The quesiotn was:
Did you map them to different buttons then map them back again to the orginal buttons?
No need to act like a 9 year old kid - just answer the question that the adults who offered to help asked.
Based on your temper and raging I kind of hope your gamesave never gets fixed, think of it as peotic justice for the raging toddler.
It is always ahoot to watch "raging lunatics" on the interwebs who dont even bother putting their locaiotn in the visable profile - says a lot abotuthe person and their personality. Behind the anonimity of the interwebs they are all rage and anger - even while they ask for help. No-one wants to help a raging todler.
Take it down afew notches and act like an adult and youwill be amazed at the help and assistance that could be forthcoming.
OK your not getting it...
And im sure the AUP doesn't condone that kind of name calling.
Typical GTP FANBOY know it all member.. try reading and then TRY ( hard as it might be )to understand what you have read.
IT IS NOT THE BUTTONS OR THE MAPPING... got it this time ??
I have already answerd that question several times now..
Think your post deserves reporting.👍
"You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group"