TVR-RM World Championship. ( IN NEED OF NEW DRIVERS)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
Simple option Jonzster is to allow mediums from the off in qualifying then sit in the pits till all drivers are on track, that way you can move your cursor down each persons name and it'll show you what tyres everyone are using before you qualify

Once qualifying starts no one is allowed to quit to the pits or leave track eliminating tyre changing, plus from the replays you can see if they used mediums to start and the punishment should be an instant DQ if they do :)
so simple its just ridiculous!
each of us has the option to cheat or not, i think for all it's the latter.
set the room to medium and trust everyone to qualify on hard.
the penalty for going on mediums by accident could be 5 min on race time so as not to disqualify for a mistake or oversight.

this is just my opinion:tup:

all the checking can be done on the reply
Yeah sure I think everyone can be trusted. However you know how it is if someone bangs in an almost impossible but legitimate time on hards that has you wondering if they used mediums, its for that reason Steg along with everyone else's input just wanted to remove all doubt by not allowing mediums from the get go.

Culkin - we need to allow people to go in the pits for new set of tyres, a new set as you know can be past their best after a few laps, and what with it being a 20 minute qualifying sessions there's time for plenty of runs.
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Good of you to look at things from someone else's perspective Toffe. You are the one that was the most hard done by... what was it? 19 laps or something in the lead.. man

Your'e right my grid position was compromised last race but Steg had the honour of allowing medium tyre at Grand Valley and consequently started dead last :( You might be thinking of the first race when we had issues with people not being able to get into Steg's Lounge.

Yeah, I was thinking of the first race and Laguna Seca of course, and Steg at Grand Valley, mixed them up.
To save messing about with the tyre thing why don't we just allow mediums from the start. Obviously you would qualify and start the race on the medium tyre but we could have it so that it is mandatory to pit and go on to the hard tyre for the remainder of the race. Easy to check on the replay after the race. Up to Steg of course, but just an idea.

I think for Wednesday's race we should go back to racing in the lounge as open was no better and it's a hassle having to keep kicking people. Will have Mic's set to off and standard race quality. Hope everyone's cool with that if not let me know.
As a point I made earlier may have been changed now but why are people getting points even when they DNFd?
So is Mpower78LFC Steg's replacement? is he in permanently and racing for Winning Formula?

Just to add and give fair warning, I won't be able to make Monaco. Hopefuly Steg will be back by then.
Anyone here online want about an hour of practice?
Nevermind I'll practice tomorrow.
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Did a short session on Daytona Road Course (People: don't forget that this is the next race! I had almost forgotten!)

Mediums: 1'40.171
Hards: 1'42.076

These are times after a quite short session... the time on hards can definitely be improved.
Right to answer questions :)

As there were so few finishes in the last races the "spare" points were awarded based on when a driver was Dc'd. I thought this was the fairest way to play it under these rare circumstances.
So that means if you were in the races for ages before getting cut off your night wasn't a waste.

Jonzster basically summed up the tyre issue, it's during qualifying that someone could change unnoticed and get an illegal pole, if that happened at Monaco for example it would be a massive advantage.

Weighing up the lounge/open options, we have probably had worse connection/time issues in the open lobbies. For this reason I agree with Jonz that we should just stick with the lounge as I have yet to see a clear benefit of using open lobbies.

MPowerLFC is meant to be my replacement but I have heard he quit the last race so if he misses or quits this one he will need to go ;)

Hope you guys are survivng without me :lol:

Anyone here online want about an hour of practice?
Nevermind I'll practice tomorrow.

Forgot to say adeadsnipermatt (MontalvoMC) is racing with us now, was down as a reserve but as were short some drivers he's now in the championship :)
Matt - I will be on tonight and tommorow before the race starts but not sure what time, just join my lounge when ever I'm on anyway.

Did a short session on Daytona Road Course (People: don't forget that this is the next race! I had almost forgotten!)

Mediums: 1'40.171
Hards: 1'42.076

These are times after a quite short session... the time on hards can definitely be improved.

Fast as always Toffe :) I got 1'42.600 on hards but didn't have time to try with medium tyre.

Right to answer questions :)

As there were so few finishes in the last races the "spare" points were awarded based on when a driver was Dc'd. I thought this was the fairest way to play it under these rare circumstances.
So that means if you were in the races for ages before getting cut off your night wasn't a waste.

Jonzster basically summed up the tyre issue, it's during qualifying that someone could change unnoticed and get an illegal pole, if that happened at Monaco for example it would be a massive advantage.

Weighing up the lounge/open options, we have probably had worse connection/time issues in the open lobbies. For this reason I agree with Jonz that we should just stick with the lounge as I have yet to see a clear benefit of using open lobbies.

MPowerLFC is meant to be my replacement but I have heard he quit the last race so if he misses or quits this one he will need to go ;)

Hope you guys are survivng without me :lol:


Hey Steg thanks for clearing up a few things. What about allowing the medium after everyone has qualified though, seems to mess up the grid somehow? bit of a waste everyone qualifying. I'll try it again for this race but if it happens again were gonna have to come up with another plan.
Must be hell without the PS3 and GT5, hope santa fixes that soon :D
To fix the quali issue maybe you could send the driver who qualified last to change the tire settings...Someone is gonna watch over the replays anyway so that person can just check to see if that driver was using hards at the start...
Food for thought...
Yeah thanks kk I could give that a go. Just wondering though if the act it's self of a change of settings (allowing mediums in this case) be it whom ever changes it screws up the grid?

EDIT: Just to add it's not only the person that changes the setting that gets out of position - the whole grid's affected. Toffe should of been on pole in the last race and ended up starting 2nd.
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Did we not have the same qualifying issues in the NSX ?

Tyres were not changed at all then yet the grids were mixed up now and then.

A few times in the Nsx I stole pole with a lap that was clearly off the pace :lol:

Obviously I quit and tried again but I eneded up last everytime I had to :(
I will be practicing again later tonight but I managed a 1:39.510 with mediums right after jonzster left his room. Haven't tried the Hards out yet I will later. I manage to get the corner exit oversteer eliminated which was driving me crazy.
Yeah you're right there Steg. I forgot about that, didn't notice it happened untill about halfway through the season.

Maybe it's to do with going back to the lounge or quiting to pits (instead of driving down pit lane for tyres). I reckon actually that's where my problems been, when I've stayed out on track all the time untill the race starts my grid position has been about right 💡

You wait now Toffe will say he never quit to the pits or exited track and his grid position was still wrong :lol:
I will be practicing again later tonight but I managed a 1:39.510 with mediums right after jonzster left his room. Haven't tried the Hards out yet I will later. I manage to get the corner exit oversteer eliminated which was driving me crazy.

Good time on the Medium 👍

My best time on hard was 1:42.472, there's some time to find though.
1st corner is quite challenging, been on the grass more times than I care to remember :lol:
Yeah you're right there Steg. I forgot about that, didn't notice it happened untill about halfway through the season.

Maybe it's to do with going back to the lounge or quiting to pits (instead of driving down pit lane for tyres). I reckon actually that's where my problems been, when I've stayed out on track all the time untill the race starts my grid position has been about right 💡

You wait now Toffe will say he never quit to the pits or exited track and his grid position was still wrong :lol:

It is honestly a mystery, we could always try asking everyone to only go into the pits by using the pit lane in qualifying and not to exit.

This might not help but I agree with you that it is most likely something to do with people pitting/ exiting during qualifying.
Yeah there could be rule that states once qualifiying starts you must stay on track,no quiting to pits, no exiting to change setup etc.
It would help identify whether that's the problem or not. However I (or last man on grid) still have to quit and change tyre regs before the race starts.
Yeah you're right there Steg. I forgot about that, didn't notice it happened untill about halfway through the season.

Maybe it's to do with going back to the lounge or quiting to pits (instead of driving down pit lane for tyres). I reckon actually that's where my problems been, when I've stayed out on track all the time untill the race starts my grid position has been about right 💡

You wait now Toffe will say he never quit to the pits or exited track and his grid position was still wrong :lol:

I never have quit or pitted in the last 10 races or so I have competed in and, yes, it has happened that my grid position has screwed up anyway. But it seems to happen a lot less though when not pitting or quitting. :)
Little excited for today's race I will be on about maybe an hour prior to do some more testing then I'll join Jonzster's room for the race.
Hey guys, Sorry some personal issues have came up and I won't be able to race tonight. Good luck to you all!
Does tyre wear affect where people start if its changed?

My idea was Qualify on RH's with tyre wear off eliminating the need to pit then when RM's are allowed by last place qualifyer they could turn on tyre wear too then

(more then likely will be me as my footy match looks like its gonna run 10 mins over into qualifying tonight 🤬 , should be there for race start though 👍 )
How's this: everyone on track, one changed tire settings and then quali starts?

What do you mean? everyone goes on track with the hard tyre then change tyre regs? how do you stop people pitting for mediums on the next lap, not that i think anyone would TBH.

I never have quit or pitted in the last 10 races or so I have competed in and, yes, it has happened that my grid position has screwed up anyway. But it seems to happen a lot less though when not pitting or quitting. :)

:lol: knew it

Little excited for today's race I will be on about maybe an hour prior to do some more testing then I'll join Jonzster's room for the race.

Matt is the man to beat if practice last night was anything to go by. Should be a great race, looking forward to it as well.

Hey guys, Sorry some personal issues have came up and I won't be able to race tonight. Good luck to you all!

No worries haigis

Does tyre wear affect where people start if its changed?

My idea was Qualify on RH's with tyre wear off eliminating the need to pit then when RM's are allowed by last place qualifyer they could turn on tyre wear too then

(more then likely will be me as my footy match looks like its gonna run 10 mins over into qualifying tonight 🤬 , should be there for race start though 👍 )

Probably mate, it boots everyone off track if you change that setting as it's a physics change.
one other suggestion i have is a pace lap....This will ensure everyone starts in the deserved places...