Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Catalunya Rallycross half asphalt half dirt :D
Season 5 No GIF by The Office
Hey guys, I have good news, we called the bank and said they can pay the internet if our card bounced, we'll have to pay an extra $30 but hey I won't have to go, yay! Now I can focus on the TT and maybe set a new record low at Yawagima. I've got about 12 hours to decide what I'm going to do. I need to make a move.

Sadly, I have no pets atm so I can't post any pictures.
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Ok, time to balance out the cat party.
This fella is a handful when not asleep.
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When he wants to play there's no time trialling.

Nah...just kidding. We like dogs too!

Anyways....I think I'm done with Deep Forest. Haven't really touched it in a few days, so pretty sure I had lost my touch. Let's see what we will be getting tomorrow.

PS: If we are getting a rally TT, we will burn @Barareklam at a stake :grumpy:
Likewise I don't have the motivation for Kyoto. I even started to burn myself out at Deep Forest. Still wanting to hop on the game a couple day ago, I realized I hadn't done the Circuit Experience at the Nordschleife yet. I wanted to save the most fun one for last and completely forgot about it! :dunce: So, I did half of the sectors and will probably finish it up tonight.

Also, no cats here. Sorry, everyone.
Likewise,no TT stuff,been doing license tests,but here's the great philosopher,Popeye,probably plotting his next move on me,😂
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Haha, that's cool, it looks like he is crossing his arms like he's in serious mode. When did you find him?

Lol, if we do get a Rally TT, I will be angry at the guy who suggested it.
Of course I'm joking, hehe!
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Please never again a time trial which relies so heavily on pure luck. Please, Polphony. Come on.

Below, the most excruciating and awful GT experience I’ve had, bar none... Unless there’s potentially something I’ve subconsciously put out of my mind. 3 hours and 30 minutes of pure pain (obviously not in one sitting, though I paused the session — I may have unhealthy habits but not that bad, gotta keep the fingers working).

  • 160 laps
  • 19 valid laps (valid lap success rate of 11,87%) of which just about four (2,50%) or five (3,12%) of them were anything to consider — other valid ones too slow
  • Final time a 1’16.076. Optimal at 1’15.591. I would’ve stopped immediately at a 1’15.999 but it just wouldn’t happen.
  • Best invalid time: 1’15.832 (with a failed final corner, too wide making it invalid and losing more than 0,100 on just that poor exit! :banghead: )



Now it’s way more than enough though, it’s just too awful of a combination. The car itself is fine but the problem is the car in combation with this track. Given the insane speed and downforce that the car has and that you after the S luck chicane part will be on full throttle for a very extended period, the need to lotto yourself through the chicane is unavoidable. That 16’076 was “only” a S2 time of 21.961. When I on the one and only lap I perfectly lotto’d myself through it that same S2 was 21.673 (-0,288: RIDICULOUS). Hitting split three (the top after the long right with the kerb ahead of the downhill esses) at 55’114. My PB was a long and far away 55’401 at that split. That was my one opportunity but I failed in keeping my head cold enough and failed that perfect lap on one of the easiest corners of them all, the final one. Unbelievable. The disappointment and disbelief at that very moment is difficult to put into words. I did keep going for a little while but once that happened it pretty much completely obliterated all motivation and intensity I had at the time and I knew it was already over.
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Haha, that's cool, it looks like he is crossing his arms like he's in serious mode. When did you find him?

Lol, if we do get a Rally TT, I will be angry at the guy who suggested it.
Of course I'm joking, hehe!
I adopted him when he was 3 months old from a shelter about a year and a half ago,he does it alot(folded paws).
That's one of his sleeping spots,the heat comes up from behind the couch plus he will part the blinds sometimes and keep an eye on things outside.
I find him rather quirky,loves laying on his back as well.:boggled:
After yesterday’s time, I almost didn’t come back to Deep Forest tonight, but I’m glad I did. 18 miles was all it took… average sector 1 of 30.3 but followed it up with a mega sector 2 of 37.3 and 37.75 in the last sector! In theory I can go 0.15 quicker in S1, but I’m not sure I can repeat S2 (ever)!
Jesus christ, man. Bugatti TT is trash. And my motivation is at an all time low. No one else kinda burnt out?
I was literally yelling expletives at times during this one, and pretty much hated everything about it. I don't find track limit abuse and unrealistic, curb eating driving enjoyable. You're not alone on this one.

I did what I needed to get the gold and never looked back.

The Mustang at DF though, that's what I want in a TT.
Never even had the urge to go back to Kyoto again today and instead spent time at Deep Forest which was plenty fun.
Dropped a little bit and it feels like a little bit more is still possible. Probably a few tenths max.

Still a newbie here and forgot to save the sector splits for my fastest lap but the next session I beat my fast lap sector 1 by a wee bit.

Edit: sry for the bmg ugh. Thought it was off. Will fix that next time 😉


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