Track Creator Racing - ALL WELCOME!

  • Thread starter imalexi
Awesome race, I had the best view, loitering at the back.

It was soooo good in fact, that it is the first track we will be using.
It is available from my community to download.
It's called Horza (Short)

We'll be testing for track number 2 tomorrow.
At the moment it is out of a Rennsport track and one of Neenors.
We haven't had any of Jon's yet, but I'm sure he'll have one, so I guess we'll have 3 tracks the will go head to head to head!

Thanks to all that tested tonight.
Ren-Tec, Neenor, Rennsport, Captain D, Crispy, Rutter, Fastas and CICO (sorry if I forgot you)

just had the best ever gt5 race there now! I really hope someone can upload it to youtube or i'll try myself. It was a keeper as toby moody would say. Alexi, crispy, cpt, cico & myself covered by 0.6 after 10 laps.

Track & car go hand in hand. Great selection guys:tup:

Cant wait to get stuck in again tomorrow.

I'd have to watch that youtube vid if someone posts it, as I couldn't see much of the action from the back. :P
Got my times down to a 1:18.9xx I think, but I'm still a little of the pace. For whatever reason I can't hang on the pace without bumping everyone. Thanks for racing anyways, I'll try to make it later this week as well.

edit: Down to a 1.18.35x. I'm sure this is still a few seconds off your guys' best time, but it's still an improvement.
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Great comments guys, thanks.
I'm hoping Jon will be about today to help choose track number 2.
See you guys later!

Looks like you had fun at the ring Ren-Tec.

Just read this thread for the first time-it's a brilliant idea!
One question though: are the custom tracks made by fellow GTPers or created online?
Just read this thread for the first time-it's a brilliant idea!
One question though: are the custom tracks made by fellow GTPers or created online?

Inferno, nice to see guys taking an interest and reading through the threads before posting, you'll find up to press most of the tracks have been laid on by Alexi & joylord.

If you read on a little more you may find that they are now letting others design tracks to be tried out too, enjoy, great bunch of members form here so I'm sure you will enjoy yourself.

Great comments guys, thanks.
I'm hoping Jon will be about today to help choose track number 2.
See you guys later!

Looks like you had fun at the ring Ren-Tec.

Yeah Mike that looks well fun at the ring. I'm looking forward to testing another track but by the sounds of things Alexi your track Horza is a go. I've already shared my track for the week I don't want to show all my tracks but if your looking for another track I'd offer the Swin Circuit as most people have driven it. Here's a video of it that Ian made a little while back.

Just read this thread for the first time-it's a brilliant idea!
One question though: are the custom tracks made by fellow GTPers or created online?
The 3 sector tracks are made by you or TCR. TCR will chose the track for the combo created by TCR for the week or 2 weeks but we try to do Combo & track testing from Monday through to Wednesday online which sometimes turns out to be great racing. And to answer your question you/TCR need to make the track so that it can be shared for people to download so you can practice or use it for car setup.

Thanks guys I'll be online in a little while.
Just read this thread for the first time-it's a brilliant idea!
One question though: are the custom tracks made by fellow GTPers or created online?

Thanks inferno.

We're getting some great grids together, but there's always room for more!
We post the room numbers here, but feel free to send GTP_Joylord (Jon) or GTP_alexi (Me).


Forgot to mention, I'll be posting the new combo details in the next 30 minutes.

Now the cobwebs have been blown away, we've gone for something a little more frisky. It's the first 4 wheel drive we've chosen and it can be a little tricky to get used to the handling characteristics, but it has proven to be great fun and awesome for close racing. During testing we had the top 5 within a 6th of a second.

Warning : There will be the odd bump when the racing is this close, but the Plato's amongst us will be told to sit on the naughty step (and that doesn't mean the podium) if they misbehave too much.

CURRENT COMBO : Evoooooooh


START DATE: Wednesday 25th May
CAR: Lancer Evolution IX GSR RM '05
PP: 540
TYRES: Racing Hard
TRACK 1: Horza (Short) Download from GTP_alexi
TRACK 2: Lyon Download from GTP_Ren-Tec

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Oooh weeee I had so much fun earlier tonight testing the tracks in race mode, and it was just great..... so much that I forgot to do a recording. Racing other peoples tracks was very enjoyable for me as when I make tracks I wouldn't necessary go for these layout but it was a nice eye opener.

Rennsport I enjoyed your track and thank you for sharing but the man from delmonte has chosen to use other tracks, but please don't lose faith and keep the tracks coming.

I'll be running the number 32 on my Evo and it's silver I think.



Running this set up
Sports ECU
Stage 1 engine tune
all intake and exhaust upgrages.

Downforce. 15F 12R
Transmission 250km/h
4th gear 1.284 ( I never drop below this gear when doing hot laps )
6th gear 0.858
ride height -2F -4R
springs 7.8F 6.8R
6 6
6 6
5 5

camber 1.0F 0.8R
toe 0.12 0.00
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No you are, just there is two tracks Sam Horza and Lyon

Gonna play with the diffs tomorrow and take the active yaw off
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Wow diffs and yaw this is beyond me...... I'm glad you guys are on it. Good job:tup:
Should be in tomorrow and Friday for a bit to provide my usual mobile chicane service ;) Thanks for posting your setup Tiggles 👍
lol John, i would explain but it could take hours hehe. Im not keen on how the AYC makes the car feel (computers controling brakes and diff forces) and wanna try adjusting a diff setting manually to my taste. Plus that way I can move the power more to the rear.
Not TT time for Lyon Sam, its all your to crack 👍

Just because I was bored
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Rennsport I enjoyed your track and thank you for sharing but the man from delmonte has chosen to use other tracks, but please don't lose faith and keep the tracks coming.

Don't sweat it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, I've already got a few new ones in the works. The tracks is where I have the most fun honestly, and I think I'm better at making the tracks than I am at racing on them. Regardless of whether you use it or not, if you had fun on it, thats good enough for me.
Inferno, nice to see guys taking an interest and reading through the threads before posting, you'll find up to press most of the tracks have been laid on by Alexi & joylord.

If you read on a little more you may find that they are now letting others design tracks to be tried out too, enjoy, great bunch of members form here so I'm sure you will enjoy yourself.


Thanks inferno.

We're getting some great grids together, but there's always room for more!
We post the room numbers here, but feel free to send GTP_Joylord (Jon) or GTP_alexi (Me).


Forgot to mention, I'll be posting the new combo details in the next 30 minutes.

Sorry,just to clarify and make sure :)
So, now with PSN back up Im good to go.

Roughly when do you guys race?

Look forward to racing!
So, now with PSN back up Im good to go.

Roughly when do you guys race?

Look forward to racing!

Monday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / TESTING
Tuesday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / TESTING
Wednesday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / TESTING
Thursday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / RACING
Friday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / RACING
Saturday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / RACING
Sunday: 20.00 - 00.00 GMT / RACING

We'll normally post the room number for the racing, but we generally test in a private room, so send a friend request if you fancy testing with us.