Two more maintenance periods, 7th & 9th July

  • Thread starter MatskiMonk
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With the amount of time spent on maintenance, hopefully they've thrown a few more hamsters in the servers...or at the least, refined what they have.
Welcome to GTPlanet, where people intentionally blow things WAY out of proportion just so they can whine at PD when they're let down.

The state of this community. *shakes head*
Well you wouldnt see the previous thread where all bad things happened.

Also how is the online today? Stable?
Well you wouldnt see the previous thread where all bad things happened.

Also how is the online today? Stable?
You mean "So, about that course creator..."? Yeah, that was pretty bad.

As far as the online goes, I wouldn't know since I don't play online all that much. You'd have better luck asking someone who did.
Well you wouldnt see the previous thread where all bad things happened.

Also how is the online today? Stable?

Don't feel any real improvement in speed of loading, still getting people not showing when in lobby and couple of friends have said they have been disconnected a couple of times. So not much improvement.
Since it was a Sony maintenance completely unrelated to GT6, in the same way as it was completely unrelated to Driveclub, and all the other games involved, I doubt there will be any changes to GT6 online.
But I hope for everyone else's sake there is (I don't do online other than seasonal events).

Then why is the server down for maintenance before every game update?

I have a hunch there are more reasons than the ones you "only" listed.

I was speaking in general ....

To improve quality of online mode > netcode - developpers - and connection - player - :)
Man... Why dont they at least tell us what happened in the news section of gt6. Getting tired of this "Keep us in the dark" "GT6 Maintenance Roulette" BS. literally no visible changes after 16 HOURS of waiting...
Man... Why dont they at least tell us what happened in the news section of gt6. Getting tired of this "Keep us in the dark" "GT6 Maintenance Roulette" BS. literally no visible changes after 16 HOURS of waiting...
Tell me about it. Nowadays other developers informs their fans on what's going with their games, with PD it's nothing but silence... I don't know how others feel about it, but those like me couldn't never tolerate it.
Connections are just as bad so they must of been doing something else other than "server" maintenance.

I think some of you are taking the "server" part too literally.
Connections are just as bad so they must of been doing something else other than "server" maintenance.

I think some of you are taking the "server" part too literally.
They must've been reading the months featured manga in Japan or something.
Tell me about it. Nowadays other developers informs their fans on what's going with their games, with PD it's nothing but silence... I don't know how others feel about it, but those like me couldn't never tolerate it.

They did tell us. They said before the maintenance that the servers were being taken offline for maintenance. I'm no expert on computer stuff so could be well off the mark here but maybe it was like replacing something physical like cables or something like that (like I said I've no idea how these things actually work). After all that in my mind is still classed as maintenance!
You guys want patch notes for today? You do realize there was no patch, for any game today that was affected by the maintenance...

It was all server side.

Then why is the server down for maintenance before every game update?

I have a hunch there are more reasons than the ones you "only" listed.
Because, for PD, it is easier to implement game updates with the servers in maintenance mode.
Man... Why dont they at least tell us what happened in the news section of gt6. Getting tired of this "Keep us in the dark" "GT6 Maintenance Roulette" BS. literally no visible changes after 16 HOURS of waiting...

It's regularly explained that maintenance =/= updates. The keeping in the dark is frustrating and I'm super extra obnoxiously agreeing with you there, but maintenance doesn't really provide any sort of gameplay changes ever, and is never advertised as such.
Sorry. The silence from PD usually gets to me...
But if they did say something, they'd be ripped a new one anyway, and people like you would do it gladly.

I seem to recall you saying you don't play GT anymore. If that's the case, why do you still feel the need to periodically come over here and pee in the pot? I don't like pCARS much and haven't played it much for ages now (although I do play it every now and again), yet I don't go over to the pCARS board with the sole goal of spreading negativity.
But if they did say something, they'd be ripped a new one anyway, and people like you would do it gladly.

I seem to recall you saying you don't play GT anymore. If that's the case, why do you still feel the need to periodically come over here and pee in the pot? I don't like pCARS much and haven't played it much for ages now (although I do play it every now and again), yet I don't go over to the pCARS board with the sole goal of spreading negativity.
I doublechecked the AUP just in case it's changed in the last few weeks, but it still doesn't say that you must justify to other members why you post your opinions on this opinion forum. @TokoTurismo has said many times that he's loved the series for many, many years and he's frustrated with the direction it's taking. This is the place to express those opinions because apparently PD reads this forum and Toko wants it known how he feels about the state of the franchise.
I doublechecked the AUP just in case it's changed in the last few weeks, but it still doesn't say that you must justify to other members why you post your opinions on this opinion forum. @TokoTurismo has said many times that he's loved the series for many, many years and he's frustrated with the direction it's taking. This is the place to express those opinions because apparently PD reads this forum and Toko wants it known how he feels about the state of the franchise.
That's fine. But when you haven't played the game for months and you STILL feel the need to come over and bash it repeatedly to the point where some users are actually afraid of posting anything positive for fear you'll try to knock them down a peg, that's when you know you need to stop. I've been on the wrong end of that before. Still am, sometimes.

But as always, if you want to continue the discussion, feel free to hit me up in a convo. This is just something I've been wanting to get off my chest for a while now.

As you were, everyone.
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