Since No one has been Posting in Turtle the last couple of days.. Ill give you guys a schedule for a short time for us to keep turtle still around. Until Psycho Returns (Hopefully soon) i can Host a Shuffle Racing Room on Saturday at 10 P.M Eastern Time. Then! We will Practice on WEDNESDAY! with the izusu 4200 Concept! at SSR 5! and Race Next Saturday with that combo. Same Time as usual. and i would like to know whether you turtles would like 2 short races or 2 45 minute races or 2 30 minute races?
I'll do my best to be there. As some of you may know, i've been dealing with some back issues this month, so i am trying to limit my gt5 time; Our little turtle hiatus has actually been good timing for me.

Hopefully with a little more rest, i should be good as new. Well, in my 40's i'll never be good as new again, but "good enough". how's that :)
I'll do my best to be there. As some of you may know, i've been dealing with some back issues this month, so i am trying to limit my gt5 time; Our little turtle hiatus has actually been good timing for me.

Hopefully with a little more rest, i should be good as new. Well, in my 40's i'll never be good as new again, but "good enough". how's that :)

I turn 30 in less than 2 months and I'm already finding out we don't heal like we used to. I sprained my wrist on a 40 ft double when I had a dirtbike about 2 years ago and it took near a year to recover. Since when could I go to bed and wake up sore from sleeping wrong!! Hope ya get better mic
I may be able to show up for Saturday shuffle. will it be in Turtle Town?

Miss Enduro series and have no idea what's going on with it. I know we are on an impromptu July break but don't know why other than the absence of Psycho, which is also a mystery.

I hope he and his are well....

Phisher: if you could post where the Saturday event will take place I will try and show up. If it is your lounge I will need to send a friend request.
I may be able to show up for Saturday shuffle. will it be in Turtle Town?

Miss Enduro series and have no idea what's going on with it. I know we are on an impromptu July break but don't know why other than the absence of Psycho, which is also a mystery.

I hope he and his are well....

Phisher: if you could post where the Saturday event will take place I will try and show up. If it is your lounge I will need to send a friend request.

The Saturday shuffle will be in a public lobby. I will post a room number once I have it up on Saturday.

The practices and races will be held in turtle town.

I think we, turtles all miss enduro series. And we all hope psycho makes a return in auguest, I'm just trying to keep turtle together until psycho returns. Thanks to the guys that may show up on Saturday, means a lot! See some of you guys on Saturday!
Thanks phish.

Now about shuffle races. If I understand, you would set the pp limit for the race and the game will pick the car everyone races. Just want to be clear how it works. I've never shuffle raced and there might be a few more of us that haven't.
Personally I've avoided open lobbys because of hackers. How long before race time would you be able to post the room number?
Thanks phish.

Now about shuffle races. If I understand, you would set the pp limit for the race and the game will pick the car everyone races. Just want to be clear how it works. I've never shuffle raced and there might be a few more of us that haven't.
Personally I've avoided open lobbys because of hackers. How long before race time would you be able to post the room number?

There's not any hackers in shuffle lobbies :) all you do to join is go to open lobby, the on the far right, it says Normal in blue. I usually just hold the down arrow until it says Shuffle in a bright orange color. It would be good to get accustomed to it prior to Saturday. It can and will give you crappy cars a lot of the time.
Thanks phish.

Now about shuffle races. If I understand, you would set the pp limit for the race and the game will pick the car everyone races. Just want to be clear how it works. I've never shuffle raced and there might be a few more of us that haven't.
Personally I've avoided open lobbys because of hackers. How long before race time would you be able to post the room number?

In shuffle races the game assigns the car to you, so you don't need a garage. Shuffle ratio can also be set so that if u lose 1 race the next race you'll have a better car. If you win a race you will get the worst car next round. Depending upon how high the shuffle ratio is is what decides how good or bad of a car you get in the next race, again based upon your position in the last race. Every race is reversed grid based upon previous results. All cars are stock and on stock tires. It's one of those things you just have to do it to see how it works out. Best way to race online as the rooms tend to be cleaner and have better drivers. You don't end up with the people running Miatas with racing softs, lol.
Thanks phish.

Now about shuffle races. If I understand, you would set the pp limit for the race and the game will pick the car everyone races. Just want to be clear how it works. I've never shuffle raced and there might be a few more of us that haven't.
Personally I've avoided open lobbys because of hackers. How long before race time would you be able to post the room number?

Ill post it roughly 15-20 minutes before just to get the room set up.

How shuffle rooms go.

You enter the course and the game shuffles with a bunch of cars based on the PP set. You race with the car you recieve. Once the race is over. The host will set it to Vote for the next track. Based on votes, the most votes on a certain track, we will race there then (or the host can pick a track of his own) then its the same sequence over and over. The host can change the pp and any point as well for different cars.

Its pretty rare I go online, but if I do, it be with shuffle rooms. I actually enjoy racing cars with sports hards, ss, and comfort tires. Makes a little more of a challenge. Plus a lot of fun, and sometimes even funny. If you get the cobra 427 goodluck with that :lol:

I think all 3 of us were trying to help randy at the same time. :lol: who wins randy? Me, scarecrow, or wins? I know your thinking the fish won!
Ill post it roughly 15-20 minutes before just to get the room set up.

How shuffle rooms go.

You enter the course and the game shuffles with a bunch of cars based on the PP set. You race with the car you recieve. Once the race is over. The host will set it to Vote for the next track. Based on votes, the most votes on a certain track, we will race there then (or the host can pick a track of his own) then its the same sequence over and over. The host can change the pp and any point as well for different cars.

Its pretty rare I go online, but if I do, it be with shuffle rooms. I actually enjoy racing cars with sports hards, ss, and comfort tires. Makes a little more of a challenge. Plus a lot of fun, and sometimes even funny. If you get the cobra 427 goodluck with that :lol:

I think all 3 of us were trying to help randy at the same time. :lol: who wins randy? Me, scarecrow, or wins? I know your thinking the fish won!

Well as we all know phish speed is measured in seconds not mph.So looks like scarecrow posted 3 mins after wins and you 4 mins. LoL. Looks like wins won again.
Who would have thought he was even fast posting.

So in shuffle racing everyone gets a different car!!! That's gonna be a lot of fun.

But yes you are the winner today phish for getting things going this morning. You the man.
Well as we all know phish speed is measured in seconds not mph.So looks like scarecrow posted 3 mins after wins and you 4 mins. LoL. Looks like wins won again.
Who would have thought he was even fast posting.

So in shuffle racing everyone gets a different car!!! That's gonna be a lot of fun.

But yes you are the winner today phish for getting things going this morning. You the man.

Wins always wins..... :lol:

They sure do! That's why I join shuffle rooms sometimes. Lots of fun!

Hey no problem randy! Just doing what I can to help turtle stay together.
Shuffle races can be a ton of fun. Even if you get a dog of a car, it will only be for 1 race!
and it's fun to complain about ending up with the old '70 Challenger that the gearbox tops out at 112 mph while everyone else just flies right by you and there is nothing you can do about it, so you just bitch and moan :lol:
Shuffle races can be a ton of fun. Even if you get a dog of a car, it will only be for 1 race!
and it's fun to complain about ending up with the old '70 Challenger that the gearbox tops out at 112 mph while everyone else just flies right by you and there is nothing you can do about it, so you just bitch and moan :lol:

Preach it... on the flip side, sometimes you get a WRX while everyone else are in Focus's (Foci as the plural? Focuses, Focusi, ..... Fords!). Then it's "see ya!"
Shuffle races can be a ton of fun. Even if you get a dog of a car, it will only be for 1 race!
and it's fun to complain about ending up with the old '70 Challenger that the gearbox tops out at 112 mph while everyone else just flies right by you and there is nothing you can do about it, so you just bitch and moan :lol:

'70 challenger, 112mph. That would be funny. I just don't know what I've been missing. Hey, atleast it won't be for 45 mins at 112mph
'70 challenger, 112mph. That would be funny. I just don't know what I've been missing. Hey, atleast it won't be for 45 mins at 112mph

Shuffling is great fun. Races are short and if you disconnect or get a crap car, well the next race is only a few minutes later, so no loss!
Lookin forward to it. I hope a lot of the other guys see this and show up.

Hopefully, But even with low numbers shuffling is fun. You eventually WILL get a car fast enough to beat Micantony, lol. Shuffling is pretty popular online and I've noticed in this game if you get 5 people in a room it'll grow exponentially real fast.
I will try to make it Saturday night guys.
I'm not sure if I will be able to or not, but will give it my best shot.
The wife has made plans for us and I dont know what time we will be done.
Hopefully, But even with low numbers shuffling is fun. You eventually WILL get a car fast enough to beat Micantony, lol. Shuffling is pretty popular online and I've noticed in this game if you get 5 people in a room it'll grow exponentially real fast.

If BustedFoSho and Whitlock don't post in here before I get on tonight I'll send them a PM on PSN. I'm pretty sure they'll both want to be there.
Hey phisher you call the winner on the those last three post. I'd say it's a tie.

Man... That's a close one! I think scarecrow.. ahh Mic...randy.. yeah its a tie! :lol:
Shuffle racing tomorrow at 10pm EST in Ph1sher's lounge is that right? I'll be there unless we have an earthquake, fire or riot or w/e. I'm from LosAngeles :nervous: we plan for these kind of things LOL. Q: Do all cars for Enduro need to be premium or can we suggest something from UCD? Also how bad is Socket's connx & since we are not racing our regular schedule would it be a big deal if he attended saturday nights if he wanted?
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