Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I hope the sports mediums make it slide a little, but i think that will be good :lol: :lol:
lets go! cracking the dualsense on T1 :lol:, squeeky noise incomming!

All jokes aside, if the sports mediums deliver here, they could be on to a fantastic TT, track is awesom and tecnical, and i appriciate the 918 so i have the feeling this is going to be a good one!
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An article about the Michelin TT is up on the website.

Anyone know if there's an in-game monetary prize for this or is it just the car?

I don't know, it has 874 horses and we have to use Sport Medium tires, hopefully the handling is better than the Ferrari VGT. :scared:
Site says RS tires...

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Anyone know if there's an in-game monetary prize for this or is it just the car?

Site says RS tires...

Not my site:




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Right, 6 AM it is, feed the kittens so they crash down on the sofa and try to get the feeling for the Croix....
I said i would run, and when i said it, i realy ment it :lol:
So, back on the sadle, back in the lovely VGT...:mischievous: and back preventing collisions and invalidations....while taking care of the Dualsense stick...., i intent to cramp up more when a car has a lot of understeer, the damn thing just won't turn when i want it to do :lol:

I learned a few things this morning,

A: when you miss a lot of apexes, keep going, could wel be your fastest lap :lol:
B: don't try to be too fast, it's better to be a little slower corner in so you can power out better than the other way around.
C: I'll never buy a Lamborghini VGT....
D: I still hate it

That said, i found a little more time and went from 1:59.8xx to 1:59.323 while it was kind of a messy lap,
i mist somany apexes, i mist one of the most importent ones.... T10 and let's not look at the very last corner....
So there is a LOT more time in it, but it didn't came this morning :lol::lol:

View attachment 1295679

That's a 1:58s lap you had there if you managed a decent final sector! Aside from the initial double left, you can try using 4th for the rest the sesses....just turn in slightly early to account for the slightly less rotation.

I shared my 1:58s lap in showcase, you can use my ghost "muffintop", "stcroixtt" to see where you are down.

This can be one of those rare chance we get to beat @Dolph Drago ...... But he might pull a "merical" lap at the end :P
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That's a 1:58s lap you had there if you managed a decent final sector! Aside from the initial double left, you can try using 4th for the rest the sesses....just turn in slightly early to account for the slightly less rotation.

I shared my 1:58s lap in showcase, you can use my ghost "muffintop", "stcroixtt" to see where you are down.

This can be one of those rare chance we get to beat @Dolph Drago ...... But he might pull a "merical" lap at the end :P
Thanks mate, I will follow you again, maby I can dream about a 58 indeed 😁

I don't think we are going to beat @Dolph Drago on this , 100% that he will pull that lap out of the hat, he always does somehow 🤣
Time will tell 🤣
I'm going to assume the GB version of the site is wrong, because it also says BOP is off and tuning is enabled. That's nuts, because it means you'd need to own the car you're going to win in order to have a chance of winning...



... and that means Sports Medium is correct 😐
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That would be correct. Road car should have road tyres. Michelin recommends these:

you know, if anyone here has a 918 ..
I'll have one soon. As soon as that Euromillions win comes my way...
Have you tried looking at the pedal calibration settings in the game. I had a similar thing with only partial throttle being applied and/or the ABS triggering (false brake inputs)

In the calibration settings I added a fraction more minimum input to both and also lowered the amount of force/pedal travel to 98% and that seemed to cure it for me.

Thanks very much for that. I restarted the PS, went to that icon (I didn't know it was there, maybe an update at some time???) and blipped the throttle. Went to 100%, made sure minimum was zero and it worked in the race! Only had the chance to put a couple laps in for the Gr 1 TT (work, who needs it!) but improved by over 4 seconds! Unfortunately it leaves me about a second off bronze but I have a couple of days to try and sort that out. Thanks again. :cheers:
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  • Comfort Tires are the most communicative and progressive compound
  • Sports Mediums feel better than Racing Hards under BoP
  • I'm convinced that PD's BoP tuner is determined to make us hate racecars as much as they do


Sports Hards are complete trash, though. And they should be ritually sacrificed to a sneaker collector god.
After considering how many days are left for each event, I decided to switch my focus to the Sainte-Croix.

This car is terrible in VR. Anybody else experiencing this? The head tracking is way too limited before you phase into the wire mesh for me. It's throwing me off pretty badly and I can't get comfortable with the car to put down a proper lap.

Regardless, here's my results from today.



I'm not super far off, and I feel like if I could work how to have the VR more compliant, I could Gold this in another couple stints.
After considering how many days are left for each event, I decided to switch my focus to the Sainte-Croix.

This car is terrible in VR. Anybody else experiencing this? The head tracking is way too limited before you phase into the wire mesh for me. It's throwing me off pretty badly and I can't get comfortable with the car to put down a proper lap.

Regardless, here's my results from today.

View attachment 1295779

View attachment 1295780

I'm not super far off, and I feel like if I could work how to have the VR more compliant, I could Gold this in another couple stints.
Agreed....I had to remind myself to limit my head movement. Screen turning into wire mesh half way into the corner isn't exactly good way to produce a good lap 😜
Agreed....I had to remind myself to limit my head movement. Screen turning into wire mesh half way into the corner isn't exactly good way to produce a good lap 😜
At least I'm not the only one. It's going to take some getting used to. It seems like the VR position wants to have your face right into the steering wheel. If this thing had air bags, we'd be dead! :lol:
At least I'm not the only one. It's going to take some getting used to. It seems like the VR position wants to have your face right into the steering wheel. If this thing had air bags, we'd be dead! :lol:
Can you not move your head a bit and re-centre the vr like you used to on GT Sport to move the seating position? Or does that not give you any more room either?

Also, I know everyone noticed the tire difference on the Porsche Michelin but did anyone notice the difference in dates 🤔

Or is it just that you can try before ranking starts and give it a shot after ranking has ended?

I couldn't be bothered with the Lambo TT today and so went back to Road Atlanta, which I wasn't really looking forward to, either. But I knew I could go faster and wanted to pick up some spots in the overall rankings before it ends. Most of my "good" laps I would run a 24.3xx first sector. Other than that, I had maybe three laps in the 24.2's and ZERO 24.1's. So I was bewildered when I saw the split on what would be my fast lap. A 24.061?? Really?? Where did that come from? It doesn't even look that fast when I watch the replay. So, it made it that much more annoying when I accidentally upshifted early into 4th in the final chicane. I probably lost a good tenth there. :grumpy:

The most interesting takeaway from everything? I actually started to enjoy the combo the more laps I put in. I never got that feeling with the Red Bull. It feels amazing when you nail sector 1. So smooth.

