You seem to keep forgetting that I was NOT the only openly transgender person posting within this very thread at the time, and pointing out some things come across as transphobic. The reason I had to back away from the thread, was because things got far too heated between us both; and neither of us where capable of staying objective at that moment in time.
This post, as an example. (not quoting directly out of respect to the poster, as they are, as far as I am aware, finished with this thread. And I do not wish to drag them back into it.)
You disregarded complaints from 3 openly transgender people, because in your opinion; we where wrong. You deemed what had been spoken about, to be wholly appropriate by your standards.
Your joke wasnt aimed at any particular individual, it was aimed at gender fluidity as a whole. I found it in poor taste, the same as
@Johnnypenso joke. But if you cant understand how something that might seem amusing to you (and others), might not be amusing to everyone. That is in and of itself a problem. And its those sort of "jokes" that lower the tone in here, which, if you had shown all of my twitter thread. I very clearly what I was talking about. Its about a lack of respect, and a lack of empathy.
I will openly admit I went OTT the last time we got into this, I wont hide from that. Im human, I make mistakes; just like any one else in this world. But please, go back and read through things again. Humour me, and try to see things from the perspective of a transgender person. It wasn't till later on in this thread, that I started to get defensive. And equally, took up the offensive position that I eventually did.
In all fairness, I popped back into this thread around December 2016 believe; and I had a fairly good exchange with
@Danoff in regards to how bad gender dysphoria can get for some people. An exchange that did not get heated if memory serves. Or result in any fighting at all. It was a pretty good exchange of thoughts.
I also very clearly acknowledged that you do uphold the rules on this forums in a previous posting in this thread, I have seen you take action in the homosexuality thread. But you have been very lenient in this thread. Even if you have since dealt with some issues in here, I haven't exactly been checking in on this thread a whole lot. So I am sorry I missed those. If you have truly taken action against things you felt crossed a line, than that is good.
Either way, you previously told 3 openly transgender individuals that informed you some of the things in this thread come across as hate speech. 3 people who did multiple quote trains to show you these things, and you told us we where wrong. Told us to supply more proof, even though you only had to go back through the thread. But we did do a fair bit of leg work, in all fairness.
And lest not forget, while you have anger at been referred to as bigoted. That I was not the first person to use that word in this thread. In fact, Danoff was the first to use it, on page one of this thread.
People of one biological sex who transition to the opposing gender and insist on using the opposite pronouns, where implied to be bigots right off the bat. And I feel my response to Danoffs first post was very reasonable, given the opening material.
You also always seemed to forget that I made some very reasonable posts in this thread, trying to explain how things can be seen as hateful in as much detail as I was able.
I also went so far as to explain why I choose to be open about being transgender.
The thing is Famine, we will probably never see eye to eye on any of this. That was made apparent last time we got into this. And in all honesty, I really dont want to get into another fight with you over it. I accept I went overboard last time, I let my personal feelings get to me. I got upset, and I got angry. I still feel some of the things spoken about in this thread, do very much air on the side of being transphobic. But this time isnt about that, its purely about a continuing cycle of what appears to be ridicule and derision for the basis of jokes. That is why my twitter thread didn't say anyone was been transphobic or bigoted, but it was definitely implied that the material I posted about; was highly insensitive. The insensitivity is what got my back up last time, and what has yet again annoyed me. But as said, things just got heated previously; and become less objective.
You obviously read my twitter thread, you posted a picture of a single post. It was more than a singular post on the matter though. I never once said you or Johnny where transphobic or bigoted within that thread, I also didnt name names.
It was a thread posted in pure frustration, because it just seems like nothing had changed in here.
Right or wrong to post my frustrations with this forum thread on twitter, can you really blame me after the previous experiences of been an active participant in this thread?
Either way, I am not hiding from anything. My twitter feed is as public as this forum thread, anyone can read it.