Unlucky mate not your faultSorry guys I was struggling away at the back ( had no downforce took it all off for a race at Daytona and forgot to put it back on) then 6 laps in PS3 reset
sorry again
Aww man, you were flying, no one could get near you. That was the worst luckRace report:
To make a long story short, everything was great until I got disconnected on lap 18 or something. Did 1'23.1xx's on hards and 1.21.1xx's on mediums. I felt I nailed the settings for this race. I wasn't alone to get disconnected, same thing happened to R35 and some others..
I would recommend people clear the system cache (data downloaded by GT5 from the network) this can be done in Options, it might prevent disconnections...
Again... bad luck mate 👎Ive done everything possible and I was out before it even started
Been on in all the other races though right? but I agree, turn it off for next raceVoice always off mate, always
Agree on that, your grid position has suffered because of that, shouldn't need to. You're right about the positions, I had the pole, R35 qualified 2nd. I think you were something like 3rd, 4th or 5th..?Yeah voice will be off from now on. I will also trust people not to try and qualify on Medium tyres so that I don't have to exit out the track to change to allow for both compounds as that seems to mess up the grid I think? I'm sure I had a better time than 10th spot and with that time you set in qually, I'm pretty sure you should of had pole?
Interesting read 👍 I use wireless router, but it's a good one and my ps3 has strong signal strength.. However the stuff about DNS settings and MTU was interesting, I have used MTU of 1500, perhaps that was a little too high.I found this LINK which deals with online connection issues in GT5. Looks useful 👍
My views on it are simply the top 2 in the championship lost all possible points and this may come back to haunt us
Agree on that, your grid position has suffered because of that, shouldn't need to. You're right about the positions, I had the pole, R35 qualified 2nd. I think you were something like 3rd, 4th or 5th..?
Interesting read 👍 I use wireless router, but it's a good one and my ps3 has strong signal strength.. However the stuff about DNS settings and MTU was interesting, I have used MTU of 1500, perhaps that was a little too high.
I found this LINK which deals with online connection issues in GT5. Looks useful 👍
Need Steg's input here, as race was effected by DC's. Only half (6) the people that started finished, though not all were DC'ed.
I've come around to thinking we should move on to the next race and forget about re-running this one, but there were people for re-running it and some against.
I suppose it could happen just as easily again but final say goes to Steg.
I don't know why we are having these problems this season. Went open lobby and had race quality set to standard (reduced it from the recommended 'High' setting) and knocked voice chat down. Maybe turn voice off in future?
And another point, I went into the race top of standings now im 22 points behind, it's hard to just say "let's just draw a line under it"