Very unconsistent but satisfying morning session at Le Mans.
After +/- tens tries (invalidated laps, crashes, false starts, etc), I've finally managed to complete a decent lap.
My first sector is now acceptable (38.6xx) and I have enough speed to follow
@Tidgney 's ass to the first chicane in the Hunaudières. After that, it's another story...
Some points of the circuit are still "delicate" (the entrance of the Esses Porsche because that Bug' don't like to brake in turning, and the finale chicanes where I've probably lost some precisous yellow tenths) but I'm confident now in a possible new color for me.
Anyway, I'm now at +0.2 from gold and I bet the WR won't change a lot. Only very few (pro) players can score such insane time.
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My "Under 10.000th" ranking should be safe till the end

The next step is to secure an "Under 5.000th" ranking and possibly with a different colour.
Because sharing is caring, my replay is available:
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Here is my leaderboard with some very famous friendly aliens and lovely humans players:
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Special mention to
@KAlex122 @zaxs and
@smoothbore12 : honoured to be close to you!
And a friendly wink to
@P-Courty when I've opened my 4⭐ticket at the roulette this morning...
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Happy lapping, friends!