Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Day 4 at The Ring has granted Gold.

I didn't have too long of a window of time today, but I got it done on Lap 5.


It wasn't the smoothest lap in spots, but I'm happy that my Gold streak continues.

I must say, this is one of the best time trial combos I've done. The time of day, the car, VR, no music but the Porsche engine and tire squeal. I developed a bit of a Faszination for the Nordschleife the last few stints.

Edit: Uploaded the lap.

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It has been a few extremely busy weeks for me at work and home, so I had very little time to spare for the TTs.

Only did two laps at Brands Hatch but somehow managed a really good silver time, so that was probably the best Cr/minute ratio I’ve managed in GT7 🙂

I love the Ring (the track, not the movie, still haunts me to this day 🥶) and everything Porsche, but realize I will probably not have enough time to give it a proper go. Did a very safe and slow lap but not even sure that will hold for bronze.

A very fruitful day here. I have managed to work out how to fix my brakes problem - It seems to be a calibration issue! If they stick on. I make my way to the options section > Controllers > Brakes. Re-set them from there and all is well for the remainder of the "session". At least it seems to be a software problem rather than a "send it to Fanatec and wait for a couple of weeks before I can use them again" kind of thing.

Equally fruitfully :) I have managed to set a 1:12:3xx at Tsukuba in the Civic. This, in part, due to my figuring out the brakes issue - That was worrying me somewhat. A little further tweaking and I am really getting to grips with this now (no pun intended!)

@MR E*****s.... I told you I was getting quicker! Almost a full 10th in front now. Your move pal! LOL.

Best regards to all here.

well I think I might be done with the Ring. I seem to have hit a solid brick wall at 7:52.0xx. Just can't seem to get the car to do the things I need it to do to take the corners the way I see in some of the vids I've watched of faster laps. I might try again this evening, but I don't have much patience left for it. I'd hoped I was done with bronze medals altogether but perhaps not.
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Managed to grab a couple of hours at the ‘Ring this afternoon in what is likely to be my last session here. Mission was to get into the 7:38s which I managed after 25 miles…. However, I decided to keep pushing…. Another 175-ish miles later and I’m done - tapping out here. Theoretical best of 7:37.0 but I’m pretty happy with this. :cheers:
I think I could get to gold, if I dedicated a month to this lol.

I managed to squeeze out three more good laps (and about 50 scrubbed laps- invalidated/crashed) in another couple hour session. Man this combo is frustrating. Some starts, I’ll crash before I even cross the start line! 🤪

Anyway success number 3, I managed to get into Silver.

There is absolutely no way I will get close to gold on this one on the next couple days.
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So close... yet so far!!

Had a busy weekend, but finally managed to get a session in this evening.

Put some good sectors together on this lap, but has one mistake which cost me the 7:39s. Goal is in sight, but it's definitely a struggle. I feel like I'm pushing my envelope on this one, but I think it will pay dividends in the future.

I think I could get to gold, if I dedicated a month to this lol.

I managed to squeeze out three more good laps (and about 50 scrubbed laps- invalidated/crashed) in another couple hour session. Man this combo is frustrating. Some starts, I’ll crash before I even cross the start line! 🤪

Anyway success number 3, I managed to get into Silver.
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There is absolutely no way I will get close to gold on this one on the next couple days.
I've got one medium length session, one long session, and one short session under my belt. 7:44.4xx is my best lap. I can complete clean laps no problem, and I can improve corners and drop time in those corners, but then I screw up other corners so the overall time doesn't come down. I have a couple more days, but have been busy and couldn't spend as much time as I need to get gold yet. Like you I think if I had more time I could do it.

Sometimes I wish these TTs lasted longer, or we could go back to them and keep trying even if the time didn't count for official results after the cut-off date. There would be a ton of replay-ability in the long list of time trials we've had.
As you may know, I've been struggling with the TTs recently; I've had low motivation and mentally just haven't been in the right place to give them my best. I think I might be coming out the other side now, and it's the Nord TT of all things that is dragging me there. Until this I hadn't spent more than 20 mins on a TT since the Dino, but I've put a good 2-3 hours in so far and I'm hoping to get a couple more sessions in.

Sitting at a 7.45 for now. I think gold is achievable if my patience holds but I so rarely get to the end of the lap that every time I do, I completely suck at it. :D

Hats off to anyone with Gold here, the consistency required over such a long track is mega, mad props to ya'll.
Quick morning blast around Tsukuba today trying to move up in my own leaderboard of terror...
Unforgiving it is...., every morning i'm kicked down again by mr. Stats @half_sourly himself :lol: :lol:
I tried mate but couldn't catch you today :lol:

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I had a bit of a miracle lap so won't try to improve (probably). I often stop and restart, so can't be sure if I was at my optimal, but each sector would have been very very close to optimal. I think I recorded the lap so will share a video later today.
Life have been really busy lately. Tried to catch up with your posts whenever and wherever I could. A lot of great tips and sharing as always :gtpflag:

A window of opportunity showed itself today as I've no distraction for a day. Only me and Green Hell. And our guest of the show is of course @Metalgear9493 ghost:D

We three danced together until I sweated a bit (İstanbul is hot and I'm old) and promised to get together again later. What a track / car combo. I wish I had more time for it.

Cheers & happy lapping mates
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Does anyone with a time just inside Gold (maybe @GlockPants or @crome?) have a screenshot of their sector times? I struggle with the first section but have now done it a lot ( :D ) and I just want to know if I'm on pace before continually screwing up the last section.

Edit: nvm, just need to look up the page lol. So I'm right on pace through the first half and then lose a lot towards the end. Good to know :)
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Updated my livery for one last bash at it. Tonight is the night, as I'm away for work for the next three nights then on holiday for 10 days...

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UPDATE: I had a quick attempt on my lunch break and managed to improve by a little over a second, now down to 7:53.3XX. I was on a second lap, 2.3s up on delta and managed to completely balls it up and run wide into a wall shortly after the small carousel... 🤦‍♂️ Hoping I can find the lap tonight when I have one last go!
In the middle of my fourth overall session. Improved four tenths... to 7:44.032 but my 1st sector is always gutter trash. Gonna be hard to gold unless I can string a good first sector together with the rest of them. Rest of lap wasn't the best either though. Still an improvement overall. 7:42.518 seems like a long ways away still. Going to keep at it as long as I can today. Tempted to try aids other than ABS Default, this car is on a knife edge at the limit! I was down 1.5 seconds and spun at Pflanzgarten (I think that's the name) so took a break. 😅

Awesome, thanks! I don't like that corner either but it's the mini one at the end that is the real culprit, I've been right on gold pace and then ruined it there at least 3 times. :x
I'm barely in gold there, but noticed Tidgney said you need stay out wide and turn in late. That doesn't always work for me - completely missed it a few times... this is him entering it. He then coasts to about half-way through before slowing throttling on.


Tidgney's brake marker works nicely (see below)t.

Awesome, thanks! I don't like that corner either but it's the mini one at the end that is the real culprit, I've been right on gold pace and then ruined it there at least 3 times. :x
It's one of my make or brake corners too. I try not to downshift to 2nd and use 3rd in order to be stable through the corner. But maintaining the right corner speed is really difficult. Too slow you lose so much time. A little fast, it throws you all over the place. Good luck mate.