Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Lap 8... bottled..

Lap 9, at last, an improvement, a little bit less than 2s but hey, that's better than nothing.


Need to compare my sectors now.
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I find my best times mostly come first thing in the morning when the day hasn't gotten the better of me yet. Not always but generally speaking I'm significantly faster early in the day.
I find my best times come after beer, wine, hard liquor… 😁

Just to completely undermine that statement.. THIS IS MY MASTERPIECE!! Ok it wasn’t perfect; after a great first sector I made a mistake at flugplatz and then was behind my PB splits until exmühle but then it was up from there! WHAT A RUSH! I really got to that ‘at one’ zen like quality with the car and hit the highs, adrenaline pumping (off to the gym to burn it off now lol). This is what it’s about, this is what the Nordschleife is about!

I could possibly improve on it even further but I think that might be it, I really needed to be in the zone for this one and when I wasn’t the car was all over the place. As always on Sports Hard tyres overdrive it and it just disappears into mush.




Will it hold for an 8th consecutive world top 50 finish? I’m not sure!! Even if it doesn’t I’ll lose it next week anyway because that civic at Tsukuba….

Spongebob Squarepants GIF


I set an alright time but to be honest I’ll only try again a few more times and see if I can shave off a tenth, just very very dull in my opinion 😇

Lots of love to everybody, I’m on a real high tonight!
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Great...now I feel bad for not being able to push as far as you...especially with so little effort. 🥲
I could possibly improve on it even further but I think that might be it
Please, no more...your time is good...truly...rest now mate. 🤣
As always on Sports Hard tyres overdrive it and it just disappears into mush.
I feel that...I think I'm trying way too hard to improve my PB.

I came close tonight, half a second off my PB, but considering I haven't driven since, and got back to this level fairly quick, I'm hoping it's an omen for a sub 7:36...

No matter the time, I'll stop as soon as I break that barrier.
Great...now I feel bad for not being able to push as far as you...especially with so little effort. 🥲

Please, no more...your time is good...truly...rest now mate. 🤣

I feel that...I think I'm trying way too hard to improve my PB.

I came close tonight, half a second off my PB, but considering I haven't driven since, and got back to this level fairly quick, I'm hoping it's an omen for a sub 7:36...

No matter the time, I'll stop as soon as I break that barrier.
You’ve definitely got it mate! Every time i did a session i found an improvement on a different corner; this is absolutely a trial where just putting in lap after lap after lap can help

Unless you keep crashing in sector one again and again and again. I had a few of those sessions. So so tricky, at least the toughest part of the track is at the start lol
100% that's the case for me too.
I even notice it when let's say in an hour session, sometimes during lapping I'm suddenly thinking of work and get stressed, that immediately reflects on my driving, ( must say I have a lot on my mind nowadays )
But stress free pure focus brings better laps for sure!
I completely agree but want to state that at least for me it works also the other way round. Focussing on hotlapping and concetrating on that moment and this corner puts some stress aside. Problems aren't gone of course but I am in the mood to work on them again. So, I will return at Tsukuba!
I find my best times come after beer, wine, hard liquor… 😁

Just to completely undermine that statement.. THIS IS MY MASTERPIECE!! Ok it wasn’t perfect; after a great first sector I made a mistake at flugplatz and then was behind my PB splits until exmühle but then it was up from there! WHAT A RUSH! I really got to that ‘at one’ zen like quality with the car and hit the highs, adrenaline pumping (off to the gym to burn it off now lol). This is what it’s about, this is what the Nordschleife is about!

I could possibly improve on it even further but I think that might be it, I really needed to be in the zone for this one and when I wasn’t the car was all over the place. As always on Sports Hard tyres overdrive it and it just disappears into mush.

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Will it hold for an 8th consecutive world top 50 finish? I’m not sure!! Even if it doesn’t I’ll lose it next week anyway because that civic at Tsukuba….

Spongebob Squarepants GIF

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I set an alright time but to be honest I’ll only try again a few more times and see if I can shave off a tenth, just very very dull in my opinion 😇

Lots of love to everybody, I’m on a real high tonight!

You can be certain every time I play no matter when in the day, I hit my THC pen for my most magnificent times. 🍻🍻🍻🍻 (Fully legal here where I live)
Mate I think you should be happy and proud of your result, regardless how tired you got, I mean having 1:41.86 on Ring is by far a World Record, and we are not talking shaving of few miliseconds, you beat the record with like 6 minutes, that is great achievement... ah dont tell me it was a typo, a 1 minute should be a bit more minutes, like seven minutes, right ? Or ??
Hey, I said I was tired! I just banked the car off the railings and flew right over the castle... counted as valid... lol.

Amended the initial post to a 7:41, haha. I don't think I would be as disappointed if I completely annihilated every ring record that exists! I think the current WR the IRL is the Porsche 919 EVO at 5:19.55... pretty slow compared to my old 993... haha.

@Dan_Tes I know the "first sector blues" all too well! Last night I had a large chunk of time wasted where I couldn't make it out onto hoheneichen (the first straight). I think I bottled over 20 attempts in a row. I have sessions where I have almost no invalidated laps, and others where I've completely forgot how to drive the car.

@330_D man the ways in which we are similar just keep coming... creepy. Haha.

If I play in the AM I am certainly sharper, but much more likely to scream at myself when I screw up (The only time I allow myself to get mad and yell in life, haha... The embarrassment is all my own and no one else can hear me!), but then in the evening after I have partaken in the greenery (also 100% legal here) I am much more calm, and while I still keep pace I always wondered if sober me would be quicker!
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I don't think I'm faster or slower with those but I have way less endurance! 😵🥴 😆
Caffeine and Aleve for me if I'm serious, like at Green Hell... ironically.
In all honesty, it relieves tension for me so I actually have far more and better endurance and my attention to detail is finer. It's always helped me gather my scatterbrain.
I find my best times mostly come first thing in the morning when the day hasn't gotten the better of me yet. Not always but generally speaking I'm significantly faster early in the day.
I can only race in the morning on the weekends, but Saturday morning has been a time for good laps for the reason you mentioned about being fresher.

Although these past few days as I've been attacking the 'Ring, both of my best times and big improvements came at the end of long sessions where I had almost given up, but was feeling more into a groove and pushed myself to "just give it one more lap".

I'm just glad when I can find some seat time :)
I'll only get one day at Tsukuba. After this, my rig is getting packed up and shipped halfway across the US where I will patiently await its arrival on an undetermined date.

So, after watching Tidge's guide and 30 laps later, this will hopefully hold for Gold.


Would've been nice to break into the 11's like a lot of you here, but it's been a long day and my focus was diminished after blowing through the Weekly Challenges just before.

Hopefully I don't miss more than one TT, if any.
Three days of hard driving at Nordschleife.
After initial gold time I took the liberty of taking more risks with my driving and it was biting me me for the most part.
Finally on the 14th lap of my latest session I managed not to waste a lap by invalidating it.

Four tenths is ok.
Some bad corners on this lap (1st sector, Flugplatz and Pflanzgarten I - the one after the jump - come to mind as main losses), some really good ones. Still hope for a 40 on the last day (despite the optimal into 38s, but let's not kid ourselves here).
Anyways, gold on the Nordschleife (I dare to think it's safe) - I'm living the dream here whatever will be!
I find my best times come after beer, wine, hard liquor
I have days when I put PB's after 1-2 beers, one more and my skill falls off the cliff and can't even put a decent lap :)

Visited tsukuba yesterday and I painfully managed to improve a bit. No matter what I do that civic doesn't want to be fast in my hands. I guess this one is safe and I won't drive it anymore.

I also got some fun on nord. Managed to put 3 valid laps of which two felt super fast, but I only got as close as 0.1s to my PB (7:46.8). Then on, what turned out to be my last attempt, I was 1.5s ahead of yesterdays PB after sector two only to miss braking point at Adenauer Forst into the barrier and calling it the night. :) I will put some km's tonight for the last time. Hope for some easy tt tomorrow. I will have only like 3 days then I'm off to Le Mans for next 1.5 week :D
No inspration or motivation to tackle the Ring again this morning, I know it would take me some time to get used to the 911 again and I just dont feel like green hell anymore 🤣
@Dan_Tes stunning time mate, those real ring miles are showing!, even on ground you seem to know your way around the mothership these days 🤣👽 epic!

On the other hand...... tomany tries on Tsukuba also made me kind of fed up with it...so was planning to not set the alarm today but woke up around 6 AM naturaly so did fire up the PS5 but no weekly challenges anymore... game 100%.... all cars.... 100 million....mmm
But I did manage to get some descent laps in on Tsukuba and finally got that 11.2 I was after, definitely still time but if you see how close our, and the international leaderboard is, it's a whole lot of work for another tenth maby...., and its hard for me to stay in thr top 100 on this one for sure ,
so im happy with it, case closed and full focus on the next one Thursday



The lap for reference, key for that extra tenth for me was definitely not going full send out of tight corners, I do mega slightly lift a tiny tiny bit on exit in second gear but it isn't even showing on the lap...
Plus im yeeting it in third quite quickly on the very last corner compared to @Tidgney cause i can't seem to get 4th working there so smoothly 🤣

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Couldn't sleep last night so I gave the Nordschleife another go and finally got into the 37's. I was about to quit after around 250 km after invalidating my best lap yet at Wippermann, but picked up the controller after a short break and found myself in the zone after another 70 km. On my last and fastest lap I somehow kept the most momentum. I can recall at least 3 major ****-ups – going too wide at Aremberg resulting in too much breaking and understeer mid corner, understeer through Wehrseifen, slow through Eschbach and Brünnchen as well as Youtube corner – this lap felt really sloppy and not fast at all, but the splits and the lap time speak for themselves. I feel like there's still some tenths left on the table, though I don't know if I have the time and patience to do another long session such as last night.

Considering the discussion about when we are in our zone or focus: I usually get better lap times when I'm tired enough to not think too consciously but not too tired to lose focus. Some time trials I've spent chatting in a Party, suddenly dropping a PB I can't beat again. Other times I have to concentrate not to lose focus. With ADHD, the Nordschleife is especially tricky, as my mind starts to wander on the loooong full throttle sections (what did I have for dinner last Thursday, oh the scarf on that neighbours dog, I need to do my taxes) and no matter how hard I try to concentrate, I'm physically/mentally not able to fully choose what I focus on. So having either a small distraction or the right amount of doozyness sometimes helps. Knowing this, I usually do practice runs or sighter laps on new TT's in the morning or during daytime as I can concentrate and learn better, but the real PB's usually drop late at night.

Thing is with the Nordschleife... I must've lapped it thousands of times ever since first "driving" it in GT4. The section on from Caracciola Carousel still reminds me of the License Test A-16 with the RX7 Spirit R, trying to teach how to rotate FWD cars early to get back on throttle even before the apex. Unlearning past mistakes and bad habits takes me quite a while, especially on this track. So I'm quite happy with my current time.
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Gran Turismo™ 7_20240605121959_1.png

First time I noticed a S1 split of under 48 seconds. Improved my line trough T1, T2 and Hatzenbach, so restarting does pay off a little bit :)
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240605014307_1.png

Not a great split exiting Bergwerk, but I just had to take a screen cap on one of the warm up laps..
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240605014459_1.png
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Lap 10, following @tmtk's advice, I removed ASM and TC, but does not seem to have an interesting impact on my lap time.

Tried also to remain more on the optimal line and did not too many errors, just was slow.

But I felt the car was more enjoyable to drive, sliding in a more controllable way.

Improved my best sectors overall in S8 and S10.

Overall optimal at 7:58.915
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I have days when I put PB's after 1-2 beers, one more and my skill falls off the cliff and can't even put a decent lap :)
Last night I had some wine with dinner, maybe a little too much, because I couldn't do anything productive on the 'Ring. Maybe it was also the lack of sleep from the previous night :lol:

In any case, I'm going to try and be fresh and give it one last shot tonight
No matter the time, I'll stop as soon as I break that barrier. (7:36)
And that's what I did!

I was hoping for a bigger improvement, and it was theoretically possible, but I just can't stay consistent during the lap. I think a 7:35.0 would've been on the cards, should I have bothered to keep trying, but it's just not worth it as I've almost run out of time anyway. So, I'll take it. Let's see where I will be at the event's closure!

a PB on TT finishing position is guaranteed (previous best 122nd)

And that's what I did!

I was hoping for a bigger improvement, and it was theoretically possible, but I just can't stay consistent during the lap. I think a 7:35.0 would've been on the cards, should I have bothered to keep trying, but it's just not worth it as I've almost run out of time anyway. So, I'll take it. Let's see where I will be at the event's closure!

a PB on TT finishing position is guaranteed (previous best 122nd)

Congrats!, very nice achievement to get into that top 100 on this one! You can be proud of that 😁😉👍
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Is there a way to save replays/ghosts from the TT leaderboard to one's own collection? I'd love to keep this one for practice in the future.
If that user has it saved on their user page, you can add the replay to your collection from there. I'm not sure if there's a way to save from the leaderboard screen.