That does look like a lake, weird. When you enlarge you can see evenly spaced horizontal lines and from that angle if it was a lake you'd have to be living in a house boat. BTW nice Jeep Wins & reeeaaally nice truck too. Off the subject but thought we could use a laff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaMN0r7Tgxw
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That does look like a lake, weird. When you enlarge you can see evenly spaced horizontal lines and from that angle if it was a lake you'd have to be living in a house boat. BTW nice Jeep Wins & reeeaaally nice truck too.

Thanks. That truck has a bad drinking problem. When I had 285's on it, the only place it couldn't go was past a gas station.

Phisher, it doesn't go that fast. The fastest I went was today going to work. Had the top off at 65 and it felt great. The gearing isn't set up for those tires. It redlines at 6 and at 2.8 it's at 65, which is a lot for a 4 banger.
Phisher, it doesn't go that fast. The fastest I went was today going to work. Had the top off at 65 and it felt great. The gearing isn't set up for those tires. It redlines at 6 and at 2.8 it's at 65, which is a lot for a 4 banger.

Not bad! Not bad for a jeep! Congrats on getting the jeep though!
Hey fellas I've been thinking (stop laffin :irked:), everyone seemed to enjoy doing something different so maybe that's why attendance is down folks just got bored of the same old program. So I've been pondering ways we could pump some life into the league. We don't necessarily have to stick to a weekly regiment. We could map out a 10 day or 2 week program with lots of different events placing the existing events within. I think this would help folks that might not want to attend certain events to be actively participating in the league w/o feeling pressured to attend every event. I've only raced the Saturday Car/track event (Enduro I think?) because that's all that's been put on my plate so forgive me if I seem shortsighted. Another idea is for us to branch out into some of the other public online events on nights we're not doing our own thing. Sort of the reverse of what we did shuffle racing. One example would be the "S.N.A.I.L. Performance Cap Racing - Monday night - Open to all". Which I haven't tried yet but the format looks pretty nifty. When I joined I was instructed to pick a Car/Wheel color combo and car number. We could each create a PSN ID with that # to identify each of us (example: Turtle Racer 13) and use that account when we're racing in non-league events. We could coordinate this activity and go as a group or solo. I'm so green I'd probably need someone to hold my hand the first time :nervous: . If these leagues are anything like other games clans, clubs etc. we're sure to encounter some scrutiny, bias or even straight out attack on and off the track. Solidarity is key. We all have to have each others backs no ifs ands or buts Turtles first racers second. We're all proud to be Turtles (I know I am) and we'll carry our selves accordingly. I think if it goes well and we start winning in multiple events held by multiple leagues. We could carry the TURTLE moniker into legendary status. This is my best idea thus far what say all of you. Please comment back if there's any holes or flaws in this or you can think of a way to better it or post your idea. We should all have a say which of course is the Turtle way 👍 and thanks for reading my novel :lol:
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Holy Crap! I know what it looks like and I swear on my momma I wasn't trying to instigate or start up any chit. Honestly had know Idea that it was really Socket that hit BOBB. I was just F'n around messin with Socks who has basically become my mentor and confident since joining. I apologize to both of you and the league. Won't happen again. Pretty crazy how I hit that on the head maybe I should go buy some lottery tix :dopey:

It's all good Busted. Nothing taken the wrong way. We all like to give each other a hard time.
Lol it does look like a lake! I wish it was but its the siding on a building behind my house.

@Busted: it's okay. Socket hits everybody.

C'mon man cut a buddy some slack!!
Wins you know I've never hit you. Can't ever get close enough to ya. Not yet anyway. Ha ha

I'm sure your new ride is sweet. Can't see it tho none of your pics show on my phone. I'll try the laptop when I get home tonight.
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I'm sure your new ride is sweet. Can't see it tho none of your pics show on my phone. I'll try the laptop when I get home tonight.

If you are on an android phone, go to the forums, hit the bottom left button on your phone (the box with the "=" sign in it) and select options. Scroll down and select "clear image cache" and you are good to go. I have to clear mine every couple months or pictures stop showing up.
If you are on an android phone, go to the forums, hit the bottom left button on your phone (the box with the "=" sign in it) and select options. Scroll down and select "clear image cache" and you are good to go. I have to clear mine every couple months or pictures stop showing up.

I phone 4
I phone 4

I don't know which button it is then. You can't be in an individual thread you have to be just in the main forum menu. Just try all the buttons except your home key and the back key and see what options pop up. You should eventually see "settings"

When I push it I see refresh, mark all read, search, logout, and settings.
Wins... great jeep. My good friend owned the same year jeep with the same engine. He never had any problems and we tore the heck out of that thing all around Virginia. His claim to fame was that when his Jeep was new he left Richmond with the gas light on. He went all the way to Virginia Beach and finally ran out of gas as he pulled into the parking lot for his apartment back in Richmond. Jeeps are notorious for hiding quite a bit of fuel up in the lines and the reserve tank. Prepare to have everyone that passes you in a jeep wave at you. It's a Jeep thing.
Wins... great jeep. My good friend owned the same year jeep with the same engine. He never had any problems and we tore the heck out of that thing all around Virginia. His claim to fame was that when his Jeep was new he left Richmond with the gas light on. He went all the way to Virginia Beach and finally ran out of gas as he pulled into the parking lot for his apartment back in Richmond. Jeeps are notorious for hiding quite a bit of fuel up in the lines and the reserve tank. Prepare to have everyone that passes you in a jeep wave at you. It's a Jeep thing.

I've already found out about the waving stuff lol what got me was when I walked out of the gas station last night and found a pair of legs hanging out from under it. Dude climbed out and started talking to me about jeeps, I told him its my first Jeep, I just got it and he gave me a hug and said welcome to the family. That was odd.
I've already found out about the waving stuff lol what got me was when I walked out of the gas station last night and found a pair of legs hanging out from under it. Dude climbed out and started talking to me about jeeps, I told him its my first Jeep, I just got it and he gave me a hug and said welcome to the family. That was odd.

Same thing happens to me when I'm driving the Trans am or the Suburban. People are always waving, it happens more when I'm driving the Trans am though.
Its a Trans am thing.
I got your jeep thing and now it burns when I pee. LOL
Same thing happens to me when I'm driving the Trans am or the Suburban. People are always waving, it happens more when I'm driving the Trans am though.
Its a Trans am thing.
I got your jeep thing and now it burns when I pee. LOL

Lol you're not right. You keep away from me on the track. That's not a jeep thing and I don't want it!!
Congrats on your new Jeep man. They are really fun vehicles. I have a buddy that has one with a 383 stroker motor rolling on 40 inch tires, that thing will go anywhere you want to take it.
Congrats on your new Jeep man. They are really fun vehicles. I have a buddy that has one with a 383 stroker motor rolling on 40 inch tires, that thing will go anywhere you want to take it.

This is just gonna be my daily driver with the occasional trail ride to the river.

So what are we gonna run this weekend? I'm only gonna be available Friday, anything goin on in turtle world?
Same thing happens to me when I'm driving the Trans am or the Suburban. People are always waving, it happens more when I'm driving the Trans am though.
Its a Trans am thing.
I got your jeep thing and now it burns when I pee. LOL

Should've put some fresh rubber on first LMAO

Created my 1st lobby. Concept drives nice track sucks :) you join if you like
1472 6681 3115 0603 2737
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Hey fellas I've been thinking (stop laffin :irked:), everyone seemed to enjoy doing something different so maybe that's why attendance is down folks just got bored of the same old program. So I've been pondering ways we could pump some life into the league. We don't necessarily have to stick to a weekly regiment. We could map out a 10 day or 2 week program with lots of different events placing the existing events within. I think this would help folks that might not want to attend certain events to be actively participating in the league w/o feeling pressured to attend every event. I've only raced the Saturday Car/track event (Enduro I think?) because that's all that's been put on my plate so forgive me if I seem shortsighted. Another idea is for us to branch out into some of the other public online events on nights we're not doing our own thing. Sort of the reverse of what we did shuffle racing. One example would be the "S.N.A.I.L. Performance Cap Racing - Monday night - Open to all". Which I haven't tried yet but the format looks pretty nifty. When I joined I was instructed to pick a Car/Wheel color combo and car number. We could each create a PSN ID with that # to identify each of us (example: Turtle Racer 13) and use that account when we're racing in non-league events. We could coordinate this activity and go as a group or solo. I'm so green I'd probably need someone to hold my hand the first time :nervous: . If these leagues are anything like other games clans, clubs etc. we're sure to encounter some scrutiny, bias or even straight out attack on and off the track. Solidarity is key. We all have to have each others backs no ifs ands or buts Turtles first racers second. We're all proud to be Turtles (I know I am) and we'll carry our selves accordingly. I think if it goes well and we start winning in multiple events held by multiple leagues. We could carry the TURTLE moniker into legendary status. This is my best idea thus far what say all of you. Please comment back if there's any holes or flaws in this or you can think of a way to better it or post your idea. We should all have a say which of course is the Turtle way 👍 and thanks for reading my novel :lol:

I like the idea of a TRL tag when we go out to open lobbies. I think that could be good for the league. Show people what kind of racers we have in turtle. Maybe impress some people and get Wins some new meat. Another idea for the name could be TRL-Busted. Personally I know turtles names not their #'s. just throwing it out there.
Some good ideas Busted. 👍
This is just gonna be my daily driver with the occasional trail ride to the river.

So what are we gonna run this weekend? I'm only gonna be available Friday, anything goin on in turtle world?

We'll be running the Isuzu concept at SSR5. But I think on sat night.
We'll be running the Isuzu concept at SSR5. But I think on sat night.

I might do a shuffle lobby Friday night if anyone else is up for it

Or I might do a race where we set the pp and everyone picks a car from their garage to race, but can't tune it :D that could be fun
I like the idea of a TRL tag when we go out to open lobbies. I think that could be good for the league. Show people what kind of racers we have in turtle. Maybe impress some people and get Wins some new meat. Another idea for the name could be TRL-Busted. Personally I know turtles names not their #'s. just throwing it out there.
Some good ideas Busted. 👍

just throwin it out there :) thnx Socks

I like your PSN ID better 👍 but folks won't know what TRL is? Until we start winning all their events LOL!

anyone else got some ideas to spice it up?

I'm take a run at that PP Cap race this Monday

ignorance is bliss :dopey:
I might do a shuffle lobby Friday night if anyone else is up for it

Or I might do a race where we set the pp and everyone picks a car from their garage to race, but can't tune it :D that could be fun

I'll be there fosho :dopey: <---LOSER

PP in your garage night (that would be fun) sounds like a nice addition to the program

deja vu LOL, thnx Wins I just PP'd a lil ha ha

anyone else got something throw it out there please don't be shy speak your mind closed mouths don't get fead! fed? feed? even wiktionary couldn't hepp me on dat 1 LOL

I've been collecting TC's but I don't know enuff about'em so suggest sumpin. The pool of knowledge here is too deep to let us stagnate.
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I might do a shuffle lobby Friday night if anyone else is up for it

Or I might do a race where we set the pp and everyone picks a car from their garage to race, but can't tune it :D that could be fun

My brother is coming back to town fri. If he doesn't stay with us Friday night I'll be there.

Dont forget everybody practice tonight.
If I make it tonight ill be late. My parents asked my wife and I to a late dinner, so no clue when ill be back. Barring any major life changing events, I will be there on Saturday. I'm still dying to try this car out... Especially since I'm the one who chose it this week, lol.
Won't make it tonight. I got the late shift tonight. Sorry turtles! Ill see you guys on Saturday night!!
I sold my racing rig today :embarrassed: guy will be here friday to get it. I'm sad to see it go but I need the money and I hardly use it anymore. I'll still race with the ds3 though.
I sold my racing rig today :embarrassed: guy will be here friday to get it. I'm sad to see it go but I need the money and I hardly use it anymore. I'll still race with the ds3 though.

Sorry to hear that Wins. I'm sure it was dear to your heart. So I guess now you'll be wearing me out on the track with a controller.
not that it matters now, but what kind of racing rig did you have? got a pic?

I'm trying to decide what to do, but it's high time i had something (and like to see others setups for ideas). tired of sitting in my computer chair/desk.

I was tempted to buy an Obutto setup, but the shipping cost added onto it put it beyond my budget as $350 was sort of my absolute cap. Still thinking of just building a PVC setup as they can be quite nice (and cheap). and i found a local racing shop that sells seats (or was planning a trip to junkyard for a seat). I just haven't found the time to start that project yet and maybe just buying one is my best option (looking at a playseat on Craigslist too, but the guy wont reply, so F(&K him)

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