Oh My God.
This is actually happening isnt it....
Right, erm, well first of all....
Im very pleased to see so many peeps in here getting prepared for the UKGTPV, its very good to know that there will actually be attendees!!
Im looking forward to seeing the new faces, and of course reuniting with the old ones.
We should have a lot of fun over the course of the weekend, and im sure Famine will have come up with some good ideas for the actual races involved, but i would still like to see some ideas from everyone for a favourite combo choice, or track or car separate?
I believe EXelero is plotting away at home sorting out her favourites too, so there should be plenty of racing to go round.
I have managed to procure some small prizes for the day, ranging in fantasticness according to each driver's consistent ability throughout the lan, so if everyone who says they are coming, comes, then no-one will go home empty-handed! yay!
thats right dave, we'll all be carrying our ps2's mutters gtp)
If anyone has a food type preference could they say so, and i hope you all dont mind havin your butts kicked by the three time swerver! (sorry Mark!)
Secondly id like to consider some kind of an endurance race over the weekend, maybe a small one, or one of the medium length races, or we could go the whole hog and do a 24 hour Nurburging split into teams of 2, using 4 drivers and taking 3-6 hour shifts in really slow cars that only just beat the competition, and have to plan our pit stops and get the strategy just right so that we are all triumphant and and and ......
sorry got carried away there.
Thirdly, there isnt a thirdly, only to say please come, the more the cheaperrier, and im looking forward to it immensely, and quaking in my boots simultaneously.
Share your thoughts on here and i'll try and get back on asap.
Famine, use the dog and bone mate.... please....
