It's frustrating this one isn't it, so much fun, but so frustrating.
i have multiple 31.4's on the first sector during a session, most are .5 or point 6 if i nail T1, so i loose a little over the WR there he is at .2xx
But then comes the corckscrew.... he has an insane exitspeed there, i know he crosses the bollards, ( they almost all do btw )
So im planning of mastering that myself.....
I watched a lot of top replays this morning and almost all are in 4th on the long downhill right hander, and go back to 3th mid corner, so maby there lies some time for me, then i see they upshift to 3th VERY quick before entering the last chicane, it seems so slow, but apparently it's faster that way.
So no progression this morning but looking at the replays, i have a lot what i can try to lower...
But i problably will fail...

Curious about the next one...... LFA - Kyoto? on SM?