- 34,144
- Mile High City
@Danoff "But if a child needs something in order to survive - because of an established likelihood of suicide - I don't see how anyone could oppose gender affirmation surgery to save the life of a child. "
Of all the ridiculous things and things I've said included. THis statement of yours still stands out as the most ridiculous of them all. There's probably a reason that is. And common sense is truly not common any more. This Woke nonsense persists. Time to throw out all the old ways in favor of the "new and improved"... it's always worked perfectly....nothing bad has ever come from the new and improved. Everyone's way happier now than 30 years ago (1993) ....all thanks to the new and improved! Don't like it? too bad. We're here to stay!
Example: Girl doesn't like her body, because she was bullied to feel ugly in school? And those thoughts persist so she wants surgery or she'll die? Don't do anything about it (the thoughts), instead just get some doctors or whatever to affirm her, tell her yes, make her pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to remove her genitals or breasts. Yeah that'll do it. Physical fixes for a mental problem.
You ignored the premise of this statement, which is that the child needs it in order to survive. You called the statement dumb and then went on to explain that the child doesn't need it in order to survive, which... that's literally the opposite of the premise. You can't attack the conclusion by denying a conditional premise. Your best response, if you want to argue this for some reason, is that it is irrelevant because it never happens. But to say that this is somehow ridiculous because you deny the premise is to literally, intentionally, not follow the statement.
Whether or not a child needs gender affirmation surgery (or other care, which you seem to be in favor of unless it affirms gender for some reason), is demonstrable. There are many ways that it can be demonstrated, from a history of self-harm, to statistical outcomes. If the best care option to prevent suicide is surgery, I have no idea why you would oppose that. Note again the "if", it is a conclusion predicated on an assumption, and you must interpret the conclusion in light of the assumption to follow the statement. I think it's especially important to use statements like "if" when talking about this because every case will be different, because people and their needs are different.
You can't just assert that suicide isn't a risk for people with gender dysphoria, it is demonstrably so. And you can't just assert that gender affirming care (or more specifically, surgery) isn't a viable treatment for that suicide risk without bringing in some data to back that up. Note that I stopped short of claiming that it is a viable treatment for that risk, because I don't want the personal responsibility for bringing that data to back up my claim. But you trampled right into that responsibility, so if you want to claim that this is not viable treatment, you need data on your side.
I have little hope of seeing that data since you won't even answer the most basic question about the meaning of a single word you've used. A word that is notoriously nebulous, and is something of a calling card for a lack of consideration.
Edit: And just by the way, you're using "snowflake" in very much the same way. There's only one person I see melting in the heat here.
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