I just got disconnected on lap 7. Geekster42, try to get in the room now. You can wait for the race to end and then race in the 2nd race. 👍
Let's go ahead and push the next race to September 8th. Take that weekend to enjoy your holiday with your friends and family members!
Well, I'm glad I decided to race after all. I just hope there isn't any mandatory drug testing after the race, since it will probably find some Tylenol in my system :P
Good racing everyone. I can't make it for next week, I'm going to my beachouse and my connection is good, but not that great. However, I might make it for the practices. I don't know.
Well, I participated in my first online race tonight and I have to say that was an awesome experience! Thanks for letting me run with you guys... I already own the Camaro RM and thought I might try some laps at the Cape but I am exhausted!

Quick question, though: the Camaro RM has tunable parts (tranny, suspension, aero, etc)... so will we be allowed to tune this car for the race?

See you on the track!
Well, I participated in my first online race tonight and I have to say that was an awesome experience! Thanks for letting me run with you guys... I already own the Camaro RM and thought I might try some laps at the Cape but I am exhausted!

Quick question, though: the Camaro RM has tunable parts (tranny, suspension, aero, etc)... so will we be allowed to tune this car for the race?

See you on the track!

No, you can not tune the car in any way. And if you have trouble getting into a tuning prohibited lounge you need to set your transmission to default even though you never tuned the car. Congratulations on your first online race. You done good! 👍
Smyth, go to the OP and pick a car number and car/wheel color combination that's not in use. Also mention which devision you'd like to be in.
Hi all. I'm trying to navigate this app and the website using a smartphone and I cannot find the driver list anywhere. can somebody link me? I'm just trying to pick a color combo and a driver number.
Edit: nm I got it
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Number 43, red car/black wheels.
And default division 2 is fine. PSN- smyth1

Thanks again

Great, thanks for joining the Turtle Racing League. The color combination and car number you chose are available. I'll send out the Turtle FR's shortly. Just accept them and you are good to go. Welcome to the Turtle Racing League! 👍
Sorry I didn't make the race last night guys, my great grandma broke her hip yesterday & I was at the hospital all night :ouch:

No need to apologize Afrodeezy, we just hope all goes well with your great grandma. Thanks for letting us know.
Ok looks like I'm all set. Thanks for the invitation and subsequent entry to the league. Is the track open for practice today? Is it by room number?