TVR-RM World Championship. ( IN NEED OF NEW DRIVERS)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
Sorry guys I was struggling away at the back ( had no downforce took it all off for a race at Daytona and forgot to put it back on :( ) then 6 laps in PS3 reset :( sorry again
Race report:

To make a long story short, everything was great until I got disconnected on lap 18 or something. Did 1'23.1xx's on hards and 1.21.1xx's on mediums. I felt I nailed the settings for this race. I wasn't alone to get disconnected, same thing happened to R35 and some others..

I would recommend people clear the system cache (data downloaded by GT5 from the network) this can be done in Options, it might prevent disconnections...
Need Steg's input here, as race was effected by DC's. Only half (6) the people that started finished, though not all were DC'ed.
I've come around to thinking we should move on to the next race and forget about re-running this one, but there were people for re-running it and some against.
I suppose it could happen just as easily again but final say goes to Steg.

I don't know why we are having these problems this season. Went open lobby and had race quality set to standard (reduced it from the recommended 'High' setting) and knocked voice chat down. Maybe turn voice off in future?
Sorry guys I was struggling away at the back ( had no downforce took it all off for a race at Daytona and forgot to put it back on :( ) then 6 laps in PS3 reset :( sorry again
Unlucky mate not your fault

Race report:

To make a long story short, everything was great until I got disconnected on lap 18 or something. Did 1'23.1xx's on hards and 1.21.1xx's on mediums. I felt I nailed the settings for this race. I wasn't alone to get disconnected, same thing happened to R35 and some others..

I would recommend people clear the system cache (data downloaded by GT5 from the network) this can be done in Options, it might prevent disconnections...
Aww man, you were flying, no one could get near you. That was the worst luck:(

Ive done everything possible and I was out before it even started
Again... bad luck mate 👎
I also think we need Steg's opinion.. Of course I would like a re-race since things were going so well, but at the same time I can understand what also Carts was talking about, that it can happen again and should we re-run races then too? And that disconnections can happen to everyone. But still... only half of field finished, that is quite low..

I think voice should be turned off now that it seems GT5 servers are under more stress (or something. Perhaps Spec 2.0/DLC has brought back many players, putting servers under bigger stress? In addition to X amount GT5 players probably still has to download that huge update, putting even more stress on the servers? Just speculation though..)
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Yeah voice will be off from now on. I will also trust people not to try and qualify on Medium tyres so that I don't have to exit out the track to change to allow for both compounds as that seems to mess up the grid I think? I'm sure I had a better time than 10th spot and with that time you set in qually, I'm pretty sure you should of had pole?
Yeah voice will be off from now on. I will also trust people not to try and qualify on Medium tyres so that I don't have to exit out the track to change to allow for both compounds as that seems to mess up the grid I think? I'm sure I had a better time than 10th spot and with that time you set in qually, I'm pretty sure you should of had pole?
Agree on that, your grid position has suffered because of that, shouldn't need to. You're right about the positions, I had the pole, R35 qualified 2nd. I think you were something like 3rd, 4th or 5th..?
I found this LINK which deals with online connection issues in GT5. Looks useful 👍
Interesting read 👍 I use wireless router, but it's a good one and my ps3 has strong signal strength.. However the stuff about DNS settings and MTU was interesting, I have used MTU of 1500, perhaps that was a little too high.
My views on it are simply the top 2 in the championship lost all possible points and this may come back to haunt us
My views on it are simply the top 2 in the championship lost all possible points and this may come back to haunt us

That's the thing I don't like, the disconnections seriously effected the championship. But then again who knows how many times it could happen, maybe me next race. It may well just balance it self out at the end of the season, it is early days after all.
Agree on that, your grid position has suffered because of that, shouldn't need to. You're right about the positions, I had the pole, R35 qualified 2nd. I think you were something like 3rd, 4th or 5th..?

Interesting read 👍 I use wireless router, but it's a good one and my ps3 has strong signal strength.. However the stuff about DNS settings and MTU was interesting, I have used MTU of 1500, perhaps that was a little too high.

I'm going to double check my settings to make sure everythings as it should be.
The only trouble I've experienced thus far is trying to connect through Seb's lounge though.
I found this LINK which deals with online connection issues in GT5. Looks useful 👍

Great link. All done hopefully I won't have any issues. I feel for the people that got dc in the last race.

Update on the website people. The warning about malware should have stopped. It appears our fully updated wordpress got hacked. I have removed the wordpress installation and just redone the site without wordpress. Still some pages to complete expect them to be complete in the next few days. On the plus side it loads alot faster and I think its a bit easier to read. Sorry for any inconvenience.

ps. If anyone notices any mistakes in the points can you please pm me and i'l update it thanks.
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I did check it out earlier - like the new layout with the flags.
Had the malware warning last night but now it's all good 👍
Glad you found the link useful, going to do mine now.
Mate no offense but going on something that is unlikely to happen is a bit of a stupid thing to say, we can't just hope someone disconnects because that is just stupid
I wasn't saying we need to hope someone disconnects that's stupid, I hope we have trouble free races from now on.
with all the trouble with connection issues and having 13 races in the season ,we could have a system of dropping up to 3 races from the season .so as to give everyone a fair chance.
then none can gain an advantage from someone else getting disconnected..
this is just my opinion
Need Steg's input here, as race was effected by DC's. Only half (6) the people that started finished, though not all were DC'ed.
I've come around to thinking we should move on to the next race and forget about re-running this one, but there were people for re-running it and some against.
I suppose it could happen just as easily again but final say goes to Steg.

I don't know why we are having these problems this season. Went open lobby and had race quality set to standard (reduced it from the recommended 'High' setting) and knocked voice chat down. Maybe turn voice off in future?

I'm pretty sure I had mics off in my lounge settings.

We will draw a line under that race and move on.

The season runs for long enough without us re-running races.

Unlucky to those that got D/c from the last race, without a doubt connection has been getting worse not better for GT5 👎

Like your idea of being able to rub 3 races off your record Jamesy and it would of been ideal at the start of the season.

I will look into making it work for this season, but no promises ;)

Nice work on the website Haig ;)

Cheers for hosting Jonz :)
Nice idea jamesy 👍

Steg indeed online seems to be getting worse, I have changed all my settings as per the link I posted last page (my mtu was 1500 anyway which is optimal for my connection). I will make sure mics off at the next one, I could hear Carts in the Grand Valley race and others last season, that's why I thought you allowed it. What did you have race quality on?

Regarding using open lobby's, it's not great that unless you have someone not racing in the room to kick people out, any old tom, dick or harry could join and cause havoc. Also if open lobby is used what's the best way for others to connect - through me or by typing in the room number, not sure if it makes any difference?

Noticed the site's been updated since I last looked to include more results and the vids :) It all looks very clear and easy to read, great work Haigis 👍
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It was only the start of this season I changed the settings to ban mics. I either used the second or top race quality option, pretty poor mic quality I think :rolleyes:

I agree man, amount of time you have to spend kicking folk makes it near enough impossible to qualify yourself 👎

Not sure eithe about the best way to connect, I have never had any issues joining rooms through people so I have never tried to use the number before.
Just checked the new website.. And people got points even after disconnecting?? Hows that supposed to work?
And another point, I went into the race top of standings now im 22 points behind, it's hard to just say "let's just draw a line under it"
And another point, I went into the race top of standings now im 22 points behind, it's hard to just say "let's just draw a line under it"

But let's not forget that jonzster for example has also been at a disadvantage in the recent two races too, because he has had to go out to allow mediums before the race start.. which screwed up his grid position. I think he started much further back in the grid in the last two races than us because of that..
Good of you to look at things from someone else's perspective Toffe. You are the one that was the most hard done by... what was it? 19 laps or something in the lead.. man

Your'e right my grid position was compromised last race but Steg had the honour of allowing medium tyre at Grand Valley and consequently started dead last :( You might be thinking of the first race when we had issues with people not being able to get into Steg's Lounge. I qualified on pole, then we had to switch and I couldn't get into Sebs and only managed one flying lap in the end, which was screwed up by the timing glitch anyway so started 10th again.

It's such a shame that these connection issues have caused us a lot of problems this season, everyone needs to make sure their connection is the best it can be with what they have, if one person is having problems it can effect the whole room.

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