Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

you should know what youre speaking of ,before you let your stuff out,martin was a drugie and a thief because he looks like obama hes ok,due to the reverse discrimanation that has taken this country over,why did he have jewerly from another persons house in his back pack
why did he have a tool he was going back to retriveNow Zimmerman will have to change his name and move far away and live in fear for ever ,because of miss reported info,tring to make martin into something he wasn't ,an inocent kid ,no way!

You'll spell better without that white woolen hood over your eyes.
It's beside the point, but adding to the "falling bullets" thing: Stat do not necessarily point to the bullets dropping straight down, as they also include stray bullets fired at higher angle into the same category. That term is so confusing.

Maccer: Great job on doing someone else's leg work. 👍
And despite all of that, Martin wasn't carrying drugs or stolen property on his person during the incident.

Or a screwdriver.

Marijuana in his blood, yes... but marijuana's legality varies from State to State... and the effects of the drug are typically calming rather than rage-inducing.

The case has to be judged on what actually occurred that night.

If you catch a bank robber (who's out on bail, pending a hearing) on the way home from the ice cream store and shoot him in the back, you've just committed a crime.

If he tries to beat the living daylights out of you and you shoot him in self-defense, probably not.
I agree, but I understand why people would be frustrated by the media's character presentation. For probably the third time, that is the biggest crime of this case to me.
I agree, but I understand why people would be frustrated by the media's character presentation. For probably the third time, that is the biggest crime of this case to me.

I am in and out of my vehicle all day doing service work and listen mostly to talk radio out of Windsor and Detroit. It's amazing how few people actually know the facts of the case, including the hosts who should know better. The spread of misinformation is doing far more to damage race relations than the case itself. If you just listened to the liberal media, you'd think Zimmerman was white, wearing a pointed hat and white sheet, walked up to Martin and shot him for no reason at all, then threw himself on the ground and pounded his own head and face into the concrete.

Marijuana in his blood, yes... but marijuana's legality varies from State to State... and the effects of the drug are typically calming rather than rage-inducing.
Just as a note, Florida's laws on marijuana remains the same as it has for the last decade or so - it's illegal regardless of the amount you have. At the absolute minimum of possession, it's still a 1 year sentence & $1,000 fine. And if there was any actual connection of Martin selling the plant (as seemed to have been implied by a facebook post), that's a 1 year sentence & $10,000 fine.

It is among the strictest states in the US when it comes to the penalties caught for marijuana usage. Even medical patients are not exempt from the laws.
I am in and out of my vehicle all day doing service work and listen mostly to talk radio out of Windsor and Detroit. It's amazing how few people actually know the facts of the case, including the hosts who should know better. The spread of misinformation is doing far more to damage race relations than the case itself. If you just listened to the liberal media, you'd think Zimmerman was white, wearing a pointed hat and white sheet, walked up to Martin and shot him for no reason at all, then threw himself on the ground and pounded his own head and face into the concrete.

I agree, and to make it even worse as I showed earlier if you are black or brown and don't think Martin was racially profiled and isn't an angel sent by the yourself are as bad as a racist white person. It's disturbing that fellow people can't have a subjective view the other way. Even more disappointing is that new outlets PBS (usually the one I respect the most), CNN, and MSNBC *especially* usually have pundits of the same view talking about this, so you never get the opposing side (For the verdict). Everyone says they respect or understand the verdict, yet do a 180 and claim they are angry and think just was not served -obviously to their bias- and hope the DOJ do something to fix this. Worse none of these pundits that stand for Martin, want to acknowledge the doctored tapes NBC made, and just glaze over it.

The bias being passed as objective reason, shows how unintellectual this entire situation as well as past and future are going to become.
I agree, and to make it even worse as I showed earlier if you are black or brown and don't think Martin was racially profiled and isn't an angel sent by the yourself are as bad as a racist white person. It's disturbing that fellow people can't have a subjective view the other way. Even more disappointing is that new outlets PBS (usually the one I respect the most), CNN, and MSNBC *especially* usually have pundits of the same view talking about this, so you never get the opposing side (For the verdict). Everyone says they respect or understand the verdict, yet do a 180 and claim they are angry and think just was not served -obviously to their bias- and hope the DOJ do something to fix this. Worse none of these pundits that stand for Martin, want to acknowledge the doctored tapes NBC made, and just glaze over it.

The bias being passed as objective reason, shows how unintellectual this entire situation as well as past and future are going to become.

I also heard several times today that the Stand Your Ground statute is used as a defence by blacks relative to their population more than white defendants and that they have a higher percentage of success than whites in using the defence. If this is true, it indicates that as far as the courts are concerned, this law is at least as beneficial to black defendants as whites, also indicating the law is colour blind.
RACISM killed Trayvon Martin, I don't care what your media has said about him.

You do realize what Zimmerman has done for a couple black children in his community ? and his participation of a protest and public testimony against the police regarding the treatment of a homeless black man ? Also a full FBI investigation revealed absolutely no past evidence of racism on Zimmerman's part.

He did profile Martin though due to frequent break-in's in the past by young black males....don't need to be racist though to think logically.
I find it funny that someone here could easily find evidence to show Martin's bad past, but yet people like Piers Morgan say that there isn't any.

Also I love how when CNN and others pick out opposing views that aren't great speakers to help build the idea, that not siding one way you'll look idiotic. Like the video.
Absolutely wrong, I agree she was overcharged, but to discharge a weapon in the air to scare someone away that is stupid. That is why it is illegal to shoot your weapon in the air on New Years eve and so on...
You're missing the entire point of what I was saying - I'm not disagreeing with the stupidity of firing a warning shot, I'm disagreeing with the idea that killing someone is the recommended course of action if one wishes to claim self defense. Alexander's case is a perfect example - she was claiming self defense without any justification at all, but according to the comments I was responding to, she should have killed the guy and then claimed self defense. The scary thing is that she might have gotten away with it too if it weren't for them pesky kids.

I think the important thing to note here is that Keef is basing the idea on the wording of the law. I'm sure he would prefer if it was safe and legal to fire a warning shot and that could end the altercation. Heck, if the law allowed it I would keep a low powered shotgun with rock salt in the first round or two.

But in this case, the law does not allow for warning shots. From a legal standpoint, it is "smarter" to kill the other person. Without that you have a hard time proving the necessity of deadly force, particularly if the guy is alive and you are unharmed.

The law is stupid in that regard.
That's a better explanation, although it is still somewhat discomfiting that the law favours killing.
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That's a better explanation, although it is still somewhat discomfiting that the law favours killing.
It doesn't favor killing, as all homicides must be investigated as potential murders. However, the innocent until proven guilty concept places a burden of proof on any prosecution. Without conflicting testimony from another witness that job is that much harder. The mafia has worked on that principle for nearly 100 years.

Saying the law favors killing is like saying the law favors destruction of evidence. It doesn't, but if you burn down the house you did your crimes in then it is far less likely for there to be trace forensic evidence left behind.

In Zimmerman's case the prosecution hit a speed bump when it came to having evidence of the important point where the altercation started. Zimmerman would love to have had a room full of witnesses who back up his claims, but without that his best hope was having zero witnesses.

In the woman's case, a witness remained to counter her story. If he was truly intent on taking her life and couldn't be stopped then she needed to show that as the prosecution had even her own story countering that notion. The bigger problem for her is that no one thinks lik a lawyer while in the middle of a spontaneous act, but everyone else will after the event.
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Wait, about the warning shots.
Why don't people fire into the ground?

People could still get injured, bullets don't always burrow into the ground, they are known to ricochet. Another strong rule of gun safety is never firing at a hard or flat surface, that too is a no no because of what can happen.

You're missing the entire point of what I was saying - I'm not disagreeing with the stupidity of firing a warning shot, I'm disagreeing with the idea that killing someone is the recommended course of action if one wishes to claim self defense. Alexander's case is a perfect example - she was claiming self defense without any justification at all, but according to the comments I was responding to, she should have killed the guy and then claimed self defense. The scary thing is that she might have gotten away with it too if it weren't for them pesky kids.

It's not a perfect example because if she left and came back with a gun and then shot him, she put herself back into harms way. And that is exactly what is being said she did, so I wold like to see you address that rather than the spin story networks were using and have all stopped talking about. Also to be fair, she wouldn't have had to kill him, if the situation called for it she could have non-lethally shot her attacker. However, the problem still stands that she wasn't in any immediate danger and that is the issue.

That's a better explanation, although it is still somewhat discomfiting that the law favours killing.

Like others have said it still doesn't favor killing as much as defending ones self.
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I just can't believe how Americans can blow this whole thing out of proportion. I would like to believe that people can see pass skin color nowadays but this proves that people can't. If Zimmerman shot a white kid this media blow up would of never happened. If Zimmerman was black this media blow up would of never happened. It's very sad that this is the truth.
I just can't believe how Americans can blow this whole thing out of proportion. I would like to believe that people can see pass skin color nowadays but this proves that people can't. If Zimmerman shot a white kid this media blow up would of never happened. If Zimmerman was black this media blow up would of never happened. It's very sad that this is the truth.

That's because the same people that are making a stink of it would likely say that if Zimmerman had shot a white person or if Zimmerman himself was black he would have been found guilty.

I used to be a big fan of Sir Charles, but am generally not a fan of his big mouth. Call this a exception. I agree with a lot of what he said, especially at 2:02. I also liked his delicate delivery here, too. Very considerate of you Chuck. 👍

I used to be a big fan of Sir Charles, but am generally not a fan of his big mouth. Call this a exception. I agree with a lot of what he said, especially at 2:02. I also liked his delicate delivery here, too. Very considerate of you Chuck. 👍

Not bad from Chuck, but he continues with this "racial profiling" bs that was not proven in court, and everything in Zimmerman's history that I'm aware of, in fact suggest the opposite. Race has nothing to do with the facts of this case, other than for the Race pimps and Race mongers, and that includes Obama, who want to make this case into something it is not.
I know. I did agree with lot, but racial profiling was not one of them. :D

U.S. Government & American media seem intent on finding dirt on Zimmerman, even after he was already cleared, and that scares me. I'm certain that everyone on this board has said something that could be considered hate, or sexist, or racist, etc., etc. Add the NSA data collection, IRS taking sides, and you can sort of see where I'm coming from. It's bit paranoid, but potential is there.
Wait, so a retired professional basketball player was interviewed on a finance show and the topic got on to the Zimmerman trial?

Wait, so a retired professional basketball player was interviewed on a finance show and the topic got on to the Zimmerman trial?

I didn't watch the show, but don't they seem awfully prepared considering the show & the cast? I just ran into it while googling Charles Barkely. Not the old fat one, but when he used to be a beast on the court back in the 80's & 90's. :lol:

P.S. Don Henley rocks. 👍
Wait, so a retired professional basketball player was interviewed on a finance show and the topic got on to the Zimmerman trial?

He's black. The topic always gets to the Zimmerman trial.
I didn't watch the show, but don't they seem awfully prepared considering the show & the cast? I just ran into it while googling Charles Barkely. Not the old fat one, but when he used to be a beast on the court back in the 80's & 90's. :lol:
Closing Bell is supposed to be a show that covers the closing of the market and discusses the financial news that affected the closing price throughout the day. Unless Charles Barkley started a business venture, he is an odd guest himself. The fact that the conversation then ventured on to the topic of a criminal trial is odd for the show topic or guest. It really does show the insanity the media has exhibited over this case.

That said, I will watch any and all Maria Bartiromo interviews. One of my happiest days as a news transcriber was when she went from being host of a weekly show to anchor a multiple-hour daily program.

P.S. Don Henley rocks. 👍
Joe Walsh. You must have meant Joe Walsh. (Left at that despite the Don Henley video because I don't want to go on a Henley/Walsh rant.)