I'll rephrase to "most people don't care".
And below is a good example why.
There aren't too many subjects or posts I've ever had quoted 7 times.
The fact that some people are so concerned with this, the amount that some people are angered, offended, or "insulted" by such a trivial issue, is simply amazing.
The fact that people swarm around like bees, looking to "enlighten" or force their way of thinking down people's throats... You're just pissing people off.
It's fascism at best.
You guys think people that worry they'll lose their job and livelihood if they say the wrong thing are just going to sing a musical and have a montage and change of mind?
Does fear lead to empathy now?
I would dare say nearly every person I know does not care. Most or all of them have no problem with people being transgender.
They do have a problem with fear of persecution over some childish "adults" hypersensitivity.
And that's what it is, childish.
If you look like a "girl" you have zero reason to be offended, upset, or angry when someone refers to you as one.
Every guy I know has been called some form of feminine as an insult, whether as a joke, in all seriousness, or both.
But the only people that freak out about it are transgender.
Hell most of us get called worse.
I'm not going to bicker with 7 people at once just because they have a different opinion.
I stand by what I said, I believe what I said.
I understand there are in-betweens, I understand there are 7 billion people, and that covers every version of human possible.
I understand science is changing, and getting more realistic.
I also understand the same people that tell me all about gender, and gender and sex aren't the same, also typically claim that society's gender constructs are false.
So how can you identify as a woman if there is no definition of a woman?
She and her are pronouns to call a woman, aka a female.
They aren't just some made up names to call people on a whim, but it seems we're changing the language to fit the narrative of hypersensitive people.
Nobody ever explained to them that changing the name of something doesn't change what it actually is.
But keep shoving your opinions down everyone's throats, don't let me stop you.
I'm sure it will change everyone's mind.
You implied that DNA can't be changed. I showed a counterpoint.
As far as changing large enough portions of the DNA of an adult human to change their biological sex, I don't know if/when that will come about, biology isn't my field. Most technology tends to grow in capability with time however.
It's not a delirious fantasy when transitioning is proven to alleviate dysphoria in most cases. Whatever the solution is the best answer we have currently is to allow people to transition, so they become happy with their life, the dysphoria is alleviated and it doesn't affect the rest of society. I don't really see what the problem is. It's a treatment and it works effectively.
By saying "they realise it's not real" you're assuming that one day every transgender person is going to suddenly change their minds. This doesn't happen very frequently (although it has happened).
That doesn't answer my question though; transgender people exist and they need to be able to live their lives so what should they be doing about things like visiting the bathroom and using pronouns?
Nothing happened to that, there's still the chance that a lot of people are happy with who they are. But if you're suffering from dysphoria then you literally can't feel comfortable in your own skin. You can't just think your way out of it.
In what way does generating money come into this?
For trans people it IS what they want. That's why they transition. They are also confident that they ARE the person they transition into being. Hence the term "assigned [gender] at birth". Saying someone "used to be a man/woman" is offensive to many trans folk.
Why is producing eggs a qualifier for anything? Sex is determined by different things to gender.
Not that your 'fix' for your 'problem' is offensive but I'm always wondering, if you'd refer to a MtF as she, she looks female you know, what harm would that do to yoy society or anyone. If the answer is nothing why does it matter? Not too important just something I never understood.
This is a ship of theseus question. And the answer is heavily debated. I believe they've changed if you take a daewoo and a viper and slowely but surely start replacing all daewoo parts with the viper parts at a certain point that deawoo becomes a viper you can still call it a daewoo but it defeats all purpose of naming it as it no longer described what you mean by a daewoo.
Who's asking you to pretend anything? A person looks female feels female but was originaly a male would be reffered to as she. Not doing that is playing pretend.
First of proof it's a delussion on the same.level as standard bodydismorphia. If that's not the case your argument is invalid as that is the premise JP and Shapiro use
If not explain to me why you think they are delussional.
Do you have a refrence to show these people comit suicide as much after reassignment surgery as before.
I won't accept the JP or Shapiro vid they've lied about this before.
And you're an ass for suggesting we/I don't care for that suicide is a very sensitive topic having lost multiple friends to it and mr myself going to a psych to learn and.deal with this.
Yes that's why, money...
Keeping these people in a state of bad mental health would be way more profitable wouldn't it?
This last sentence, you make an assumption I do not agree with. You assume there is only natural you, as in there can't be a discrepancy between what you psychologically feel, or how you perceive the world, and you physical form.
Sorry for typo's, these phones you know.
Edit: Tree'd on some points
You need to separate gender and biological sex.
The later (biological sex) is what you are born with (
and is not as simple as just male / female), the former is how each of us learn and chose how to social identify across the male female scale (and many other factors).
Which being pesky is not as cut and dried as you're suggesting here, with it being possible for people to carry both male and female (and other XX and XY combinations) DNA.
Its a well documented (and not as uncommon as many think) genetic fact.
It still amazes me how many people still forget that the genetics and human development is simply not that simple or straightforward, and that all men carry female chromosomes (you can't get rid of that X no matter how hard you try) and we all have nipples.
YY as a combination is simply not viable, however many others are, including for example XYY.
I don't understand this argument. Transgender individuals are literally banned from the United States military. People do "care" how people identify, but unfortunately many of those that "care" do so with prejudice.
Yea I'd certainly agree with that.
1) Why does the "misgendered" person care? What difference does it make what gender they're referred to as?
2) What gives you your gender identity? Please explain in great detail why you think you're "Cismale".
3) You can answer my question about why you think you're not non-binary. Didn't occur to you?
Why not? What's wrong with calling someone a woman who wants to be called a woman? Why does that harm you?
What's pretend about it? Society does play pretend, by pretending that there are two clear cut bins that everyone can be grouped into. There are women that are more masculine than me (I'm a man, not that I have wonderful reasons for demanding to be called that). I've posted an example in this thread. There are men that are more feminine than my sister (she's a woman), I've posted an example in this thread. So what's the harm in referring to them one way or another? Why do you care? You can't really see someone's chromosomes. All you can see is how they appear. And if they want to be called something that you wouldn't normally call them just by looking at them, why on Earth do you have a problem with doing so?
The fantasy is that you know what it is to be a man or woman, and that there isn't some huge spectrum of everything imaginable in smeared out across humanity.
I don't think it's fair to assume that ever transgender person has mental problems. But I'll tell you how you don't help someone with mental problems. Insist that there is something wrong with them and attempt to force them into a rigid social construct that doesn't fit. I seriously doubt your pretense that you want to help someone with mental problems.
That's one of my messages, and I totally agree with it. But again, why does them asking to be called by a particular gender mean that they're anything but comfortable in their skin?
The thing that makes things complicated are sports, sure you can say that person is now a Woman or Man, but when it comes to feats of strength and endurance what happens then, we are certainly in the early stages of dealing with this complication.
I'm not a fan of the current approach of just denying the obvious(at least in some disaplines), it's not a sensible long term solution as there is clear advantages still even with limits on testorone.
Yeah, it's almost as if men and woman are different.
The real topic of discussion here, is should we try to change everything to satisfy 1% of people, or should that 1% be able to understand that they are different, even if it is a scale as Famine pointed out, the vast majority still fit well within reasonable bounds.