UK Gran Turismo Party 5 (Results and Photos)

  • Thread starter Famine
Yea count me in too!

With regards to your equiptment list Famine I can bring a networkable PStwo along with controllers, memory card and a DFP. As im going to be coming up by train i shall have to leave the TV at home.

I've taken the liberty of adding my name in. Hope you don't mind. :D I can contribute to any fees involved too.

Where exactly are we talking about here? Nottingham area?

As to what to drive, I'll drive anything, but I don't like race cars.
I can bring 1 PS2, one normal PS2 controller, a 14-inch telly and a memory card - still got to find a network adaptor thingy though.

Not bothered what I drive, although some GT2 style horsepower limits might make for interesting results.
i'll sort refreshments free of charge but not rich enough to pay for the hall if theres gonna be no shows (no fingers pointed at you ashley!!!)

Wouldn't hold your breath on me being there i'm afraid, as usual its the cash flow problems but il do what i can and il try see if i can get it sorted pretty soon:tup:
At least your not bloody working :grumpy:.

I have the perfect solution!!


Surely if it works for homer simpson it can work for you! Guess that means your coming now L4S.............

:lol: Unfortunately no, one of thoes can't run IEDR's and take part in meetings.
hello again hello.......
just called to say hello..... (lionel richie for those who didnt know just how nutty i am!!) :D :boggled:

but you see i have cause to be! :cool: whats that saying about wanting a job doing properly and leaving it to the woman??!!! :rolleyes:
the hall is ours. at a cost of £150 for as much as we need over the weekend, so that means that yes we can race through the nite, which of course also means that if we head for a pub or other such entertainment for the evening, all equipment can be left. apparently they checked and cos its tvs etc etc, its covered!!! 👍 👍 👍

havent had chance to pass the news on to vexd yet (still working extreeeeemly hard) and now i've sorted the venue, i'm gonna leave all the rest to famine and him to sort if thats ok??? we're gonna have access to the hall, family room and adult loos. obviously i'll sort desks and chairs. anything else???

i dont ask for much in return for my fine display of dedication to gtp (despite being called half retired in the introduce yourself thread), i think you should all just build a shrine to me and worship it daily!! hehehe 💡

glad to see your coming too daan!
so many people saying yes who are completely alien to me....!!

i'll just be the divvy blonde coming last, but how will i recognise any of you lot??
i dont ask for much in return for my fine display of dedication to gtp (despite being called half retired in the introduce yourself thread), i think you should all just build a shrine to me and worship it daily!! hehehe 💡

How about we let you sit in a proper chair this time round instead of the plastic school chair?

...wait a minute - we're all going to be sat on plastic school chairs!

- you'll therefore have an advantage. Sounds like you've already given yourself a bonus :sly:
Amazing! That's excellent news! Top job Cass! 👍

I'll be happy to chip in for any costs incurred.
So where is the hall?
What's the verdict on where folks are staying?
Will everyone take sleeping bags and crash on the floor when the racing is done, or is there a hotel or B&B close by?
I'll still be able to offer lifts to anyone in the Manchester/Cheshire area that's interested.

Anyone got any requests for anything they'd like to bring with me from California? Cheap Levis 501s (about 25 quid), Napa Valley wine etc., etc.?
Will definitely bring a bottle of duty free single malt with me too! :D

I'll be bringing my network adaptor for PS2 (old style) for Roo's benefit.
well i know i'd like a calafornian palm tree. could u get one of those on the plane???
failing that i'll just settle for your governor. wots his name again....?? oh year arnold! he'll do nicely!

there is plenty of accommadation close by, either above a pub or a local holiday inn type thing. its rite off the a1, but i'll let vexd and his knowledge of all things technical, put up the map to show you the way. for those of you who have sat nav or woteve, the school is on kings road in newark.
anything else i should tell ya before i have to sign off for another day or two?
so many people saying yes who are completely alien to me....!!

i'll just be the divvy blonde coming last, but how will i recognise any of you lot??

No problem, i will wear my very fashionable "Specialized" neon sign hat, complete with flashing arrows! :)

As for the little shrine, i have already started to gather shiny things from around the office :lol:

Great news that the venue is sorted:tup:

Just to confirm my interest (I have booked the sat off work already)

I can come both days and bring the equipment I already mentioned. *Edit - I got hold of a Net adaptor for my PS2 also*

I will chip in towards that £150 hire charge and also the the refreshment's too as Im not sure its fair to expect you to supply them Exelero even though you said you would.

So just let me know where it is, how much money I owe and what time to be there:tup:

As for cars - Road cars on road tyres for me please, anything involving real circuits is a bonus for me (Nürburgring....cough cough)



spot on Roo. i knew someone would have the ability to put up a map. can use it too to find way off the A1. need to check some other info bout the road works tho. i know they're causin probs getting out of newark, but dont know bout comin in!

thanks for the offer towards refreshments Davegeorge, but i got it covered already!!!

david n i went to check out the hall and everything looks great. just need as many extension leads as poss. theres several around the outside of the room, but its soooo big we'll need em!

wot sord of time is everyont going to arrive? just so i know wot time to get in and get everything started!

mmmmm blonde moment.... :dunce:
anything else i need to do????
I think a 10am start for racing is a good time. I'll be there earlier, of course, to set up the whole networking thing.
I think a 10am start for racing is a good time. I'll be there earlier, of course, to set up the whole networking thing.

10am is fine for me, although do let me know if you need any time in assisting set up...


Well of course the whole network can't be set up until the 6th networkable PSTwo and 6th memory card arrives... But by then it'll be plug'n'play.

I'm going to send another circular PM today to try and drum up a few more definite takers from the interested list in this and the UKGTP4 thread.
I'm definitely coming, and will have a networkable PS2, GT4, memory card and a DFP... :) but it's going to be a problem for me to bring a screen... :(
And then there were TEN!

We've got just about enough stuff for a full set of 6 - however... vexd indicated he'd like a double LAN set-up... So the more people we can get and the more equipment, the better...
I've been talking about this enough here at my home for my parents to realise that i really want to go and they are still thinking.
So there might be a small chance that i could come after all :)
its funny isnt it how when the lan was first mentioned everyone was gonna come. then cost and effort are included and the numbers slowly dwindle..... :odd:

how many of the people coming are capable of doing two days?? dont mind if its just us 5 (me, vexd, famine, daan & dave george) but obviously if people can only do one day, theres no point paying for the hall for two!!
i know vexd & i wud both love to do a good 4 hour endurance.... :cool:
the hall will be enterable (!) any time after 9 and of course david & i will be there to show people in, so arrive any time after then!
also hoping to set the projector up to display the race for those not in a race to add to the viewing pleasure!!!! :) :D

i'm now starting to get quite excited in anticipation!!!!
How many of the people coming are capable of doing two days?? dont mind if its just us 5 (me, vexd, famine, daan & dave george) but obviously if people can only do one day, theres no point paying for the hall for two!!
i know vexd & i wud both love to do a good 4 hour endurance.... :cool:
the hall will be enterable (!) any time after 9 and of course david & i will be there to show people in, so arrive any time after then!
also hoping to set the projector up to display the race for those not in a race to add to the viewing pleasure!!!! :) :D

i'm now starting to get quite excited in anticipation!!!!

I'm certainly aiming to be there for both days.

The projector sound like a good idea 👍

Do we have any idea what will be used for 'driving rigs'? - I know vexd has his own and i believe Famine kept part of the set up he constructed for the last party.
Not enough for more than one person though - and I couldn't really ship it up there anyway, as it's too heavy for my car. Last time I tried it I had no steering and my headlights attracted Batman.
just gonna use desks so if you bring your own get up, you'll have room, if not you'll have to make do with the table and chairs!!!
We're still in need of at least one networkable PS2 and two TVs.

If you aren't pencilled in on the equipment list in post #1, please let me know what you can bring.