly fixed this and after just a handful of laps, a two tenths improvement:

On to do some more work on it, there's more to be had.
Mine seems pretty accurate. Only used the car for this and only run the tune test and it’s at 108 miles. Laguna is 2.25 miles long and did 6 laps total with each tune.

That’s a metric that would be an interesting track. Mileage vs best time.
108 miles, 1:28.613
Only for me, the mileage doesn't make sense, after each restart/backing to the menu.
Did a bunch more tries today - managed to do a 1:28.524 which incredibly moved me up about 1000 positions or so - thing is I reckon I can go faster still - but it requires a perfect lap which I just struggle to do sometimes.

I also believe having brake balance at 2 at the rear alongside counter-steer assistance at strong is ideal for this time trial.
Here you go. Shout if anything looks wrong.

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Proof this sub helps (plus it drove me to work towards a goal, which is a big + for me) helps your placement. I started following this thread at the very end of the NSX Daytona and I saw some vids and improved my time to a silver. Then got hooked on the Gr.3 and spent a decent amount of time on this one, but I am also fighting COVID this week and have been trying to sleep more - but I am in silver. I am hoping to get some time in one of these mornings - that is unless one of the kids comes down with it too. And you just throwing these awesome stats up out of kindness is just chefs kiss
Loaded up a 1:27.6 ghost and put 90 miles on the car:
-Passed the ghost in the first half and lost it in the middle, in the 1:28’s.
-Lost it in the first half then pass it in the middle then lose it after the corkscrew, in the 1:28’s.
-Completely screwed up to the point the ghost is gone then slowly close the gap, in the 1:28’s.
-Almost spun the car and was waiting for 30,000 drift points to show up on screen (Left and right sides up the hill towards the corkscrew), in the 1:28’s.
Dropped my best to 1:28.349, but a couple optimals were low 1:27’s. Couldn’t string a full lap together tonight if my life depended on it.
Tried the CSA on thing and have no idea how you guys do it. Feels like I’m just fighting the car the whole time.
Also struggling with the arcade style driving you need to do to make it fast in the game. The fastest way through a 3rd gear turn should not be by shifting up into 5th while coasting into the turn 🤦‍♂️
That’s a metric that would be an interesting track. Mileage vs best time.
108 miles, 1:28.613
Yep, but it would be easy to do 1000s laps on a car, then buy a fresh one, do 10 laps and pretend you've done a good lap time with only a few laps of training 😅

But I think from now on, I'll buy a dedicated car for each TT when possible.

As I am found of data 🤓