Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
There seem to be a couple of key benchmarks to doing well on this one.

-T1, of course
-The long sweeping left turn after the 2 hairpins - finding the turn in point and throttle control and whatever each person does to get the ass end kicked out a little bit without losing momentum

-The start and the finish, and this is where I am guessing good QTs are won or lost.

It seems critical on both the start and finish to be at least 60MPH at the left curb as it juts out. I have yet to get a good time without being at 60 or 61 at both the start and the finish at the jut out. In fact, if you are 58 or 59 going by that curb at the start, you might as well hit "retry" imo.

I think I saw Mistah's video and he hits 61 here at the start and I don't really hear any wheel spin. Frankly, I am not sure how he does it. I come in from the left and brake and kick the ass end out, and then accelerate hard again and I get spin and then the wheels grab and the car accelerates well and I can hit 60 or 61 at the jut out if I do it well.

At the end of the lap I basically have to do the same thing, only coming in tighter to the curb. I brake, and kick out the ass end a bit, and then I accel hard and get some bite and if it works I am fine. If I just try to take it normal, I can't get faster than 56MPH at jut out.

Are any of you folks just taking the start and end rather normally and getting enough speed (60MPH at the jut out), or am I the only one who has to get a bit of brake/slide/accel/bite/go thing going here?
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Second session today, now at 25.09x
I can probably lower a bit, but not that much.

Do you think I will keep the gold with it?
I just realized I'm faster with the keyboard than with the wheel.... :dunce:

My actual time is 1:28.095

This is the time I was referring to, to ask if you see it as a safe time to keep the gold.

Also, I just noticed this on the sportmode page:
Screenshot 2023-04-03 090330.jpg

I hope this is an error / visualization issue
That's both funny and serious advice. Letting go of the brakes at exactly the right moment and coasting round the corners (especially the hairpins) has given me some extra tenths of improvement.

Okay, then I'll have to work on precision, and the final exit, because that's where I usually lose some time.
Yes, i'm so inconsistent in the last corner, after somany miles i still don't have a clue how to nail it, in somany laps i gain some good time in turn 3-4-5-6 but trow it away in the last corner, such a bastard and there is NO room for error by lifting or so.
but so much fun this :lol:
I just realized I'm faster with the keyboard than with the wheel.... :dunce:

My actual time is 1:28.095

This is the time I was referring to, to ask if you see it as a safe time to keep the gold.

Also, I just noticed this on the sportmode page:
View attachment 1244925

I hope this is an error / visualization issue
This is always the case on the site, your time is indeed 1:28.095, don't know why it's stated that way,
below times 1 2 3 , stated the same, so no worries, good job! :)

Finally got it! Took a break, came back, tried something a little different and instantly got under 1:26.5. Kept pushing and got down to 1:26.349. I think I'm done. My wrists are sore from throwing this brick around. I don't think I can push it any faster.

View attachment 1244820
Here's the replay (1:26.349) in case anyone finds it helpful when chasing those extra tenths:

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This was fun! This time trial is so interesting that It makes me want to keep pushing more and more, I don't get this feeling that often. The main goal for me is to finish within the top 100. :gtpflag:


Here's the replay (1:26.349) in case anyone finds it helpful when chasing those extra tenths:

Thanks a lot, this should really help me. By the way, that was a smooth first corner and hairpin, I'll try to do this with the controller, then I'll see if I can make it to the top 40 or 50. :D
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Gave it another try today, lowered my time but not by much, still stuffed up T1 in this lap, can be quicker but like always..........stick the whole damn thing together 🤣🤣

Other thing i was not realy happy about were my ghost, they are ALL gone for this TT??
doesn't realy matter now with a new PB but very weird to have an empty list 🤨🤨

View attachment 1244705
I watched your replay this morning - how do you brake so late and turn in with no wheel spin!?!

Edit: I ran about 30-laps yesterday morning and got within .015 of PB 1:27.317, with optimal 1:26.987. I hate how the penalties are applied though especially how it feels random whether you serve it that lap or the following - It's the worst when 1/2 way through the lap you get a penalty and it applies it the following lap, so you lose two laps in a row, arguably 3 since you start the lap off slower after penalty. I fight the urge to hit retry and keep it all in a session unless its the first 2-laps.
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I watched your replay this morning - how do you brake so late and turn in with no wheel spin!?!
Is there a specific corner you refer to?, i will check when i'm home from work :)
What i did notice is that you can get away with quite a bit of sliding, and get it rotated easing of the brakes and by release throttle pressure, but i don't know if that is what you mean?
I'll check it later on.
And feel free to upload your lap, maby we can find something!,
Is there a specific corner you refer to?, i will check when i'm home from work :)
What i did notice is that you can get away with quite a bit of sliding, and get it rotated easing of the brakes and by release throttle pressure, but i don't know if that is what you mean?
I'll check it later on.
And feel free to upload your lap, maby we can find something!,
I;d say T1 and T6 - braking a bit later than me and what appears to be faster into the turn, but didn't notice much wheel spin. I didn't put in any laps this morning because I've really enjoyed the new pp800 nord race with the r5 DTM.
I;d say T1 and T6 - braking a bit later than me and what appears to be faster into the turn, but didn't notice much wheel spin. I didn't put in any laps this morning because I've really enjoyed the new pp800 nord race with the r5 DTM.
I'll double check!,

I did that p800 3 times now total with that RS5, indeed a real blast to drive!, it sometimes wants to kill you, but other than that it is a blast to drive!
I think you may be giving them a bit too much credit - if they rock up to a race in a GT3 Ferrari (or whatever it is they were in) they know something and will likely have watched a race on TV at some point. Unless they’re watch rallycross or NASCAR, driving into people typically isn’t a thing
I realize now that was probably an extremely american-centric thing to say … because yes that’s exactly what I mean.

I had this response typed up on Saturday but deleted it because I didn’t want to be generalizing but I just had a race where this happened. I didn’t take them out or yell, just typed “weaving?? That’s illegal” and they responded “blocking!”. I said you get one move to defend, they said “show me the rule” where weaving on the straights is an illegal. I said it’s in the mandatory sport video, or begged them to watch any real race, and they replied “NASCAR baby”. That person has a YouTube channel, and I see tons of posts on the subreddit asking if behaviors are dirty or not, and the responses are absolutely mind-blowing.
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I think i have a lot of squeeking going on here 😄, T1 I release the brakes as soon as i know I can hit the apex, so just a tiny bit of trailbraking, but feels like slow in fast out.
for T6 I just slam the brakes when I'm straight and try to be as tight as possible letting it coast and wait for throttle to prevent understeer on exit ASM helps a bit maby, altho I did 26.718 without 🤣

Since this is a fairly ‘simple’ TT I figured it might be a good first opportunity to get within a second of the fastest time. So far, so close, but not quite. Yet. 1:27.191 is my PB so far but a 26 definitely feels doable.

I doubt I’d have done more than a handful of van laps if it weren’t for this TT but somehow the competition element makes it really compelling.
154-miles in the UPS van this morning. After some heartache getting penalty right on last corner setting new PB, I stuck with it and dropped my time from 1:27.317 to 1:27.106! Not gonna lie, if I could I would sit here until I cracked 1:26 because optimal is 1:26.751 😢

154-miles in the UPS van this morning. After some heartache getting penalty right on last corner setting new PB, I stuck with it and dropped my time from 1:27.317 to 1:27.106! Not gonna lie, if I could I would sit here until I cracked 1:26 because optimal is 1:26.751 😢

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That is very close to target time!, keep pushing, you may rest when 26 has arrived
Afternoon everybody!

Still not lighting my fire, this Time Trial. The only happiness I get is seeing so many forum members getting very quick times relative to the world record. Surely this will go down as one of the easiest TT’s to get gold? I’m looking at you @half_sourly 😜

I did a few laps this morning and got my time down to 1:27.448. It’s not a bad time trial I just don’t find driving the van fun. I like the fact that it’s a short lap and it’s very difficult to go off, but it’s not the sort of challenge that I would enjoy longer than 10 minutes in one session. Tuning might have made it a bit more palatable.

My goal here is within 1 second of WR/1:26.xxx/within 1%. All feel possible although I just don’t have that personal motivation to put the laps in.

Maybe I should visualise that I am a palaeontologist being chased by a T-Rex in the mid 90s… 🤔
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Afternoon everybody!

Still not lighting my fire, this Time Trial. The only happiness I get is seeing so many forum members getting very quick times relative to the world record. Surely this will go down as one of the easiest TT’s to get gold? I’m looking at you @half_sourly 😜

I did a few laps this morning and got my time down to 1:27.448. It’s not a bad time trial I just don’t find driving the van fun. I like the fact that it’s a short lap and it’s very difficult to go off, but it’s not the sort of challenge that I would enjoy longer than 10 minutes in one session. Tuning might have made it a bit more palatable.

My goal here is within 1 second of WR/1:26.xxx/within 1%. All feel possible although I just don’t have that personal motivation to put the laps in. View attachment 1245244

Maybe I should visualise that I am a palaeontologist being chased by a T-Rex in the mid 90s… 🤔
That livery is hilarious 🤣
I'm sure that if you stick to it for an hour you are easy in the 26's
This is indeed by far the most easy to get even close to some aliens ( including YOU ) 🤣🤣, so no "van" excuses and drive you b*lls of and kick me down on my leaderboard 🤪🤣
That livery is hilarious 🤣
I'm sure that if you stick to it for an hour you are easy in the 26's
This is indeed by far the most easy to get even close to some aliens ( including YOU ) 🤣🤣, so no "van" excuses and drive you b*lls of and kick me down on my leaderboard 🤪🤣
I'm not gelling with it yet, we are not connected as one.. It seems extremely lively on turn in at high speeds but I'm guessing that's due to the really light steering which is very obvious on steering wheels but maybe not so much on pad! I am fully committed to losing my alien title, and happily passing it on to any forum member our panel deems worthy of such a title! Currently my friend you are on the shortlist, better keep practicing! 😎
Surely this will go down as one of the easiest TT’s to get gold? I’m looking at you @half_sourly 😜
Sure is. Over 90,000 times posted to date.
  • Around 27% of drivers in gold, making it 2nd easiest on that measure (avg. 10%; easiest 35.8% - Sardegna Gr.4; next Dragon Gr.4 23.2%)
  • Only 5.5% with no reward - easiest by that measure; next Sardegna again with 6.2%; avg. 25.6%.
  • 0.67% of drivers within 1%; second only to Sardegna (1.01%); avg. 0.15%.
  • Second easiest by gold + silver combined with 58%, second to Sardegna.
Sure is. Over 90,000 times posted to date.
  • Around 27% of drivers in gold, making it 2nd easiest on that measure (avg. 10%; easiest 35.8% - Sardegna Gr.4; next Dragon Gr.4 23.2%)
  • Only 5.5% with no reward - easiest by that measure; next Sardegna again with 6.2%; avg. 25.6%.
  • 0.67% of drivers within 1%; second only to Sardegna (1.01%); avg. 0.15%.
  • Second easiest by gold + silver combined with 58%, second to Sardegna.
I feel left out now, going to have to put in a bit more time to join the goldrush.
Could do with the extra funds to put towards the F1 GTR.

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