Transgender Thread.

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Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
No, it's just nice to see the Telegraph being supportive towards a progressive-friendly drama subject like this.
Why was it surprising? Surprising means you expected something different.
No, it's just nice to see the Telegraph being supportive towards a progressive-friendly drama subject like this.

Yeah I deliberately picked the Telegraph review as it's a conservative paper. You'd take a positive review from The Guardian with a pinch of salt with the subject matter involved.
Yeah I deliberately picked the Telegraph review as it's a conservative paper. You'd take a positive review from The Guardian with a pinch of salt with the subject matter involved.
Ahhh now I understand the comments above. Thanks.
Hannah Mouncey, formerly Steve Mouncey, taking the Australian Handball world by storm. Of course at a reported 6'2" and 220, a head taller and 50-75% bigger than many of your opponents and being a former member of the Australian Men's Handball team, gives one a slight head start.



Hannah Mouncey, formerly Steve Mouncey, taking the Australian Handball world by storm. Of course at a reported 6'2" and 220, a head taller and 50-75% bigger than many of your opponents and being a former member of the Australian Men's Handball team, gives one a slight head start.




Australian football or handball? The photos depict 2 different sports. One being slightly more physical then the other. She definately has a physical advantage, but so would a woman at 6'2" or taller

Edit: added image
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Australian football or handball? The photos depict 2 different sports. One being slightly more physical then the other. She definately has a physical advantage, but so would a woman at 6'2" or taller

Edit: added image

DP. Didn't see the second picture.

Edit: anyway, here's her playing handball:

Also, a 6"2 woman has not the same strength and muscle/bone structure as someone 6"2 who's born a male, competes as a male and changes sex to female.
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On average, yes. Individuals may vary.

In general, yes. In sports and high physical demanding activities, I don't know it varies that much. I can't imagine a basketball team of 6"2 female athletes winning a match against 6"2 male athletes. I can imagine a team of 6"2 transwomen athletes - who played the sport as men - winning against a team of 6"2 male athletes though.

Maybe it's possible. I don't think it can happen based on what we know about male and female bodies and physical performance.
DP. Didn't see the second picture.

Edit: anyway, here's her playing handball:

Also, a 6"2 woman has not the same strength and muscle/bone structure as someone 6"2 who's born a male, competes as a male and changes sex to female.

My point being that that a woman with similair build (muscle/bone), weight, height, would hold a similar advantage. This is a teamsport and not an individual sport like cycling, running etc. In sports like handball and soccer a larger weight or height doesn not neccesarily equal an advantage. Thats why I pointed out the pics showing 2 different sports.

Sports like Australian football or American Football, which requires tackling does favor people with a particular build. In individual sports, athletes are venture far more to the limit of their physical possibilities and this is where Men have an advantage, because they have male hormons.
My point being that that a woman with similair build (muscle/bone), weight, height, would hold a similar advantage. This is a teamsport and not an individual sport like cycling, running etc. In sports like handball and soccer a larger weight or height doesn not neccesarily equal an advantage. Thats why I pointed out the pics showing 2 different sports.

Sports like Australian football or American Football, which requires tackling does favor people with a particular build. In individual sports, athletes are venture far more to the limit of their physical possibilities and this is where Men have an advantage, because they have male hormons.
Women don't have similar builds. They have less muscle mass, less bone density, less endurance and a host of other physiological disadvantages. A 6'2", 220 lb man, on average, will be faster, stronger and have more endurance than a woman of that size. The advantage in soccer, even if they are the same size, would be just as large. The men are faster and have more endurance, on average. There are outliers in the female group that may exceed the performance of a single man but as a group men clearly have an advantage.
Spanish contestant in Miss Universe pageant, used to be a man.

So, I guess in Spain, men make better women than women?

Also, I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling, but her shoulders, hips, and thighs aren’t fooling anyone.

To be honest though, with the fashion and beauty industry putting forth the idea that the figure of a 12 year old boy is the most ideal female figure, it shouldn’t be surprising that a dude would end up in the miss universe contest.
Spanish contestant in Miss Universe pageant, used to be a man.

So, I guess in Spain, men make better women than women?

Also, I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling, but her shoulders, hips, and thighs aren’t fooling anyone.

To be honest though, with the fashion and beauty industry putting forth the idea that the figure of a 12 year old boy is the most ideal female figure, it shouldn’t be surprising that a dude would end up in the miss universe contest.
The voice was a bit of a giveaway as well.
Something I want to ask.

Why does everyone cry about MtF trans people yet FtM seem to get a free ride in terms of people telling them they are sinning or whatever?
Something I want to ask.

Why does everyone cry about MtF trans people yet FtM seem to get a free ride in terms of people telling them they are sinning or whatever?
Because they end up looking like a lesbian rather then a guy?
You do have a point there though, but it doesn't seem as common occurrence.
Apparently not...

My thinking is that it may be rooted in mysogyny, and if one is so prejudiced against women, the notion of a man (or boy, in those instances) struggling with wiring that says they are of the opposite sex, and indeed making an effort to conform to such wiring, warrants fervent condemnation. However, those attempting to make the change from female to male incites a reaction akin to "can't blame you" and more or less acceptance.

Of course this would apply to those who seem to be accepting of "FtM" but not "MtF", whereas condemnation of any attempt to transition is likely rooted in religious belief.
It also could be that MtF individuals are more common to read about in the news. There was that one FtM trans boxer who just won their first fight...but other than that, I can’t think of many other FtM transitions that have been in the news.

Also, I think many of the times we’re talking about MtF transitions, at least those that appear in the news, we’re talking about individuals who are involved with sport, and sometimes sport with physical contact.

For me, this Spanish beauty contestant is nothing more than something for me to laugh at. And I’m not laughing at the individual per say, I’m laughing at the whole thing. Vein women who spend thousands on plastic surgery to appear in a beauty contest...but contests where the ideal figure for these women to achieve is that of a 12 year old boy (the “ideal figure” thrust on society by the male homosexual dominated fashion industry...what does a gay dude know about what straight guys want?). Half the girls in that contest look like they stole their nose from Michael Jackson. I look at the whole thing like, “y’all mother 🤬 are so bloody lost.” On one hand it’s sad, on the other hand I can’t help but laugh.

Read through some of the comments on Twitter on these stories about Miss many of them are women remarking that “omg she’s so pretty/beautiful.” So what does that say about the desirable standard of beauty when a man can get a bunch of plastic surgery, and suddenly become a “beautiful woman”? You have these average normal looking women who want to look like a boy with plastic’s beyond weird.
Something I want to ask.

Why does everyone cry about MtF trans people yet FtM seem to get a free ride in terms of people telling them they are sinning or whatever?

That's some curious wording.

Having MtF athletes competing against women are what people, including some of those women, criticize. Because people who develop as men, have natural physical advantages over women.

The opposite is not such a big issue because the consequences are not impactful in the results of the sports.

In 100 years (as in the future), with the number of MtF athletes increasing, you'll see all records set by women being broken by people who were born men and made the transition MtF. You will not see the same the other way around.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
In 100 years (as in the future), with the number of MtF athletes increasing, you'll see all records set by women being broken by people who were born men and made the transition MtF. You will not see the same the other way around.

I don't think so. I think sports will move toward classifying gender not based on how someone identifies or feels they should classify or label or bin their personality, but instead based on their actual body, and how it developed. What gender you identify with has absolutely nothing to do with what gender you should be competing against in sports. There are weight classes in boxing (within a gender) for example. Whether you "feel" like a featherweight has nothing to do with whether you're competing in heavy.

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