Lots of fun, we missed you last night Wins. I was hoping to get a peep at those GTA skills kudos on that killer time. Overall it went better than expected and I didn't finish last every race YEEHAW!! Did get bumped around quite a bit though I got tossed all the way up on the big fence around the Cape. Didn't know my car could go that high

. The 1st turn rule took a real beating

I think that's a constant in shuffle racing with e1 in a diff car your gonna have everyone taking it a lil different. After we lined up it pretty much went without incident. Except Bobb got really pissed at someone for smackin into him. I don't want to name any names but their initials were Socket68. HAR HAR j/k pretty sure it was a non Turtle. Don't fault him though, they were on a str8away WTF? I'd be pissed too. Scarecrow was a beast lastnight well done man. 👍