The return of Death...
Death By Carbon Racing (DBC) were a sensation in Season 3 of TOCA. With the new NGTC regs coming in, DBC's Ford's where title contenders, who only narrowly lost out to the MRT (now RPM) Volvo's...
Carbonox, DBC took a sabbatical in season 4 of TOCA, what led to its return this season?
Carbonox:Ya know it, Furi. As soon as we actually got somewhat good regs and no stupid rules, like that ABS debate, everything started looking brighter.
Then Dax rejoined...
(Neljack Interrupts) Because Carb is a penguin and I like penguins therefore I like carb.
Another season in TOCA, another chance for a title shot for you Neljack?
Neljack: Obviously.
Why the Mazda?
Carbonox: It's the king of all TOCA cars, and I've used it when I started. Nostalgia, y'see?
Neljack: Been using it for 4.1 and 4.2, no need to change.
Who's going to be DBC's main rivals this season?
Carbonox: Not RPM, but VenoMMotorsport. However I think the Honda's will get blistered on some later courses.
Neljack: Venom, Farmphibian maybe? Probably not RPM eh?
Have any of the TOCA rookies caught your eye? Anyone you'll be nervously glancing back in the mirror for?
Carbonox: Not sure what qualifies as a rookie ATM, but I'm nervous with anyone who's playing dirty. I'm looking at you, Furi.
Neljack: We have rookies?
What do you think of the cars this season?
Carbonox: Nissan too slow, Honda too fast, rest just fine.
Neljack: I miss S3! (after the first 2 rounds at least). But yeah they'll do.
Thoughts on the TOCA Calendar?
Carbonox Tsukuba, Monaco and Suzuka East suck. The rest are doable.
Neljack Good as usual.
Any closing questions, comments, or remarks?
Carbonox Being furry is cool. It makes me shiver.
Neljack DaxCobra is gonna lose.