UK Gran Turismo Party 5 (Results and Photos)

  • Thread starter Famine
They were demolished years ago...

Before the World Student Games (1991), I believe...

TVR&FF - doesn't matter, there's loads and I'll circulate a list once I know where we're going to be. Hotel Sleepingbag is a good one too.
They were demolished years ago...

Before the World Student Games (1991), I believe...

What are the flats called you can see above the station then?
I think they're Halls for the poly. No idea what they're called, other than "butt-ugly".

Edit: Ah... There's TWO Park Hill flats... They're one, and the demolished ones were the other.
Neigh, neigh Mr Wilks - those behind the station are the Park Hill flats and they are Grade II listed!!!

Sorry, that was a bit big!
Look how green the centre of Sheffield is... Nice, isn't it (ignoring the concrete crap)?
Oh and remember on the news they said Sheffield is making itself more modem, didn't they Famine. Oh and Famine I let you know by this week or next week if i can come to this party.

At the moment it looks like I may not be able too, but hopfully i get my tax money back (What ever it is called). Also I may try, and i will try arranging sometime in Aug one of these parties, since i got the house to myself for a week in Aug.

And if I arrange a party like nearly in the same format as yours. Well it would be done in a tournament like on 2 TV's in 2 player mode. While having, 2-5 tournaments in like one day. Plus an night of HDTV and playing on 360.
At the moment it looks like I may not be able too, but hopfully i get my tax money back (What ever it is called). Also I may try, and i will try arranging sometime in Aug one of these parties, since i got the house to myself for a week in Aug.

And if I arrange a party like nearly in the same format as yours. Well it would be done in a tournament like on 2 TV's in 2 player mode. While having, 2-5 tournaments in like one day. Plus an night of HDTV and playing on 360.

count me in Jamie! Not so far for me to come:P, long journey for you to Sheffield isn't it? 5 hours or something by train..
count me in Jamie! Not so far for me to come:P, long journey for you to Sheffield isn't it? 5 hours or something by train..

Oh, but it's so worth it!

Posh poet laureate Sir John Betjeman thought Sheffield has the prettiest suburbs of any British city. We now have a Premiership football club. The Snooker World Championships are going on here at the moment. And, according to a sign i noticed on my way to work this morning, Sheffield has the largest 'Sex Superstore' in Europe!

What other reasons do you need!!!
count me in Jamie! Not so far for me to come:P, long journey for you to Sheffield isn't it? 5 hours or something by train..
Best thing we need someone to do some food, I would even cook some food. Another tempting thing is movies on my Sky HD box, as well as Football in HD.

Last thing people would be allowed to play F.E.A.R on my PC.

i'm keeping every part of my body crossed that i can cos i've had a chat with the head of my kids school and its looking real good that we could use their school hall for the whole weekend. :D

theres ample parking, a huge hall, electricity if someone is willing to peddle the machine and completely free internet use. there is also a kitchen attached and toilet use thrown in. 👍
another bonus is the hall would be free of cost, but they would like us to all make a donation as uk schools are so under funded now days!!! :indiff:

all i'm waiting for is an ok from the governors and it will be all ours. not run this past vexd yet, so he may decide its unsuitable, but i think it would be ideal!!!

school re-opens next monday, so i'll let you all know as soon as i hear anything unless a more definate location becomes available.
is that ok??

there isnt anyone who would mind making a contribution is there???
Nice one Cass! :bowdown:

I don't mind at all making a contribution to the school, after all I was one of the last lucky sods who got a completely free ride through school, college and University in England, so it's the least I could do!
another avenue which has opened out thro my searching today is a couple of retail units.
they're up to let on long term basis, but i'm gonna contact some tomorrow and see if there are any willing to let just for a special weekend. some income is better than no income surely?? again i will find out all the details and run them past vexd.
cost prob will be an issue here and there wont be toilet or kitchen facilities.:nervous:
i imagine it will just be a breeze block type building like wastegate's facilities were.

i'll keep it as plan G maybe....?
hang on thats a diet plan isnt it...? oh well!!!
EXelero, that'd be great! No problems with making a contribution. Plus Nottingham is (marginally) closer to me than Sheffield, which is nice.
EXelero, I think I love you...

My guy is proving hard to contact... Sadly I'm too far away to just go and see him - the next time I'm up that way is 28th April.
I may, just may, be able to make it for the latter half of the Sunday, no promises but when and where I'm supposed to be, isn't set in stone yet and I may be able to get things wrapped up early. Unfortunately theres zero chance of me getting out of work completely that weekend, especially on Saturday. I'd like to make it to one of these get togethers sometime.
Huh? Are you still driving one of those Fisher-Price sit-on-and-ride cars? :lol:

Ok well I could fit a portable in the frunk or the boot, but anything bigger than 20 inches, forget it. Unless I strap it into the passenger seat, which probably isn't safe.

Touring Mars
Being a crap, London-based excuse for an adult human being, I don't drive much hence I'm not too keen on hiring a car, so will probably be travelling by train to wherever the meeting is taking place, depending on how accessible it is etc.

Don't you live near Mile End? *thinks up possible inefficient taxi plan*
Ok guys I will not be able to go, i got to save up money for a D50 DSLR. Plus I got to save up money for the Brands Hatch rnd of DTM, as well as the London Motorshow.

Sorry about this Famine. I so wanted to meet:

*Notices my name wasnt on that list either*

Oh well, after meeting me once, people rarely want to meet me again anyway.

Well, there is still no news on the school hall thing, as we have to wait till tomorrow to confront teachers, but the possibility is there.

Famine, im hoping i can let you know as soon as i do, if you have a mobile, then please text me, so i can keep you posted.

If anyone is worried about not being able to make the venue from a train station, then worry no more!

I will be able to pick you up from whichever platform you land on, (within reason) and take you to the venue, so no problems there, just remember to bring your ps2, and wave your "Im competing with the best in the UK" flag when i arrive, so i can spot you easier.

Famine, any news from daan, sukerkin, little G, player 2 et al?

More news as it happens folks, but in the meantime, has anyone come up with any really good combos to race at this event?

Hope to be online soon.
hello there guys!!! and gals.

well theres good news and theres bad news......
good: looks like the hall is all ours.

bad: well theres two bits of bad news.
1)we cant have it for the whole weekend. (well if we do they're not insured to leave our equipment in over nite)
2)its not free after all. apparently they've changed how they hire it out.

when i spoke to the secretary of the school she didnt write down the dates i was interested in, but the head thinks its clear all through may. they dont have insurance for property over nite and they're gonna let me know just exactly how much its gonna cost tomorrow. this means i need to know who'll be comin for definate so we can decide if we're all willing to pay the cost. i'll sort refreshments free of charge but not rich enough to pay for the hall if theres gonna be no shows (no fingers pointed at you ashley!!!)
when people say yes or no, we can decide as a group whether to go ahead or not. vexd and i have exhausted all other opportunities in newark.
will be on again this time tomorrow so hoping will have as many positives as poss by then. its still easy access from the a1 and train.

see ya all then.

I don't mind contributing to hall hire - i presumed it would turn out like that anyway - so count me in 👍

As for the hall not being insured - would there be anywhere local where the TV's and PS2's could be stored over night? - the networking etc could stay in situ and the rest set-up probably fairly quickly on the Sunday morning - although Famine might prove me wrong on this point. I should think that it's mainly the screens and consoles that have any real nickable value.

Will we all have to dress like Angus Young?
hello there guys!!! and gals.

well theres good news and theres bad news......
good: looks like the hall is all ours.

bad: well theres two bits of bad news.
1)we cant have it for the whole weekend. (well if we do they're not insured to leave our equipment in over nite)
2)its not free after all. apparently they've changed how they hire it out.

when i spoke to the secretary of the school she didnt write down the dates i was interested in, but the head thinks its clear all through may. they dont have insurance for property over nite and they're gonna let me know just exactly how much its gonna cost tomorrow. this means i need to know who'll be comin for definate so we can decide if we're all willing to pay the cost. i'll sort refreshments free of charge but not rich enough to pay for the hall if theres gonna be no shows (no fingers pointed at you ashley!!!)
when people say yes or no, we can decide as a group whether to go ahead or not. vexd and i have exhausted all other opportunities in newark.
will be on again this time tomorrow so hoping will have as many positives as poss by then. its still easy access from the a1 and train.

see ya all then.


*has elation-related heart attack*

Cost is irrelevant - with enough of us it's not a problem.

As far as leaving stuff in there overnight... I thought we were racing through the night... :D If there's folk there, it won't matter... But in any case, the whole gig isn't tough to set up, so I can take all the TVs/PS2s/wheels/LANgear back to my (dad's) house in Sheffield and return the next morning no problem.

Now... One thing we will need is tables/rigs. Can the school sort us any tables and chairs out?

I'll start to compile a full guestlist and equipment list today - and I'm working on the combos now with my GT4 Arcade Mode testing regime (see the GT4 forum for details). On this topid, is there any particular type of car people want to have a crack at driving?
... But in any case, the whole gig isn't tough to set up, so I can take all the TVs/PS2s/wheels/LANgear back to my (dad's) house in Sheffield and return the next morning no problem.

Or mine if needed

On this topid, is there any particular type of car people want to have a crack at driving?


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