Right, Im back home. I tried a couple of time to post using my phone while i was on the train but all i could manage was "Bugger!" Well it was a cracking weekend and i must take a moment to thank Vexd and EXelero for finding the venue, feeding our faces and being outstanding hosts! You guys did a great job and thought of everything.
Also thanks to everybody who came along for the great racing and being a great bunch of people who were easy to get along with and had many laughs with.
There are many stories that could be told about the weekend, some of which im sure you will all hear about...but i will leave that for some of the others as i got some pics to post courtesy of Smallhorses and a couple taken by myself.
An introduction - You got myself in vexd seat, Thecracker next, Famine third, vexd 4th (is he really racing while im in his seat?) Daan 5th and Exelero up the back. Hiding behind the projector is Roo.
Here we have Smallhorses (closest to camera) posing for the camera, Thecracker focused as always. Famine (probably still having nightmares about the nissan with 8 gears) Daan looking to see if roo is going to overtake or crash into him this time and roo desperately trying to tame the M5. Vexd is right at the back and probably wondering how roo isnt in 1st yet has overtaken a lotus carlton about 10 times on the first lap.
Possibly the the race with most overtakes was the Le Sarthe saloon car battle. Cracker is just pacing around keeping himself out of trouble while famine is trying to gain some ground in the [enter sarcasm here]wonderfull [/end of sarcam] Lotus Carlton. Daan to the right of famine wondering why roo has nearly taken him off the course severl times and then we have roo actually demonstrating why he has had so many near misses.
During the endrance race Vexd came up with the cracking idea to make some pit stop boards, he didnt even use sticky tape or glue. Lets see blue peter top that! Well vexd had a bad habit of being faster than the rest of us on track so Touring Mars and Daan tried to fool vexd into pitting even though he was on his first lap
Is this shot worth a million dollars? NO! but it is worth 87pence! Daan won a foam dart firing gun as a prize and everybody who held the gun suddenly turned into soldiers trying to go to war with everybody else in the venue! The most common attack being to the back of your head while you were driving, the only problem being that the darts didnt go where you wanted them so alot of friendly fire took place
Chow time and it seems that Famine was the only one to realise that a photo was being taken so gracefully saluted Smallhorses. However i think he was putting his hands up to surrender as Smallhorsed probably had the gun.
Now this has been mentioned earlyer in the thread and it scared the living daylights out of me when i was minding my own business having a nice little race and i suddenly have a mini parked next to me tooting its horn! Insired by the caretaker mentioning that he has raced his remote control car inside the venue Roo and Vexd decided to top that achivement and bring in what is the best GT cockpit ever! who says there isnt old mini's in the PAL version!
And last (literally) but certainly not least we have famine. Yep your eyes are not deceiving you Famine is in 6th position. I was going to save this one for another time but i know Famine has something up his sleeve that will shame me more than this shames him. I cant wait for that by the way!
Highlights of the weekend -
-Meeting all those who attended.
-Having a chat in the pub to be interupted but porn coming on the pub tv VERY loudly and being able to do nothing but laugh!
-Another pub moment involving feeding chinchillas
-Being scared by a mini
-The best GT racing of my life against Touring Mars and another equally great battle with EXelero
-Coming 1st in 3 out of 6 races and still managing to come 3rd in the standing!
There are actually to many good moments to list, i cant stress how great it was.
Once again i thank everybody for this event. Was a great time and i am looking forward to the next one whenever that may be. I have learnt alot over this weekend about driving with my wheel and now have a benchmark for myself to improve on.
Was nice to put to faces to names and i urge everybody to get themselves along to the next UK GTP Lan party as it really is something that should not be missed.
PS - i almost forgot i had this! This is what you notice when famines about!