Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Cool beans! I will definitely look at it.

Mean while, I had yeeted myself into the 45s. I had totally and absolutely nailed the long right hander in the 3rd sector...I was literally on top of Tidgney's ghost and I set it to be 0.4 ahead, and I didn't mess up the final left/right.

View attachment 1303380
View attachment 1303381

I also shared my own replay in case you want to do some yeeting of your own 🤪

View attachment 1303382

Nice job!, that was a fine 3th sector indeed.
I was so close this morning, tried for an hour but could not get a valid lap in, the worst part......
Personal ghost 0.4 ahead and was in front of it before the last chicane and thought all or nothing, and JUST scraped the nose on the inside and invalidated, that could have been my 44.9 right there...... but no..... i failed :lol: :lol:

Snow roulette, but it's fun!
Was fun getting the GT wheel out and spinning it with one hand, and I can close on Tidgney's ghost until the final bloody corner, but 45.9 is enough, time to defrost :boggled:

Yesterday I did 170km at Tokyo and no improvement, didn't manage to go into silver zone.
Today after only 12km, I posted 1:24.625!

Really hope so it will be enough to break my bronze row.

Sadly, can't put screenshot bcs there is no more Twitter (x) integration.
I actually made it through those pylons with a valid lap. It lost me a ton of time but I did it. I wish I had saved the replay.

Totally didn't mean it. I was off my line and sliding and it just happened. 😂🍻🍻
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🤔... Not really sure what you mean?
I was asking because I'm not having any luck with my ps4 red controller, it's a wireless one, the battery only lasts 45 minutes to an hour before I have to recharge it. I got it at Amazon for $29.99 with free shipping.
I was asking because I'm not having any luck with my ps4 red controller, it's a wireless one, the battery only lasts 45 minutes to an hour before I have to recharge it. I got it at Amazon for $29.99 with free shipping.
I was answering @zaxs "Sadly, can't put screenshot bcs there is no more Twitter (x) integration." So if someone press print screen ingame GT7, PS app on phone will show it in gallery on phone App and he could have post print screen here. Maybe it was some misunderstanding, hope I cleared up now.
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I was answering @zaxs "Sadly, can't put screenshot bcs there is no more Twitter (x) integration." So if someone press print screen ingame GT7, PS app on phone will show it in gallery on phone App and he could have post print screen here. Maybe it was some misunderstanding, hope I cleared up now.

That’s way easier than what I do lol. I have an ongoing message between all of my accounts, so I can just send any screenshots to myself in that message, then I pull them from the PS app message on my phone.

It's frustrating this one isn't it, so much fun, but so frustrating.

i have multiple 31.4's on the first sector during a session, most are .5 or point 6 if i nail T1, so i loose a little over the WR there he is at .2xx

But then comes the corckscrew.... he has an insane exitspeed there, i know he crosses the bollards, ( they almost all do btw )
So im planning of mastering that myself..... :lol:

I watched a lot of top replays this morning and almost all are in 4th on the long downhill right hander, and go back to 3th mid corner, so maby there lies some time for me, then i see they upshift to 3th VERY quick before entering the last chicane, it seems so slow, but apparently it's faster that way.

So no progression this morning but looking at the replays, i have a lot what i can try to lower...
But i problably will fail... :lol::lol:

Curious about the next one...... LFA - Kyoto? on SM? :cool:
Not that I can compete with you guys mostly, but I have very few friends on PSN . I've been searching out usernames from here and adding those of you I can find but anyone that would like to add me please, feel free. Turbobinder is my screen name.

Cheers all, and happy snowplowing. 😂😂
I tried to add you but I can't find Turbobinder maybe your PSN is another ?