True Force F1 ™ WTC [Closed - WDC: LewyOs!]F1 2010-2016 

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Third Round - Begins 1:17 PM Saturday, November 13th

Welcome to the third round of the Formula 1 Time Attack World Tour Competition. The first and second rounds were a glaring success, and despite some trouble along the way has seen the first place podium position shift place between two contenders now. It makes one wonder what's in store for Round 3. The third round of the WTC brings us to one of the most physically demanding street circuits world renown - Monaco. A track where your most reliable alliance is your own awareness, make any sudden maneuver and it's practically guaranteed that you will fall victim to this fast-paced, knife-edged, claustrophobic track.

Who will emerge the victor of the Monaco Time Attack GP?

1. This competition is restricted to the Renault F1 R30.
2. Throttle mapping is restricted to Fast only.
3. Tuning is permitted.
4. This is a dry weather event.

Round Three - Ends 11:59 Wednesday, November 17th
In a change of events, actually no, I had this planned regardless...the Special Event will follow directly after the end of Round 3. The victor of this round will still be able to parameters of Round 4.

For those wondering, Special Events are just that...they are in no way, shape, or form official event rounds. However, there will be plenty at stake and I guarantee you that most of you won't like me anymore.
Ah, excellent choice Mr LewyOs. I got soundly thrashed by the CPU going round here in career mode recently, so I'll gladly use this as a chance to get some serious practise in.
Have you got my time Terronium? Only it says my pm is unread?

Yeah, I have it. I keep all of them as 'Unread' so I won't have to scavenge through a bunch of messages looking for people's submitted times.
sorry if this is a stupid question but what does LB stand for? :P

Leader board.

Submitted. Amazing the world of difference on this track turning OFF the cornering line made for me. Should have taken my own advice on not using the line long ago :dunce::lol:.
Leader board.

Submitted. Amazing the world of difference on this track turning OFF the cornering line made for me. Should have taken my own advice on not using the line long ago :dunce::lol:.

I can't run Monaco without the line, and even with it I'm far from spectacular. Sure, my response time is stellar (when I'm actually dead set) but it just isn't enough...I'm always tipping the end of the guardrails and invalidating my laptime which pisses me off to no end. Even with maximum downforce I can't come to terms with what Monaco beckons of you.
This is why I picked Monaco, very difficult track but rewarding when you get a good time.

I nearly chose Monaco in the rain, but decided against it.
This is why I picked Monaco, very difficult track but rewarding when you get a good time.

I nearly chose Monaco in the rain, but decided against it.

And that's why I now hate you. :lol:
This is why I picked Monaco, very difficult track but rewarding when you get a good time.

I have to say though that car choice counts for a lot in this game. Its really clear how different this rounds car is compared to my usual choice at this track. For the worse, obviously. Not a very inspiring car, but at least it makes one appreciate the better vehicles. I like this track because since we dont have replays to use, we can at least know there is no easy way to make up time. No 'mystery corners' or anything ..just walls, walls, and more walls. With an extra portion of wall on the side.

I would think our times will be tightly bunched on this one. Speaking for myself I know I left a few tenths out there for sure, but its all good. In GT5 we will have replays to save and ..I think I read we can even send emails from within the game? Should revolutionize competitions if its true.

After this round its likely I will be diverting my attention elsewhere, but even so I hope and know I will be seeing yall' in other gtp forums and comps and maybe on the official 'game x' leaderboards too. :)
If this is my last round then best of luck to you, and believe me with all sincerity when I tell you how hard it was for me to intentionally come in 2nd place in every round so far. :) joke.

We'll see you out there-
I now have submitted times from six (6) participants. Five more to go....

Get those times submitted! The clock is ticking.
I can't run Monaco without the line, and even with it I'm far from spectacular. Sure, my response time is stellar (when I'm actually dead set) but it just isn't enough...I'm always tipping the end of the guardrails and invalidating my laptime which pisses me off to no end. Even with maximum downforce I can't come to terms with what Monaco beckons of you.


Well on the off chance it might help I'll describe what permanent reference points I used after turning the line off.

T1 (Devote) - break at the tree shadow just before the zebra stripe.

T2 (Rivage) - tap the breaks right at the 2nd set of zebra stripe.

T4 (Casino) - is mainly all feel, obviously the closer you are to the outside of the track at turn-in the better.

T5 (Mirabeau) - is hard to describe. I use the tree shadows but they are so many of them tightly packed together it can pretty hard to count at speed :lol:. But I'm pretty sure I use 4th or 5th one uptrack from the corner apex. Maybe saying this breaking point is a "feel" one is more useful ;).

T6 (Massenet) - I stark breaking as soon as my rear wheels cross the center white line.

T7 - Break at the beginning of the building shadow.

T8 - Break at the next building shadow.

T10 (Chicane entry) - Break at about the 70-ish meter mark.

T12 (Tabac) - All feel. If I'm playing it safe I tap the breaks on turn entry.

T15 - Break just before the shadow of the overhead bridge.

T18 (Rascasse) - Break between the last zebra stripe and the next shadow.

T19 (Anthony) - Break at the final shadow (if memory serves).

Obvious Monaco is a big pain in the 🤬 line or no line, but IMHO after trying both ways it is much easier to get right and comfortable on this track with the line off. There are just so many corner combinations here where the line is all red, and therefore pretty vague and useless, and serves more to distract than assist.
Some ideal information there. 👍

R3 ends in 53 minutes.

Well I hope you find it useful and obviously you'll need to tweak break points to taste.

Also for grins just did a quick practice session in GP mode for comparison. So weeks ago my prior career best with "corners on" and using your 1st Monaco tune in a stock Virgin I was barely managing a mid to low 1'21" which is bottom 4 on Professional difficulty. Now using the same Virgin, same tune and after practicing for 20+laps with the "line off" I can pretty comfortably get into the mid 1'18's and very comfortably do 1'19's. Based on tonight's practice session that equates to pole at best and top 10 at worst. Not to mention the fact I'm much less scared of the track and likewise much more consistent 👍. So if I can do it, you can do it ;):D.


Think this is "legal" to do now:
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Alright. Had to do a bit of this post for the Special Event.

Results for R3 won't be posted until later on today.

Special Event - Begins 12:12 AM Thursday, November 18th

Welcome to a special round, the first of two events that will pin every participant to the tarmac and will test your capabilities for all that they're worth. There's a determined "take no prisoners" attitude this time around, as the object here is not only to come out on top, it's also to beat the target time and take grasp of double points. Whose target time you ask? Mine.

Can you beat the leaderboard time?

1. The time to beat is 1:24.023.
1. This competition is restricted to the McLaren-Mercedes MP4-25.
2. Throttle mapping is restricted to Fast only.
3. Tuning is prohibited; you are restricted to the following tune: Monza Edition, Wet
4. This is a wet weather event.
5. Double points are only awarded to those who actually beat the time, if you fail to do so, you will be awarded points based on the formatted scoring system according to your finishing position.
6. If you fail to provide proof of your time, unlike what R17 states, your time will be voided, and you will only receive points according to your finishing position (according to the originally formatted scoring system).

Special Event - Ends 7:00 PM Sunday, November 21st

*If the link gives anyone trouble, the tune is featured in Post No. 118.
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Stick a fork in this round, cause' its done. ANyway instead of waiting for results heres the screenie of me:


What you got, sucka's? :)
Got to add that I really admire the graphics in this game. Sound too!
Stick a fork in this round, cause' its done. ANyway instead of waiting for results heres the screenie of me:

What you got, sucka's? :)
Got to add that I really admire the graphics in this game. Sound too!

Holy 🤬!! Don't got anything near THAT :lol:.
The Special Event is up, and ready to be tackled. One of my favorite tracks, one of the tracks I know like the back of my hand, and in conditions that do not bother me one bit, in a chassis that goes like the wind and trails like the rain.

Since the Leaderboard has been wiped in the PC version, I've actually lapped a bit faster than that...but decided against making it any more difficult than it already is. Is anyone up to beating a previous top 10 leaderboard time?

Be intimidated. Be very intimidated. :lol:
Holy 🤬!! Don't got anything near THAT :lol:.



Felt slow out of Devote, and through the chicane after the tunnel. No chance in hell I could find 1.5 seconds there!

Special Event sounds good.👍
Well round 3 is over and everyone seems to be posting there time so I said I'd join in 👍

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