TVR-RM World Championship. ( IN NEED OF NEW DRIVERS)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
official request for inquiry..............................

Grey Fox baulked me twice in the race ,both times as you go onto the back straight before the bus stop.

in my opinion he held on to 4th gear as to hit the limiter an cause Me to hit him .

Impossible for me to hold on to 4th gear as i drive with automatic setting. Lag spikes at random do happen. Sic was lagging for me during quali but not during race. Its a mystery why these things happen this way. I always race clean and have no reason to do otherwise.
My race report:

Qualifying was not so good, didn't really get any free laps and it took until late in the qualifying until I managed a decent time (was about 0.13x after Matt).

Got an okay start. Matt braked earlier than I expected and I bumped into him slightly in the first and second hairpin corner. However, I didn't notice any of us losing time because of it. On lap 2 Matt made a slight bump into me, I got onto the grass but saved it. Matt waited for me to retake my position (thanks). On the 3rd lap I got a bad exit from the first corner, got out a little on the grass. I see Matt on the inside in the S corner between the 1st and 2nd corner, and tries to leave room. I know it's tight there, so I went wide to leave room for him. As can be seen on the replay, going wide, the rear right wheel went out on the grass and the car lost grip and slided to the left and in the side of Matt and he went off.. I did slow down and waited a little to see what happened to him. At first he seemed to move very slowly, it almost looked like he was standing still when I looked back. I was not sure what what was happening, so continued.. (I just watched the replay and saw that you were simply trying to reverse) Now I think I should have waited for you.. Sorry about that Matt. Please rest assure that I didn't bump on purpose or to get "revenge" or anything like that.

Then I had a nice fight with Sic for a while, enjoyed this fight 👍 About the glitch you get sic, I think can have to do with the speed one have when entering the pits. When I was practicing on both Laguna Seca and Daytona, I noticed that when I entered the pits flat out, or didn't use a proper line into the pits, it just sent me through without changing tyres. Was the same thing on Trail Mountain too I think. Started braking just before entering the pits after that, has not happened since, might be it.

Noticed jonzster went in for an early pitstop, so I tried to push harder.. went in the end of lap 10 and put on mediums, got out just after Matt. Tried to keep his pace but he was too quick. We were both catching in on jonzster at this point. Matt made a mistake in the ending laps, but he didn't lose enough time for me to overtake him. If you want, I can try hosting once, have not had many connection problems overall, maybe it will work better.

Nice win jonzster:tup:, Nice drive Matt too.
Here is a video of the two incidents: the first I feel like I should have not stop for toffe if I knew I never made contact with him. Me being a nice guy i stooped for him. I had the faster corner exit speed and toffee went wide. During I didn't hear a contact sound and I saw him in the grass to I waited.

In the second part of the video, is from my view what happened in lap 3 and the third final part, is from toffe's view.
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Good report Toffe 👍 You two were very quick. I could see my gap to you getting less and less every lap.

I had a pretty clean race this time and apart from running wide once or twice I managed to keep it on the black stuff. Matt got very close a couple of times in the closing stages but I just managed to hold on fortunately.

Toffe good of you to offer hosting the next one 👍 well done on picking up third and nice driving Matt, thought we were going to duel it out for 1st place on the final stretch for a minute cos you were right behind going into the chicane.
Here is my race report. I felt very excited to be racing again in a spec series. It's fair and most cheating can be eliminated.

I had a a decent first lap I was driving normal I was brake a tad earlier then normal because my tires were still warming up. But second lap I saw toffe make a mistake and had a faster line coming out of the corner I just stayed to my line I didn't expect toffee to recover and be at my side. In the replay there was no contact toffe went wide into the grass. I let him take second and I followed. We managed to catch up to Jonzster. I followed until the beginning of the third lap I had contact with Toofe which sent me into the grass.

I was reversing and was about to quit right then in there I was so frustrated. Instead I said I can make a comeback so from 5th I made my way back. I had a small duel with Gray and at lap 5 I manage to get him off my draft then I was chasing down toffe bit saying to myself I need to avoid him at all cost. I honestly thought you were a dirty driver and didn't want to deal with more hits. So I said I'll stay third if I can't get around you. I just didn't want to deal with anymore bumping.

So once I saw Jonster hit the pits I did the math in my head. At my current pace I could stay on the Hard for about 2 more laps. Then I'll be in the optimal pace for medium tire in the later half of the race. So at lap 8 I hit the pit thankful toffe didn't go in first because I got the pit entry penalty for going in too fast I had to sit in the pit box for an extra 4 seconds.

Once I got out of the pits I started to focus on my out lap I manage to get my tires warmed up just to start pushing. On lap 10 I hit a 1:39.310 lap 11 1:39.4xx lap 12 1:39.7 I felt good with fresh air and no car around to disturb my line.

I manage to be fast enough to get past toffe while he was in the pits and pulled out maybe a second behind me. It looked like he held onto my draft for half a lap but then fell off a lap later.

Around lap 16-19 I was catching Jonzster and manage to get within 4 second of him lap 18 and made a mistake that set me back to 8 seconds. I lost hope of winning there but I still pushed on lap 19 I manage to get within 4 second o Jonzster again. His tires were wearing out.

On lap 20 I was on his bumper on the final chicane but his draft caused my car to lose grip and made me push into the grass where I hit the exit wall and my deal with second place was sealed.

In the end now I think of it I'm proud of my second place. It could have been better so I look forward to next week.
Here is a video of the two incidents: the first I feel like I should have not stop for toffe if I knew I never made contact with him. Me being a nice guy i stooped for him. I had the faster corner exit speed and toffee went wide. During I didn't hear a contact sound and I saw him in the grass to I waited.

In the second part of the video, is from my view what happened in lap 3 and the third final part, is from toffe's view.

Well obviously this is one for Steg to get involved in. All I can say is Toffe is a clean racer we've been in loads of races together and I've never seen him do anything bad intentionally

To have such a bad off as that and still be in contention for the win at the end shows just how good a racer you are.
It was good of you to wait in case you had made contact even though like you say you didn't. 👍
Nice report Matt. I also got the pit penalty. I braked as late as I dared at the final chicane, it was pretty nerve wrecking seeing you right on my tail. Well done for staying in the race and not quiting 👍
Here is a video of the two incidents: the first I feel like I should have not stop for toffe if I knew I never made contact with him. Me being a nice guy i stooped for him. I had the faster corner exit speed and toffee went wide. During I didn't hear a contact sound and I saw him in the grass to I waited.

In the second part of the video, is from my view what happened in lap 3 and the third final part, is from toffe's view.

Well, this shows basically what I wrote in my report, one can see how I got a slide @ 0:42 after touching the grass on the right side. I tried to counter steer but it was too late. I slowed down after that to wait, but I didn't wait enough...:dunce:

But what is almost more interesting here is what happened on lap 2. On my replay one can clearly see that we did actually have contact on lap 2 which made me go off on the grass.. (and I can't see any other reason for that than lag.) To show that I'm not making up I made a short video, uploading it now... soon finished.
Maybe its having race quality on low then Toffe. It may seem that not enough information does get passed to each player for a decent race.
Okay, finished my upload

One can clearly see there was indeed contact @0:12 I got pushed off, but as I wrote, he waited for me and the car wasn't damaged so I wasn't upset or anything. Later in my video (as well as Matt's) one can see I did wait a little to see what happened to Matt. He seemed to be standing still, that's why I continued..

Maybe its having race quality on low then Toffe. It may seem that not enough information does get passed to each player for a decent race.
The thing that makes me worried is that in Matt's replay, it looks like I'm lagging, and in my replay it looks like he is lagging. Even bumps are experienced differently by us because of that. If this is because too little information is shared by having race quality on low, it should be raised to medium at least. Driving with heavy damage will be hard if one driver feels he gets bumped but an other driver didn't even know that it happened. (And to be honest, I don't think the race quality or even voice chat is the problem, people seem to have connection difficulties anyway..)
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Yeah looks like lag to me is the part of the cause, and maybe race quality is also at fault as both replays show different things going on for each player 👎
If this all fails on me again next week, I'm gone. Simple as
Let's hope it works out for you, must be frustrating to be having these problems two races in a row. Thought of you today when I saw that you couldn't get it in, felt bad to not have you on the grid, but don't leave yet mate, there's still many rounds (and some of the best circuits!) left.
Yeah looks like lag to me is the part of the cause, and maybe race quality is also at fault as both replays show different things going on for each player 👎

Yeah, I have a feeling the difference seen in the different replays might have to do with race quality actually the more I think it, rather than "lag".
That's not the point mate, having went through a big change last season and fought for top places I know I am capable of challenging and in the tvr I've won 2 of the 3 races I've been in and now I feel Wednesday's are becoming a huge kick in the nuts to me, I always have loved being a part of this series but I can't go on doing crap in the championship knowing I should be doing better
Yeah, I have a feeling the difference seen in the different replays might have to do with race quality actually the more I think it, rather than "lag".

Yeah race quality seems to be the culprit for difference in the replays. By going on other peoples experience of running races using the 'low' setting vs 'high' I was led to believe there should be no discernable differences.
Reason for contact IMHO it was a combo of the two things. Your's and Matt's car was lagging in my replay.

That's not the point mate, having went through a big change last season and fought for top places I know I am capable of challenging and in the tvr I've won 2 of the 3 races I've been in and now I feel Wednesday's are becoming a huge kick in the nuts to me, I always have loved being a part of this series but I can't go on doing crap in the championship knowing I should be doing better
Sorry you couldn't get in mate, I waited as long as possible but when you kept on appearing and disappearing for the umpteenth time I could see it was not going to happen. It really is crap.
Here's the result of last nights race at Daytona Road Course

Driver name------------Grid Position----Pts

1. jonzster-------------------4---------26
2. Montalvomc---------------1---------18
3. GTP_Toffe-----------------2---------15
4. SICWHITT-----------------5---------12
5. GrayFox32-----------------7---------10
6. sebastiangurka-------------8---------8
7. jamesybograt---------------9---------6
8. jackargent-----------------6----------4
9. Hancoclc-------------------3---------2 (DNF)
Impossible for me to hold on to 4th gear as i drive with automatic setting. Lag spikes at random do happen. Sic was lagging for me during quali but not during race. Its a mystery why these things happen this way. I always race clean and have no reason to do otherwise.

as stated i can't see it being lag as it hapened at the same place twice and nowhere else on the track.
i fallowed you close for most of the first part of the lap.

will leave it up to the stewards to decide ?

BTW i'm with R35 on the subject of lag if it continues then i will have to withdraw.
i race in more thean 3 championships with people from all over the world(new zealand to florida) and don't have this lag problem..
Well played getting the win Jonz ;)

Matt & Toffe, I don't know what I can do about your incidents, you guys clearly seen different things on your screens and I feel it would be unfair to punish someone for something that to them never even happened.

You are both very fast and very clean and I have no reason to believe anything was done intentionally.

I really don't know what to do with these connection issues, we have tried all sorts to fix this but yet it's getting no better.

We could try a different host again but if that does not work then I don't see what else we can do :(

So next weeks race will be held in toffe's lounge ( If thats cool with him ).

To all those who had problems last night I appologise, we really are doing all we can to try and sort this out ;)
Thanks Steg. If the issues continue in Toffe's lounge then it must other peoples connection's at fault. We've tried Steg's, open lounge, seb's and mine all with issues. There are certain people that have more problems than others. Others seem to be able to connect fine, for example I rarely see Sic or Sebastian having any problems, it's strange. We've put a lot of effort into trying to sort this and it's starting to get a bit tiring TBH.
I don't know what it's like now racing in public lobby's cos since racing with you guys I haven't done so, but when I did I never saw the level of problems we have had.
Same here mate, in open lobbies you get the odd guy that is lagging around but the number of issues we have had this season has been a joke.

As you said, I don't think it is the host. We have tried too many options for that to be the only problem in my opinion.

I never really had an issue entering lounges and have never noticed myself lagging, (only once or twice on replays but it never affected my race )

There are some guys who never have problems, and some guys that always seem to have problems.

I don't know if peoples playstations just don't get on well with others or if these guys really do have a poor connection ?

We had some issues in season 1 but I reckon we have already racked up more issues this season than the whole of the last one.

Considering GT is meant to be better now, I am really feeling snookered with this problem :(
Well played getting the win Jonz ;)
So next weeks race will be held in toffe's lounge ( If thats cool with him ).
That's okay with me. Gonna set the race quality to "medium" at least. Guess jonzster will help with the settings if needed.

Talking about connection issues, have any of you experienced a black screen at the start of online races after spec 2.0? In some race it has taken a few seconds before it starts but to be honest, since spec 2.0 I have not experienced any "total blackout" yet (=the race doesn't start at all). And we haven't had any problems with that in the races so far either, not that I can recall at least. Some things do improve 👍:)
Yeah I'll will help with the settings if needed mate, thanks for agreeing to host the next race :) I agree with at least the medium (standard?) race quality setting.
I've not encountered the black screen either since spec 2.0.
Was the grid positioning correct this time? it seemed about right for my time, though I couldn't really tell cos my name was at the top of the list when it clearly shouldn't have been (happened at the race before as well).
Yeah I'll will help with the settings if needed mate, thanks for agreeing to host the next race :) I agree with at least the medium (standard?) race quality setting.
I've not encountered the black screen either since spec 2.0.
Was the grid positioning correct this time? it seemed about right for my time, though I couldn't really tell cos my name was at the top of the list when it clearly shouldn't have been (happened at the race before as well).
Yeah, the list order was not correct, but when actually starting the race it seems that the order was correct for once :)
Right lads.

It's a tough call but if tonights race is another connection disaster I think it might be time to call it a day with the TVRs.

I will no doubt do another series at some point you can all look forward to :D

It's unfair the guys that host for me get all the connection stress every week and it's a joke that guys who turn up can't race.

Obviously you guys have the final say and if you want to keep it going we are more thn happy to however I can't see too many complaints if the Dcs continue.

Steg ;)
S*** happens, the series can carry on regardless without those who seem to have troubles, (me n James)
TVR seems cursed, I think someone else tried a TVR RM series that was cancelled for one reason or another. The car is quite nice to drive on some circuits but I'm finding it not so enjoyable around R246, the thing seems to be even more unsteery here.

Anyway had a bit of a short praccy last night with Matt and managed a 1:37.0XX on mediums , Matt got a 1.36.3xx.
Didn't get chance to try Hard tyres before my accelerator pedal broke, one of the 2 springs that controls the resistance failed, so I've taken it apart and swapped the clutch pedal and now it's all good again and I'm not lighting up the rears anymore around every corner :lol: Did a few laps today with the new pedal and got a 1:36.633.

Had a weird thing happen in practice, I was out on the hard tyre doing my usual 2 secs slower pace, I come into the pits for new tyres and all of a sudden I'm beating my medium tyre time, double checked tyre - nope still on the hard tyre 👎 Exited back out and selected hard tyre from the tuning menu and was back to 2 secs off again :crazy:
Right lads.

It's a tough call but if tonights race is another connection disaster I think it might be time to call it a day with the TVRs.

I will no doubt do another series at some point you can all look forward to :D

It's unfair the guys that host for me get all the connection stress every week and it's a joke that guys who turn up can't race.

Obviously you guys have the final say and if you want to keep it going we are more thn happy to however I can't see too many complaints if the Dcs continue.

Steg ;)
We're struggling a bit with connection issues in the BST V8's too. I found mine was ok once i took the router out of the loop and plumbed the PS3 direct to the modem

Might help, but we shouldn't have to do such things should we?

Is the problem more prevalent in GT than any other game, does anyone know?