Great so a patch is needed to fix a patch already...
I feared this would happen, as soon as you give developers the opportunity to fix things via the internet, things start going wrong it's been happening on the PC for years...
Games consoles and developers for consoles now are taking on the LAZY attitude of " WE CAN PATCH IT LATER ".
Before internet and patches it had to be the best it could before release, now who cares just get it out for xmas and get the money no matter if its not finished.
Great Attitude SONY / PD... I always thought you guys were a cut above the rest... seems you are now just as bad as all the others.
I race online in a league and we have changebale weather races, this is where I am now going to be at a disadvantage to a fellow racer who is STILL able to change these settings.
All is fine and dandy in the dry with TCS set to 0 we can race closley.
Then it starts raining, and he is able to turn his TCS up to help with the rain.. where I am not ... this is unfair and I am penalised through no fault of my own.
KNOW IT ALL GT FANBOYS keep your stupid opinions to yourself.
This is a very valid point and PD need to be made aware of it.
And the comments...
Really .. you think... try racing me in the wet with no tcs, and ill have mine set to 10 ... we'll see if your correct.
Infact come and race at any time in any condition we'll see who needs TCS the most.
Most cars these days do have some form of TCS.. so being in the game is correct
This thread was to make people who didnt know aware of it, and also to find out if it was happening to all or a few.
It certainly now appears this isnt just a few poeple, many are experiencing this issue.
Mappng buttons / and messing with config crap isnt a fix, its a work around which might work for a lucky few, but not all, it hasn't worked for me.
A work around is not a fix, a new patch which will resolve this issue fully is a FIX.
I own a DFGT and want to use it to its fullest, I dont not want to map buttons on a ds3 as a workaround thats not what I paid for.
I have been doing crap like that on pc games for years... I do not want to do it on a games console.
wether the fanboys here like it or not
This is another balls up from PD.. and this game has been a massive balls up from the start.
Now they need to re-evaluate whats going on and make 1 patch that will rectify everything in ONE GO... even if it means we have to wait a few months for it.
Please unless you have something usefull to add to this thread, keep your dissmissive comments to yourself concerning other members.
If you have something valid to add concerning the problem , by all means share it.
On a final note , and something that just occured to me.
What if this patch problem has infact corrupted my game save, and it is not possible to fix via a patch.
The only way to rectify is to re-start from scratch. that would just about be the icing on the cake as far as GOOF UP's go.