Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Yeah, gave up after like 600km session... A bit over 2 hours. Not a single lap I was satisfied with... Not a single lap where I was able to make the 3 best sectors. Al lot of the time I would screw up at the flatout turn 3 where I would turn a bit late and had to do a tiny lift(if not, then get a penalty)... But the worst is definitely the entirety of sector 3, jesus, it's even worse than GT Sport for controller users, or maybe it's just the car/track combo.

The car even in 3rd gear at 150kph, if you are full throttle while full steering, you spin... It requires absolutely nuts throttle and steering control. Basically, the worst nightmare for controller users.

As for the tips I can give, track limits at the 2nd hairpin after the long right hander on the middle sector is very forgiving, you can pretty much go off the track there, but the fastest way is to be at least on the green part near the kerb.
Same forgiving as hell track limits on the exit of the final corner, you can literally go off track and not get a penalty, but the skill to pull it off and be the fastest possible is quite a different matter alltogether.
Also, while doing turn 4, don't use full steering or the car will get massive amounts of oversteer and you end up spinning. Car seems to lack rear end downforce on this corner in particular.

Vendetta's lap is pretty much flawless.

My best time was a 1:20.4 ... Good enough for Gold, pretty much confirmed, but only barely enough to get within the top 300.

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Not the most prolific driver, but I just got what was my objective: sub 1:22. Did a 1:21:976 and actually felt that, with a better throttle control, I could do even better. Playing on PS4 DS, btw.

Lost about 2 tenths in the first two sectors but completely aced the final sector, especially the last turn.
Not sure if I will try to improve as I feel it is enough for the silver.
I’m stuck on a 1:21.5, I’m having a really hard time getting a clean lap together.
I'm on the same boat.
1:21.4, and every time I get Sector 1 and 2 right, then I completely mess up S3 (thinking of it - I rarely get S3 right actually).

A bit disappointed to not have managed to get gold on that one, but this was quite addictive trying.
I like how these TT are structured, a set of targets being a % from the best in the world makes for a fun challenge.
May just go for sliver going forward however :P (or maybe 4%)
Yep, this time I'm done... If anyone here is struggling for the gold 21.2 time, use my ghost as a reference (if possible).

I did a new best of 20.333 and the last sector was a disgusting mess. To the point I even asked myself how the hell was that my best lap so far. I almost spun on the last sector...

I hope the next time trial has a better car/track combo. This one was just horrible. Managed to get within the top 300, hopefully I can stay there until these last 10 hours are up and we get the next time trial.


The top 1 is the only guy that reached below 1:19.0, and he's in the 18.8s which is even more incredible. With a gap of 0.150 seconds. Nuts man...
Yep, this time I'm done... If anyone here is struggling for the gold 21.2 time, use my ghost as a reference (if possible).

I did a new best of 20.333 and the last sector was a disgusting mess. To the point I even asked myself how the hell was that my best lap so far. I almost spun on the last sector...

I hope the next time trial has a better car/track combo. This one was just horrible. Managed to get within the top 300, hopefully I can stay there until these last 10 hours are up and we get the next time trial.

View attachment 1175063

The top 1 is the only guy that reached below 1:19.0, and he's in the 18.8s which is even more incredible. With a gap of 0.150 seconds. Nuts man...
Well done, great time that.
Top 1,000 for me in a c. 90k field and I am happy enough; that was a tough one.
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I got a 5.2% Bronze - I think there was more time in it for me, but I didn't play it enough and when I did, I must confess, I got frustrated by my inconsistent performances.

I'd improve my poor sectors but then lose time in the sectors I had good splits in.

It was a tricky one as the Dallara is rapid and obviously needs to be driven to the limit aswell.

Let's see what the CTR holds around Trial Mountain. Welcome change of pace - will aim to push for this one as I'm nearing completion on the campaign content.

Regret not going for Gold on Fuji as I wanted a Gold record :(
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I see what you mean; might have been a 1.19.xxx there. Story of this event; you had to get the whole lap just right, which I never quite managed.
Best I could get so far is 2:16:880. I'm not used to FF cars.

Top 1 is 2:11:xxx. Insane.
Oh damn. When I did my first laps right as the event started, best time on the board was sub 2:13

This Time Trial is gonna suck for me, hate front wheels as well, and it's a long lap :scared:
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I see what you mean; might have been a 1.19.xxx there. Story of this event; you had to get the whole lap just right, which I never quite managed.
The first 2 sectors were actually very good. But then I botched the hairpin on S3, and the final 2 corners, especially the exit of the penultimate corner. It still wouldn't be a 1:19 though. But very low 1:20, probably 1:20.0 or 1:20.1.
Car is okay I guess but it's just Fuji that sucks.

One of the worst tracks ever made
Not Fuji, just that final 3rd sector that just kills the entire flow of the track and is really not that good for racing tbh. Old Fuji is much better.
Couldn’t crack my old pre-TT time on Fuji - best time was a 1:22.2. I reckon it was the left hander after the long sweeping right in the second sector, and sector three - I never got everything right. But 1 million is nice, I’ll take that - congrats to everyone who competed!
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Here it is, with video as well. That final sector was atrocious and somehow it was still my best lap.

View attachment 1175166

Interesting to see someone who also uses the right stick for acc. / brakes & R2 / L2 for shifting gears.
I have always done it that way and my friends never understood how and why lol.

I have to say tho that I have changed it a couple of weeks back because the haptic stuff on the Dualsense controller is really nice and you can't have that when using the right stick for accel. / brakes.

I did a 1:20.659 with R2 accel. & L2 brakes... Maybe should've tried to go oldschool and use the right stick lol
Currently on a 2:13.877 for this TT, even if this keeps me safe for the foreseeable future I think I'll keep trying to knock this laptime down, I found this combo extremely fun to drive, it really rewards being smooth; what feels slow is really very quick.
Currently on a 2:13.877 for this TT, even if this keeps me safe for the foreseeable future I think I'll keep trying to knock this laptime down, I found this combo extremely fun to drive, it really rewards being smooth; what feels slow is really very quick.
Whoa, mind giving me some tips?
Whoa, mind giving me some tips?
Sure, I think being smooth is the most important thing about this time trial, the old saying of "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" applies here more than anything. Take sector 1 for example, braking more than you'd expect (or want) into turn 1 means you can take the rest of the sector through to the tunnel much smoother and thus, carry a bunch more speed through it all.

Same thing applies to a lot of the track, be slow and smooth, line up your exit, and drive out - slow in, fast out. The speed you carry through a good exit far outweighs any time you'll make up throwing the car into the corners. I'm going to try and improve on my time a bit anyway so when I set a faster lap I'll post it here; though saying that, now watch as I'm never successful in beating it and have nothing to show.
I'm sure it's been said before, but the addition and structure of the rewards on this TT section of the game really gives us all a somewhat profitable future.

Dropping a casual 250k/1m/2m every two weeks is not to be sniffed at. Especially when you factor in the fact that some combos will just click for you.

I got bronze at Fuji after a 10 minute casual session.

I'm satisfied with my silver attempt in the Civic, and my scope for improvement means I'll happily put in a few more sessions over the next fortnight if it means a sweet million in my inbox!

Beats grinding!
Noticed I got very close ranking on the last 2 TT:
  • Escudo: 4850th, 2.7% from top
  • SF19: 4750th, 3.3% from top
So very slightly better ranking at Fuji, but further away from top
Not sure if less people joining, or harder trial (felt like that to me for sure)

It would be nice to have the historical TT stats on the GT website, or in game.
Things like circuit/car, world best time, total number of participants/gold/silver/bronze, your time/ranking/%.

That would follow your progress over time, see which combo works well for you, etc.
Whereas now I guess it will just all get lost.
Managed to slip into a Gold on Trial Mountain within half an hour. Right on the edge with 2:15:3XX so I reckon I will drop out as more and more aliens jump on and push the band higher.

It was a quick (half an hour) and untidy effort so I reckon I can shave a little more off in search of a safer, guaranteed Gold, time.

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