Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Damn you @Doodle, now I've got to put in more time on this one!

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Sooooo frustrating trying to go faster than my current best of 8:48 and get closer to a silver. Just one slip and...poof!!. The silver is gone. Keep at it no ps plus at moment so nothing better to do.
The only advice I can give is "Don't over drive it". As long as you know the track, drive more or less in the right line, trail brake, and roll into/off the throttle (don't threat it like an on/off switch), you should be able to get silver fairly easily.
Last couple of days were very frustrating on the Ring for me as I tried to improve my 8:19.9 on 911 to get into the gold region.
Having spent a couple hundred kms I had multiple occasions of improvements in the first half or 2/3rds of the lap, only to bin it shortly after.

However today, after trying a few different cars, something clicked really well with the BRZ.
After only 3 or 4 laps I managed 8:18.5, so I felt a lot of potential.
Grinded for about 200 more kms and finally got it! 8:17.577! :cheers:
Really proud of that one and I guess I am gonna pray now that no extraterrestrial creature shows up with a new record 😅

As for the BRZ vs 911 I feel like for me the biggest change was confidence it gave me through fast corners in second part of the lap.
I was able to complete a lot more of the fast laps than with the 911 when pushing towards my limit.
For the GV TT, I saw the top time drop today and I started getting nervous. Played another half an hour and dropped my time by 2 tenths to 1'16.987. Now I'm pretty confident it's safe. I was pleasantly surprised, as it was a decent improvement for a very modest amount of effort.
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119.2 miles, numerous restarts, 4? complete laps, and an improvement of 1.249 seconds over yesterday. Fairly happy with the lap, but it still could have been quicker yet. The most annoying thing is EVERY single daily mileage reward I've received while putting in the laps at the Ring has been a useless 3 star ticket...:irked:
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Was awake early at 06:30 so went downstairs to grab the RSR again, lots of guardrails, penalties and Lungo's ....

Spend almost 230 km today trying to get consistent and I paid of.
The first lap without error after 180 or so felt quite ok and clocked 8:17.989 ..... that's gold right there! Saved my run and took a deep breath cause I don't know what it is with these online trials but I feel pressure to gold these, and I do get nerveouse during laps if I'm on a good run 🤣.....40 and still nerveouse.....🤣

Sipped the Lungo and went for another last run, I made many mistakes, but also had a bunch of really descent sectors, pushed a bit more because I already had gold, sometimes a little to hard but sometimes for the better and the RSR felt nice!

Clocked 08:17.133 on my last run 😁

Not as fast as a lot of you guys, but I'm damn proud I golded the green hell! I don't know if my DS4 survived the trip, but it was worth it 🤣🤣

Just go into another TT, back out all the way to the main menu (Cafe, world tracks etc.) and go back in again.

Works for me every time.

As @Hasnain282 says, it may take a few tries.

Back out of Sport Mode and go back in, might take a few tries

New TT is SF23 at Autopolis, just like Gr.3 at Nurb it is matching the IRL race happening there this weekend
Thanks, that fixed it. Gold and 2m in the bank.
Hi, same problem.
Solved definitely with this

Here is the order placed. Now we have to wait, hoping that it is only this problem to solve. Thanks a lot @Elel65 for your advice :cheers:
In the meantime, I went back to the DS4 on the Nurburgring and Wow 😲😲😲 it's hard 🥵🥵!!!! It's scary with a controller!!!! I congratulate @Gomario JSP and others who go around in 8'16. I'm far from my time in 8'21 with the G29. I'm only 8'28 with DS4. The breakdown happened at the worst time, because I was able to do clean laps with the RSR. And I think I could have gone under 8'20. Tampis, in the meantime we have to get back to the DS4.
Here are some statistics for TT26 in the Wicked Fabrication GT 51 at Grand Valley - South.

  • Good number of participants at 141,155.
  • Slightly more difficult than average to get gold, around average for silver and easier for bronze.
  • The gap from #1 to #100 was bigger than usual and the proportion of drivers within 1% of #1 smaller than usual, indicating some outstanding skill at the front. There is a trend for this where slippery or road cars are involved; Autodrome Lago Maggiore in the Nissan Z (where @Doodle was #1), Watkins Glen in the Corvette ZR (where @Doodle was #1); not much of a surprise that he was #1 again here; well done Sir.
TT-main table.jpg

Drivers with gold in all TTs
The number of drivers with gold in all TTs to date dropped from 137 to 135. As usual I've split the graphs because the high early numbers mean the later low numbers are barely legible when all the data is on one graph.
TT-all gold table.jpg
TT-all gold chart 1.jpg
TT-all gold chart 2.jpg

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Probably not. Let's call it medium difficult.
  • My time of 1:16.118 left me in position 168, which was in the top 0.12%.
  • Gap to first (1.33%, so the gold streak continues), gap to #100 (0.17%) and percentile were below my overall averages.
TT-personal table.jpg

If you want a table like this for your results, let me know.
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Here are some statistics for TT26 in the Wicked Fabrication GT 51 at Grand Valley - South.

  • Good number of participants at 141,155.
  • Slightly more difficult than average to get gold, around average for silver and easier for bronze.
  • The gap from #1 to #100 was bigger than usual and the proportion of drivers within 1% of #1 smaller than usual, indicating some outstanding skill at the front. There is a trend for this where slippery or road cars are involved; Autodrome Lago Maggiore in the Nissan Z (where @Doodle was #1), Watkins Glen in the Corvette ZR (where @Doodle was #1); not much of a surprise that he was #1 again here; well done Sir.

Drivers with gold in all TTs
The number of drivers with gold in all TTs to date dropped from 137 to 135. As usual I've split the graphs because the high early numbers mean the later low numbers are barely legible when all the data is on one graph.

Probably not. Let's call it medium difficult.
View attachment 1257416
  • My time of 1:16.118 left me in position 168, which was in the top 0.12%.
  • Gap to first (1.33%, so the gold streak continues), gap to #100 (0.17%) and percentile were below my overall averages.
View attachment 1257451
If you want a table like this for your results, let me know.
Firstly - once again thank you for providing all this analysis - it really is fantastic.

Secondly - I would like to apologise for knocking you down at least one position last night, I was on a 16.135 and moved to a 15.895!

Thirdly - Doodle really is the king of these road car events!

Fourthly - Interesting that gold was harder to achieve, but bronze easier - perhaps speaks of this being a generally easier car and track combo to drive... but the top time really eeked out every last drop of time.

Fifthly - I'd be intrigued in a table for myself. PSN should be Blayney, Gran Turismo shows me as J. Blayney
Fourthly - Interesting that gold was harder to achieve, but bronze easier - perhaps speaks of this being a generally easier car and track combo to drive... but the top time really eeked out every last drop of time.
That does feel counter intuitive but I guess the margin at the top was quite tight and didn't move in big increments meaning people that normally would have just drifted out of bronze stayed within the 5%.

I'd also guess that with TT that a large number of people do them in the first couple of days and then never revisit them?
Here are some statistics for TT26 in the Wicked Fabrication GT 51 at Grand Valley - South.

  • Good number of participants at 141,155.
  • Slightly more difficult than average to get gold, around average for silver and easier for bronze.
  • The gap from #1 to #100 was bigger than usual and the proportion of drivers within 1% of #1 smaller than usual, indicating some outstanding skill at the front. There is a trend for this where slippery or road cars are involved; Autodrome Lago Maggiore in the Nissan Z (where @Doodle was #1), Watkins Glen in the Corvette ZR (where @Doodle was #1); not much of a surprise that he was #1 again here; well done Sir.

Drivers with gold in all TTs
The number of drivers with gold in all TTs to date dropped from 137 to 135. As usual I've split the graphs because the high early numbers mean the later low numbers are barely legible when all the data is on one graph.

Probably not. Let's call it medium difficult.
View attachment 1257416
  • My time of 1:16.118 left me in position 168, which was in the top 0.12%.
  • Gap to first (1.33%, so the gold streak continues), gap to #100 (0.17%) and percentile were below my overall averages.
View attachment 1257451
If you want a table like this for your results, let me know.
Thanks for the stats. They're much appreciated.

And great time in the TT. Congratulations!
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Firstly - once again thank you for providing all this analysis - it really is fantastic.
You're welcome.
Secondly - I would like to apologise for knocking you down at least one position last night, I was on a 16.135 and moved to a 15.895!
Don't think I didn't notice 😤. Which made me think about whether to not see your fifthly...
Fifthly - I'd be intrigued in a table for myself. PSN should be Blayney, Gran Turismo shows me as J. Blayney
But that would be rude, so here you go. :cheers:

TT-personal table.jpg
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