Tuning Garage Challenge Week Two

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
Decided to have a crack at Austin's suggestion and try this out in the RVV GT-R.


T1 19.867
T2 1'00.061

but critically it's almost 2s slower at the line. :(

I'm going back to the BMW...

New splits for BMW, lost ~0.150s at the line.

T1 19.493
T2 59.091

Kind of annoying now, I've seen 58.8xx on consecutive laps a few times, but failed to keep the laps clean. :irked:
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I hear ya..... I'm not going to lie, one bit.. I did tried to get a ringer! I won't say his name, but wasn't able to do it. That would be cool... Not getting down on you though! I just wished I would have been on this like everybody else!

This was something Greycap and I have been discussing for a while, making a "Privateer" class and a "Proprietor" class (This was a contengency I had no idea would happen). Doing this though will possibly A) single them out and makes me look like I'm trying for personal gain [Being I would be first in non-privateers points at that], and deffinitely B) screw up the points entirely. What do we do about this. :guilty:

I lose a lot of time in the first sector and gain good times in the second sector for some reason. The last sector is very good (For the car's standards :lol:).

1st: 0.19.755
2nd: 0.59.209


Final time sent.
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I'm going to give it some more tries, I just shaved .6xx from my previous best lap.. :D as soon as I get third sector in order, I might lose a second from my time, which would be satisfactory. But.. it's a difficult feat with thoroughly worn out G25 that randomly decides to get a tranny tantrum and get stuck on first gear.. when I was trying to get fifth. :irked: :ouch:
Not going too well for certain reasons but...

T1: 0'19,547
T2: 0'59,363

And the reasons? The driver is pretty incapable thanks to having caught cuticle inflammation in the right index finger on Sunday, suffering from the pain and thinking that it'll heal before the weekend, the damn thing developing into lymphangitis in the entire right arm during the Wednesday to Thursday night, and now I'm so high on heavy antibiotics that I have trouble focusing my vision... but at least the pain is going away so I got a chance to try that lap. It's my last attempt. The other reason is that the car still doesn't like "power courses" which both of these have been but the situation has to change sooner or later.
Some great splits coming in from all teams now! 👍
Judging by Nenad's gains in the T1 - T2 sector I'd not be at all surprised to see him gain even more in the T2 - Finish sector too. :scared:
The MFT team all seem to be making great progress too mostly below the minute mark at T2 as well.
Looks like it'll be a tight one at the line this week. :nervous:
May get a chance to have another run out in the BMW later, my Thanksgiving hangover is finally wearing off. :ill:
Good luck mate.

Based on what you said via PM I'm a good 5 or 6 seconds off... Despite Infineon being my test track back in '07 :lol:
well.. todays hard driving got me some nice results..

T1: 0'20.095
T2: 1'00.598

and as soon as I get my first and third sector in order.. I might get better position than from the first event. :mischievous:
Ok, had a final go at this, got really, really :mad: with myself when, in a moment of utter stupidity :dunce:, I ran my fastest lap yet, got all excited and backed out to the replay theater to grab the splits to post here before I realised I'd forgotten to save the damned thing. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

It then took me the best part of an hour to see anything like it again, but I'm happy to call it quits and submit my laptime now as I've dropped my overall time by just over 4/10ths from before.

T1 19.313
T2 58.703



They only look that way until Smallhorses gets more time to practice and conjures up a 58.7 T2. :lol: I've also driven about eighty miles, twice what I did last week, because the combo is so addictive and yet the time so elusive.

Dude. That's scarily psychic! :eek:
I must've driven well over 400 miles at this combo over the last couple of days to get things right though.
However, I only ever save the ghost replay and then shutdown the console so I don't have an accurate mile count (saves worrying about wear'n'tear on the car if it always starts from the same 90.4 mile point.)
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Judging by Nenad's gains in the T1 - T2 sector I'd not be at all surprised to see him gain even more in the T2 - Finish sector too. :scared:

Nah. The third sector may look good, but I think you got an overall better laptime than I've got. I'm :mad: at myself, because I sent in my entry yesterday and found myself 0.250 seconds faster today... I'll send in my entry in the last minute next time. 👎

EDIT: Oh my :eek: I'm soooo stupid :banghead: You know why? Because I just archieved a lap 0.350 seconds faster than my entry. :mad:
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You still have four hours, this goes by EST, not GMT.

EDIT: D'oh! Tree'd!
Time sent.... Not the best on the block, just waiting to see if there is going to a track, for the car I built!
After a few hours of driving, I managed to get these splits:
T1: 19.518
T2: 59.823
T3: Finally reached my target time

Times sent.
Alloting the times (since mine's already in.) I don't see Nenad's entry in my PM box... I'd hate to see his disqually because those splits looked sick. :eek: I'm prolly releasing the next track around 11:30 (About an hour and a half from now.)

Ooh, that sucks.
I wonder if he accidentally sent his PM to the inactive jetboy account instead of Jetboy.?
Got to be careful to include the capital "J" & full-stop.
Ooh, that sucks.
I wonder if he accidentally sent his PM to the inactive jetboy account instead of Jetboy.?
Got to be careful to include the capital "J" & full-stop.
I would hope not. It's part of the reason I wish I could have inherrited the name (but was explained we can't.) Rules are rules. :indiff: