You could if you wanted to ash...
Roo's coming from near you, and there are trains..... if you had the cash, id come get you myself....
Its nice to see people looking forward to the event, i am too, just a little apprehensive about it but that'll wear off....
There shouldnt be any problem with the beer, as long as no one gets too wasted, and can still urinate in the designated places...
We'll sort the food out on the day perhaps then, as the superstore is literally across the road and takes all of 45 seconds to walk to.
The Rutland is about 3-4 mins walk from the venue to, so there shouldnt be any problems staggering to it at some point on the Saturday.
Smallhorses, we can be around on the Friday evening i think (though i usually swim on a friday nite) to amuse you in some way, though we wont be able to get into the venue till the saturday morning, so if you have any ideas on what you'd like to do, let EXelero know, or myself, if you wish.
The ideas for the races are great folks, keep em up.... i like The Cracker's idea for the La sarthe run, and so far the sound of 78 laps round cote might be too much for some, but i'd be up to it!
The best method so far has been to see how people feel on the day, as we never really know how many are coming, and what they feel like racing till they get there.
All i know is, we should all be sick of GT by sunday nite.
Dan, get your practice in mate, ive been using a particular method for this in the past few weex....
I have been slowly getting 200 A-spec points on every track in arcade mode using the jgtc supra in orange and white, the name of which escapes me presently, by selecting super soft tyres and AI up to 10, then returning my tyres to hards or adding weight/ removing horsepower as required to get 200 points, before starting 2 lap races on any track, this way i get to run round them all, in forwards and reverse, and i get to push hard to get to the front in only 2 laps of racing.... good practice...
Only bad news for me is that my wheel is starting to misbehave, and indeed lost its calibration the other nite, from too much drifting in an AE86, so it loox like i might need a new one.
wont have one of those before the lan though, so ill just have to make do....
See you all soon!
