UK Gran Turismo Party 5 (Results and Photos)

  • Thread starter Famine
Quick additional here - drivers MAY find it useful if they bring headphones with them.
Well this event it sure seems to have come round quickly.

Currently i will be bringing -

PS2 + Leads
GT4 x2
2 Controllers
1 Memory card (would be very gratefull if you could transfer my current GT4 save to a pc for the weekend)
3 Multisockets - 2 with 4 plugs, 1 with 6 plugs

Various network leads that i will find in the office. not sure about lengths but im sure there are about 5 i can borrow.

Im going to bring along my laptop too. As i understand it there will be another computer at the event but this will be used for recording races? I thought it might be an idea to bring mine incase people want to use the internet, post on gtp etc etc.

I will also bring along my digital camera. Its really easy to put pics from my cam to the laptop due to my laptop having a memory stick slot too so everybody is welcome to use them.

Is there anythign else that may be needed that i might have or can get?

I've just bought myself a 19" widescreen LCD to replace my 14" portable, so I'll be bringing that, along with 2 PSTwos, DFP, GT4, 2 memory cards & headphones.

this will be the last time i'm online before the big day and i cant sit still with anticipation!!

everything seems to be under control and all ready to go so theres nothing more for me to say except see ya there, those who dare!!!!
As i understand it there will be another computer at the event but this will be used for recording races?

1 Memory card (would be very gratefull if you could transfer my current GT4 save to a pc for the weekend)

My laptop will be there for transferring of gamesaves and storing results/random track generation, so you'll be accommodated IF we need to use your memory card.

And ain't no-one using it for accessing GTP, not with my supermoderator login details on it!
And ain't no-one using it for accessing GTP, not with my supermoderator login details on it!
[smug mode]
Can I log in with my own supermoderator details?
[/smug mode]

EDIT: Hmmm, there's going to be a lack of moderator cover here on Sat/Sun.... I forgot to ask Big J for the weekend off....
well if all the people arrive who say they're gonna, it should only cost £11.50 each which is a bonus. (thats without including benzoboy's dad!)

it'll be a stick some change in the bowl for teas and coffee's if thats cool. i know vexd is getting some other beverages also for the legal drinkers!!

gonna get tons of MMs too!!!

till then.....
I've no idea if benzoboy will be attending at the moment - and I don't know if Dark Elite has spoken to Dave_George about cadging a lift...
Woohoo! T-minus 3 days and counting!
Can't wait! Will finish in M'cr around 3pm on Friday and head on down to Newark sometime after that!

I'll have a laptop, MAX Drive and PS2 network adapter with me. :)

Looking forward to seeing you all soon, and 2 exceptional days of racing! :scared:
I've stolen a toy from work today...

All I can say is "$*&£! My chair is alive!"
OMG, you actually wired up the heated seat didnt you.....


Headphones are a good idea, well remembered Famine.

Can everyone who wishes to partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages please let me know what kind you like.

Otherwise, i'll just go buy some on the day.

Im looking forward to seeing you all soon, and feel free to give me a bell on the number issued in Famine's PM if you have any random questions.

Otherwise.... cool.

see you in a bit.

I've stolen a toy from work today...

All I can say is "$*&£! My chair is alive!"

OMG, you actually wired up the heated seat didnt you.....

I was expecting some kind of acid induced 'Fantasia' situation going on :dunce:

*Edit* Excuse me if someone has already posted it - Has anyone got any links to any decent online map/direction sites???
Be sure to take lots of pictures, guys, and have a great time!
👍 thanks!

- please, someone tell me they are taking a digi cam?

Oh yer, forgot about that :dunce:

Famine - are you coming via Sheffield? - if so which route do you think best:

M1 > A57 > A1


A6135/M1 > A616?

A57. The chain of roundabouts just before the A1 is a great drive (unless your boot is full of chair, and your passenger seat is full of frightened Scotsman).
Id agree with Famine there, the 616 does tend to be a bit blind bends and countryside.

Depends on your state of mind, if youre trying to get there quickly, take the A57, but if you want to chill whilst cruising towards your weekend destination, then take the 616.

Once in newark, follow the straight road that passes the Castle, and turn at the traffic lights that are sandwiched between two pubs. You should then see a large football field and the rest of us lugging heavy equipment into a building on your right.

From the A1, you will be heading into road worx, as you approach them, take the :

A46 Lincoln/ A17 Sleaford/ Northgate Station turnoff,
Go straight into newark, passing McDonalds on your right, stay straight over some lights at the foot of a bridge, and pass a TEXACO garage on your right, turning left at aforementioned traffic lights sandwiched between two pubs, just after.
Then immediately right at the mini roundabout, and ring me, or pull into the school.
If you find yourself at a great big roundabout, with the castle staring you in the face, go round it and back down the hill, cos youve gone too far, then turn right at aforementioned aforementioned traffic lights sandwiched between two pubs.
My fone will be on all the time, so gimme a call if you're stuck.

Anyone requiring a lift from the station, just call me or text and i'll come get you.

Dave George, take the second roundabout entrance to newark near the cattle market/ lorry park, up to the roundabout next to the castle, left, then right at the aforementioned... oh, you'll find it.

See you in a day or so!

I'll be bringing tomtom with me, so hopefully he'll know where to go..... :dunce:
As we have so many cameras going, Spec, Diego and I were pondering the idea of a webcam... any good broadcasting websites around? We've got a load off Google, but if anyone has any ideas, post 'em!
Have a great meeting guys 👍 Tomorrow is the start of LAN weekend for sure

Enjoy :cheers: and cya's at the next one ;)
Mr P
Have a great meeting guys 👍 Tomorrow is the start of LAN weekend for sure

Enjoy :cheers: and cya's at the next one ;)

Good luck in that there Holland, you two. Smoke one for me... :D
Cheers Famine 👍

I too wish you guys best of luck and hope you have a good time!

EXelero rules, and don't you guys forget it! ;)
Good luck, guys! :)

Thought I'd say this before you all left and do whatever for the weekend.
Cheers for the directions guys 👍 - with Famine mentioning the chain of roundabouts i think i remember taking that road before when heading to Norfolk.

...Depends on your state of mind, if youre trying to get there quickly, take the A57, but if you want to chill whilst cruising towards your weekend destination, then take the 616.

Sorry, i just can't comprehend what this part of the sentence means - it just doesn't compute for me :confused: