Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Tidgney recently did a video of him racing in Auto. He did not lose very much time at all compared to him doing the same track in manual. It varies depending on track I suppose. (This was the last RBR so that video was post most recent physics update)

Another video I watched (iirc it was Kirith-kart) suggested there is some data that indicates the game simulates heavy engine breaking for auto trans, almost as much as if you were trail breaking slightly in a manual. (This was from a few months ago so may be different due to updates)
Hmm I'd have to take a look, but the evidence from people replying to this thread is invariably struggling with traction issues because the auto selects a lower gear.
Well there are some players like me that have dexterity issues and cannot go manual....
Yeah that's what I was kinda getting at - I can totally appreciate that for some people manual is not an option so it's good the auto exists for accessibility
This has been a fun combo. Gr4 has always been my favorite, race cars that look like street cars.

Tried a few different cars, but my old hands can't take long sessions, before they start hurting.

Probably ran 5-7 laps with each of these cars...
Silvia 57.9
Mustang 57.8...first lap
Alfa 57.7
Subaru 57.4 knocking on gold

like others have stated, turn 4 and the last turn are killers. I've been .5 ahead of my best lap, and watched it go red coming out of the last turn. It's a heart breaker.

PS5, controller, manual trans.
The best i could do was a 56.5 a couple of days ago. Im on a controller so im happy with that time. But how much faster could you possible go with a wheel? Any wheel users that tried with a controller to see how much slower you were?

I’ve tried 12 and got gold in all of them. The Slophy is the only one so far that I couldn’t get under 57. Which ones did you struggle with? I’ll try those next.

Edit: 8 left and still gold in everything. Add the Veyron and the 4C to the list of golds that are slower than 57 seconds.
The Veyron was very different! Weird thing is it didn't feel that much slower than the wrx, but the best I could do was 57.0 (a second off my wrx time). Is there a worse gr4? Swift?
The best i could do was a 56.5 a couple of days ago. Im on a controller so im happy with that time. But how much faster could you possible go with a wheel? Any wheel users that tried with a controller to see how much slower you were?

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Wheel and controller are very well balanced in this game, in a Gr.4 car you aren't going to be losing any time when using a controller.

The difference rears its head a bit more as you get faster/more downforce, as we saw with the X2019 at Road Atlanta - but up to that point you are very much on equal footing. I've pulled a 56.1 on controller and 56.0 on wheel - that tenth is not down to difference in peripherals either, as I'm still learning wheel, so a sub 56 is certainly doable by me on pad.
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Veyron was definitely the worst one for me. You just have to start your braking and turning much sooner than the others.
I only tried one lap, then changed cars. :yuck:

The Veyron was very different! Weird thing is it didn't feel that much slower than the wrx, but the best I could do was 57.0 (a second off my wrx time). Is there a worse gr4? Swift?
The Veyron is a very strange beast. You have take off so much speed to rotate it. I’ve beaten gold in the first two laps in almost every other car, but that thing took me 12.

I haven’t tried the Swift yet, but the 4C is worse than the Veyron and entirely opposite. It is so nimble and turns so easily, but it’s just so slow. Lap after lap it feels like you’ve nailed it, only to find you’re in the mid 57s.

For those who can’t gel with the AWD cars, the Silvia has been the quickest FR so far and the Cayman the best MR.
The Veyron is a very strange beast. You have take off so much speed to rotate it. I’ve beaten gold in the first two laps in almost every other car, but that thing took me 12.

I haven’t tried the Swift yet, but the 4C is worse than the Veyron and entirely opposite. It is so nimble and turns so easily, but it’s just so slow. Lap after lap it feels like you’ve nailed it, only to find you’re in the mid 57s.

For those who can’t gel with the AWD cars, the Silvia has been the quickest FR so far and the Cayman the best MR.

I pulled off a 56.7 in the Swift after about 5 laps, so it's definitely doable. I reckon it could get into the low 56s, maybe a .0 with an alien.
The best i could do was a 56.5 a couple of days ago. Im on a controller so im happy with that time. But how much faster could you possible go with a wheel? Any wheel users that tried with a controller to see how much slower you were?
Not this one but i tried it in the Civic tt some months back, several laps i was actually faster on controller but when really pushing it, i was about 0.5 sec faster with a wheel, and to this i properly pushed on the ds4 and wheel.

Usually on some tracks with the same car with the wheel, free tt mode, i was even 3 seconds faster, but i think this has to do with getting used to it.

On missions or licenses i found the controller being much better than the wheel and short tracks too, it has to do with settling in, i think the wheel is generally faster but only if you use it all the time.

I got this time and then after that I had to do it 5 more times and then I got 0'57.853, I was very close to earning the gold medal. Five hundredths of a second. The end keeps slowing me down, I can't clip the apex good enough. Any tips you guys can think of? Plus that first left turn at the beginning seems to mess up my speed some.

The end is killing my time because i'll either brake too early or either i'll brake late and then I risk going off the edge at the right then I have to start over. I will post some videos later showing you what I mean.
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I got this time and then after that I had to do it 5 more times and then I got 0'57.853, I was very close to earning the gold medal. Five hundredths of a second. The end keeps slowing me down, I can't clip the apex good enough. Any tips you guys can think of? Plus that first left turn at the beginning seems to mess up my speed some.

The end is killing my time because i'll either brake too early or either i'll brake late and then I risk going off the edge at the right then I have to start over. I will post some videos later showing you what I mean.
My best tip for you at the end would be to try and pick somewhere to brake consistently. You say you brake too early and then too late etc. - it sounds like you're just braking where you feel like you should brake, and that's making you inconsistent.

Pick a spot or reference point, brake there - and see how you do. If it's too early, pick another spot that's a bit later, and find the sweet spot that works for you. There's plenty of lap guides on YouTube that will give you a good starting point if you search them up.
What are the odds

My second session is as i mentioned above alomst always my quickest, don't know why but it just goes that way, very annoying to spent the rest of the days hunting to even get close to my time of that second session.
After this session i go see other videos of people so i know where i can change things, i never load a goast because it distracts me so much, i like it without, can concentrate better that way.
So for session B i ended up with a nice 0:56:355 :)

Session B

This weekend session C
In videos alot enter C1 in 2th to get extra rotation and exit in 3th, so changed my ways and tried it with all i got.
I spended quite some time and finaly nailed a lap.... quess what......

FREAKING 0:56:355 again?!! :lol::banghead::lol::banghead:

Session C

Then this morning did another run before work, had 15 minuts to try, first lap 0:56:348 :ill::)

I know i can be faster on the DS4, just freaking 3 corners to nail but they are not the easiest

I got this time and then after that I had to do it 5 more times and then I got 0'57.853, I was very close to earning the gold medal. Five hundredths of a second. The end keeps slowing me down, I can't clip the apex good enough. Any tips you guys can think of? Plus that first left turn at the beginning seems to mess up my speed some.

The end is killing my time because i'll either brake too early or either i'll brake late and then I risk going off the edge at the right then I have to start over. I will post some videos later showing you what I mean.
My approach to the last turn (or last 2) was to cut the curb up the hill (avoided the grass), then make sure my car was pointing fairly straight and brake at the end of the curb, downshift to 2nd and let the car take it’s time to rotate toward apex before shifting up to 3rd and smash the throttle on apex. (Going on throttle too early makes the car understeer alot on exit, and if it cause you to adjust/lift on exit you’ll lose ALOT of time on the straight).
Got 0:56.245 so far. Might try again before it ends.
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Since it's not a fixed car event I decided to run it in a car that I actually like, instead of potentially the fastest one.
In Group 4 cars I fell in love with Corvette C7 gr.4 earlier last year during one of the WRS time trials (thanks for @shoenboggie for picking this, otherwise I would probably overlook this great machine)

Sardegna - Road Track - C__2.jpeg

(dented'n'scratched left front is from overshooting turn 4 obviously)

My goal was to get into gold region with it, which happened fairly quickly, so I decided to up my game and aim for 57 flat.
Well, that took quite a few sessions, but I was commited and sure I can get there (made me miss the current WRS time trial - sorry guys).
Main thing for me was to understand how to carry speed through turn 4 which seems to be the most critical part for me on this track. Braking for the final turn is important too, but I seemed to hit that well enough more frequently than doing turn 4 right. Countless times I literally stopped on the outside barriers out of turn 4 (there's a protrusion there that I hit more times than I dare to admit).

Few times I was on the verge of 57 flat, but could not make that critical step. Finally late last night I managed just that.
Gran Turismo™ 7_20230109011912.jpg

I'm very happy to dip into 56s with this car. I feel that there's still 2-3 tenths left there for me (as indicated by the optimal lap), so I'll keep pushing over the next weekend.

Corvette C7 is a great car, in more capable hands it can go much faster I'm sure. Recommended!
Sorry for the stupid question… I feel like I should know all the big money collectors by now but where are these Time Trial Events with 7 figure payoffs? I started in October and the only one I remember was over the holiday with the Escudo Time challenge.

I’ve only used the time trial section to test different tunes for cars. I remember there being a selection for a paid time trial thing but they were sup cheap like 10k or something
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Sorry for the stupid question… I feel like I should know all the big money collectors by now but where are these Time Trial Events with 7 figure payoffs? I started in October and the only one I remember was over the holiday with the Escudo Time challenge.

I’ve only used the time trial section to test different tunes for cars. I remember there being a selection for a paid time trial thing but they were sup cheap like 10k or something

Go into the Sport section from the map. The fortnightly TT is at the top of the screen, next to where you select Daily Races.
I was finally able to see my first ever gold yesterday :) , but it did last just couple of hours :grumpy:

I think I can still make it give the approssimative way I approach the second and the final turn, while in the first I'm quite close to the ghost's rear.

Currently 57.38X with ideal 57.06X

Second turn:
I see tutorial (TheKie25 and Mistah_MCA: btw thanks guys, your comments are much appreciated). Both seems to identify the beginning of the sand as turning point. I'm really strugglingl with it, it looks to me way to early and my hands refuse to follow the instructions or follow them too much and I get the inside grass.... disaster....
Obviously they are right, and I need to figure it out

Last turn:
main issue is that I have not figured out yet the apex and racing line. I probably get a too early one and don't position the car well enough to prepare the main straight, so that when I go on the trottle I need most of the times to lift.
I’ve now tried every group 4 car in this TT. They’ve all gone below the gold threshold. Given that I’m just a good average driver who did no more than 12 laps in any particular car, I’d say you could choose pretty much anything and gold won’t be too hard.

For those who enjoy a challenge, the 4C, Veyron, Slophy and Swift are all very slow.

If you want to be the “funky” one on your friends’ leaderboard, try the Citroen. That thing is very quick here.
I’ve now tried every group 4 car in this TT. They’ve all gone below the gold threshold. Given that I’m just a good average driver who did no more than 12 laps in any particular car, I’d say you could choose pretty much anything and gold won’t be too hard.

For those who enjoy a challenge, the 4C, Veyron, Slophy and Swift are all very slow.

If you want to be the “funky” one on your friends’ leaderboard, try the Citroen. That thing is very quick here.
Citroen was pretty quick in general last time I tried it, though poor on fuel
Down to 56.292. I was much more consistent tonight, consistently running mid 56's. I couldn't navigate turn 4 for the life of me the past few days, but tonight it didn't seem to be an issue for some reason. It's still maddening to have a top lap going, only to lose all your time in the final corner, though. :mad: