@Danoff I saw you make the remark about it being ridiculous to have to change saying you're a man or a woman. But I think that ignores how much gender is a part of our identity. Once you have 2 labels people want to be labelled as they identify there is nothing bigotted about that.
Yes there is. You're perpetuating gender stereotypes when you say "I identify as [insert stereotype]".
Edit: That is never more clear than when someone says "I identify as [insert race]".
Forcing people to be labelled as something they don't identify as is quite oppressive actually.
I've only ever heard one side of this debate argue for forcing people to label someone something against their will, and it's not the side that you might expect. If someone calls a person a woman who doesn't think he/she
feels like a woman, that's not force. Force is when you say "excuse me, I don't
feel like a stereotypical woman
feels. Therefore you
must call me a man". That's much closer to force. The similar version "...therefore I politely request, if it doesn't bother you, that you refer to me as a man", is not.
It gets even more bigoted when our hypothetical person gets
upset about not being called a man, because they think they stereotypically feel like men feel. To insist on being called a man because you think you know how a woman is supposed to feel and how a man is supposed to feel and you feel like a man is bigoted. It is intolerant of the view that male and female personalities are not so clearly defined.
But it is int the case where you claim Caithlin Jenner would be better to describe herself as a man that looks/acts like a woman. Or do I misunderstand something?

Edit I do think I get where you come from. If we wouldn't define sexes as so rigid towards your current gender identity but as the gender at birth nothing more nothing less then these issues wouldn't exist. Sadly that not the utopia we live in.
You can't make the world a better place by perpetuating and forcing a fight which is unhealthy in the first place. I get that there is real discrimination here, but trying to make people call you one gender, because you think you know what that gender is
supposed to be, only deepens the problem.1
Just be who you are, let the rest of the world worry about their silly categories. Trying to identify dozens of possible genders for all the different people out there is an exercise in label/category futility. There's no such thing as bins for people's personalities.